Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1857: 3 paintings!

"Perhaps the sun mirror came to the Promise Palace after the Yin Mirror? At that time, the Yin Mirror had fallen into a deep sleep with the help of our Promise ancestors. After the Sun Mirror came to the Promise Palace, the Yin Mirror would naturally not know." Still support your own point of view.

"This possibility is not high. If the Yangzi really came to the Promise Palace, then the Promise Palace will certainly be known. But for so many years, I have never heard of any special embarrassment left by the Promise of the Promise Palace, so Yang The possibility that the mirror exists in the Promise Palace is not very big." Xin Yao stood up and said.

She is the daughter of the head, and naturally she will know the secrets that many people in the Promise Palace do not know. Since even she has never heard of anything, the possibility of non-existence is much greater.

"This possibility is really not great, even if they enter the Promise Palace at different times. But the yin mirror wakes up, then the mirror and the other six mirrors should always be inductive. Since there is no induction, this possibility Sex is naturally too small. Instead of putting hope in the Promise Palace, we might as well go to other places to look for it?" The rhyme also said.

"But the realm of comprehension is so big, where should we go? Where is the most important place for Yang?" asked Xinmei.

"Yin and Yang are relatively existent. It is said that there is a yin and a yang, and a yang will have a yin. The day is yang, the month is yin; the yin is yang, the night is yin; the male is yang, the female is Yin, everything has yin and yang. So it is too broad to say that you want to find a place with the strongest yang attribute," Cheng Yu said.

"Look at what this means?" At this time, Han Xue stood on one side and pointed at the mural on the wall.

When everyone walked over and looked at it, they suddenly became confused.

Because the painting above is different from all the previous paintings, this painting twists and twists, no one has anything. There are three paintings. The first painting seems to be divided into several different areas, but each area is painted with twisted and twisted lines, which makes people look very confused.

The second and third paintings have only a few twisted lines, but unlike the first one, they are divided into several areas, and they are a single whole.

“Do you think this painting is a bit like a map?” said Lanya.


"Yeah, everyone should not look at the lines inside, just look at the outline of the outside, is it like a map?" Lan Ya said with some lines in the middle, said to everyone.

"It’s like you said that this painting really looks a bit like a map." The people stared at the painting that was covered by Lan Ya with a hand and looked at it for a while, then nodded.

"However, if this is a map, then what is the map? Why do they want to draw the map to the wall? Is this the saint's treasure map?" Xinluo said.

"Yu Shidi, this is really the treasure map left by your people for you, then we can send it. After returning, Cheng family can quickly become a strong family!" Xinhai said with a smile.

"I don't think this is like a treasure map!" The rhyme is a cold water for Xinluo and Xinhai.

"Why? I looked quite like it!" said Xin Luo.

"If it is a treasure map, there will always be some logos, such as the location of the treasure. On these three maps, do you have the mark of the treasure?" said the rhyme.

"This shows that the treasure picture is more secret, and isn't it so much to twist the twisted lines? Perhaps the secret of this treasure is hidden inside!" Xinhai laughed.

"This is really not a treasure map!" At this time, Cheng Yu, who was quietly silent next to him, suddenly said.

"Yu Shidi, did you find anything?" asked Xinhai.

“These twisted lines seem to be expressing something?” Cheng Yu frowned.

This first painting is somewhat like a horizontal wavy line crossing, while some places are undulating with vertical wavy lines, while in some places it is simple to outline a few strokes. In short, this painting seems to I want to express several different meanings.

"Don't you tell us where the treasure is?" said Xin Hai.

"Ah! I know!" At this time, Lin Yuxi cried excitedly.

"Hey, what did you find?" Cheng Yu asked.

"The things expressed in this painting are five elements!" Lin Yuxi said.

"Five elements? How do you see that there are five elements in this painting?" everyone curious.

"You see, this horizontal wavy line is not like water? And this vertical wavy line is obviously like a flame, and this one is painted with wood. This is gold, this is earth, you think What?” Lin Yuxi said.

"It seems like this is really so embarrassing, rainy brother and sister, you have a great imagination!" Everyone followed Lin Yuxi, and then carefully went to Lenovo, and found that the painting on this painting really looks like a five-line, and the heart is suddenly Lin Yuqi raised his thumb.

Lin Yuxi smiled and his face was red. Obviously he also made meritorious deeds this time.

"If it's as rainy, I might be able to guess where this is!" At this time, the rhyme said again.

"Oh? Sister, can you see where this is?" Cheng Yu said curiously.

"I didn't understand this painting before, naturally I wouldn't associate it in this respect, but now I can see that the five elements are drawn here, naturally I will associate it in this respect, so I think this is the first The map drawn by the painting should refer to the five elements of the spiritual domain!" said the rhyme.

"Five elements of the spiritual domain?" everyone was shocked.

If you say that this map is drawn by the five elements of the spiritual domain ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ everyone is naturally familiar. The Five Elements Spirits can be said to be one of the major dangers in the realm of comprehension, and it is also one of the places where many monks like to go to experience.

There are five different areas in the five elements of the spiritual domain, representing the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Each attribute belongs to this attribute.

That is to say, the metal represented by Kim is particularly rich in minerality. Many people who want to create magic weapons will travel to this area. Because there are a lot of ore here, and the ore is one of the essential ingredients to create a magic weapon.

The wood properties represented by the wood will naturally be particularly rich. The wood represents life in the five elements, so the elixir in this area grows very well. Many people want to find medicines or want to refine them. But I like to go to this area.

In short, each domain of the Five Elements has its own belonging, but it is not the only one. The Golden Field is not only gold, but also has other attributes, but it is particularly prominent in terms of metality. The same is true of the other four domains, all of which are based on only one attribute.

However, each of the different attributes will naturally bring different products, so those who have different needs will go to different areas to experience.

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