Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1861: It’s gone!

I buried the open city, and everyone looked at the weeds above, so I couldn’t see it. It was once turned over.

"We have been in for more than a year, and it is time to go out!" Cheng Yu saw almost, and said.

"That's great. I haven't felt the world of mankind for a long time. Every day is in these wilderness mountains. If I don't go out, I will forget what the human world is like!" Xinluo said excitedly.

It’s not easy to stay in such a place for a year. It’s hard work. If it’s not because of the task, no one likes to stay in this place for years.

Of course, for a monk, it is common to experience a year in the wild. However, the monks still yearn for human life.

"I can't help but go out and have a big meal!" Xinhai said excitedly.

Although it can be said that it is a sea of ​​seafood, but after all, processing is simple, compared with the food of the outside world, there is still a big difference.

What's more, in the outside world, eating and eating is the environment. In the elegant restaurant, there is no precaution and vigilance, and you can enjoy the food as you like. That is the real enjoyment.

"It’s been a hard time for everyone in this year. If that is the case, then we will go back to the outside world as soon as possible. I invite everyone to go to Pinxianlou to enjoy it!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Although this time I entered the dead forest, I found both the nightmare beast and the ruins of Kaitiancheng, but there was not much gain. If it is really rewarding, it is that his realm has broken through two levels.

And because of the test of the Nightmare Beast, coupled with the stability of these times, he feels that he can use the Da Yan Chuan to break through to the middle of the fit.

It’s just that he feels that his realm has broken through too fast, so he feels that he should be stable first and there is no breakthrough. However, he has already planned to find a suitable time to break through on the way back.

With his current strength, as long as he does not encounter a master in the middle of the Mahayana, there is basically no danger. However, the world is unpredictable, just as he did not expect to encounter ghost repairs here.

I didn't expect that there would be a second-order ghost king in these ghost repairs, so this is something he has no way to control. So as long as the opportunity is right, you can break through and break through, so that you don't have time to upgrade your realm when you encounter a strong enemy.

The other harvest is the discovery of the two enemies of the Holy City, the fairy world and the devil world, and a major discovery is that they destroyed the holy city because of their saints.

This discovery is especially important, which also makes Cheng Yu have a sense of crisis. Because he does not know that in addition to the fairy world and the devil world, there are other enemies who have participated in the destruction of the holy city.

In particular, does the human world also have his enemies? If these people or forces find out that he is the identity of the saints, will these enemies start their own hands?

This is something that Cheng Yu cannot be sure, so this is also the reason why Cheng Yu is eager to improve his strength. As soon as the time is right, it will break through immediately, and it will definitely not drag the water.

The most unfortunate thing is that they did not find the whereabouts of the sun mirror, only to find three inexplicable maps. However, these three maps have been printed by him. He has enough time to study and believes that he will always find some clues.

These are the gains that he got into the dead forest this time. Although not many, there are many.

"Ha ha! This is what the younger brother said, Pin Xianlou, no regrets!" Xin Luo said with a smile.

The grade of Pinxian Building is definitely among the top-ranking buildings in the entire building of the real-life community. The expenses there are not too big. When they came to the comprehension world with Cheng Yu, they went to Pinxianlou to try it. Fortunately, Cheng Yu was also paying for it, otherwise they really had to suffer.

When I came here, because I was looking for a lot of things, it was naturally slower, but now I can go faster. In a few days, they have returned to the Death Sea.

However, after entering this area, Cheng Yu’s first reaction was to take out the five elements of the magic disk and look for it in the entire area to see if he could find the trace of the black man.

They were not killed before, because his strength is not much higher than the other. But now, his realm has reached the beginning of the combination, and the same state with the other side.

If he meets that guy again, Cheng Yu has enough confidence to kill him!

"Yu Shidi, how? Is there a clue to the guy?" Seeing Cheng Yu took out the five-line illusion disk, everyone knows the purpose of Cheng Yu, seeing the other party put away the compass, and asked quickly.

Black people are really a nightmare for them. Last time, if Cheng Yu broke through in time, they would have to be wiped out. And the black man is not only powerful, but even more frightening is that this guy is too evil, but also cultivates the spirit.

If such a person is returned to the realm of comprehension, I am afraid that I do not know how many people will be persecuted by him. The threat of this guy is no less than that of those who have escaped.

Before, they were worried about Cheng Yu going to chase, but now they all have confidence in Cheng Yu, so if there is a clue to the black man, it is still the first to kill this guy.

Otherwise, it will become a big problem in the future!

As the saying goes, not afraid of thieves stealing, I am afraid that the thief will remember. It’s not a happy thing to have a terrible person remembering yourself every day.

"This guy may have already left. After all, it has been more than half a year, and the dead illusion is now dead and afraid that it has faded a lot. It doesn't make sense for this guy to hide back." Cheng Yu shook his head. Some pity said.

There is always a feeling in Cheng Yu’s heart~www.ltnovel.com~ This guy will be his biggest stumbling block.

But now there is no way to find him. Even if there is more unhappiness in his heart, he has no choice but to kill him when he meets him again next time.

"It's a pity, if that's the case, then we will hurry." The people also said helplessly.

"Yu Shidi doesn't have to worry, since that guy is not your opponent when he is higher than you, let alone you are already in the same realm with him, and that guy is not your opponent. And you are not saying it anytime. Can you break through again? This guy can't be your opponent anymore, as long as you let me meet again, the guy is dead!" Xinlu seems to be worried about Cheng Yu, thinking that Cheng Yu is worried about the strength of the other party. .

However, Cheng Yu is not worried about the strength of the other side, but has let go of such a guy who is so powerful and evil, fearing that it will bring bad things to the real world.


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