Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1871: Decent entry!

"No matter who they are pilgrimage, it is better not to avenge us!" Xinhai said with a smile. Zi Youge

"Yes, but Yu Shidi is really amazing. Sure enough, every breakthrough will always have some strange phenomena. I didn't think that this breakthrough could lead to the worship of thousands of beasts. It is really unprecedented. I have to say it.

"Really, only when he breaks through can such a vision appear. If it is spread out, it is a good story." In the face of such a scene, Xinhe is also sighed.

"No matter, since these animals are not causing trouble, let them worship!" Xin Luo said.

"Yes, look at this, Yu Shidi's breakthrough should be a success, or else it will never cause such a vision, and some younger brothers should not worry. Now the fairy tower is also stable, I believe that after a while Yu Shidi It’s coming out!” said Xinhe.

A few women nodded and saw that these animals turned out to be worshipping their own men, and they felt very proud in their hearts. Who else can break through the world to do this? Only their men can do it!

In this way, the fairy tower is still hanging in the air, and the animals are so devoutly squatting on the ground.

"Everyone should not care so much. This golden light can calm down the mind and have the effect of entering the practice. We should not waste it. Maybe our strength can be improved!" The rhyme reminds everyone.

"Yes, this golden light is a bit like the last time. We don't miss this opportunity. If we can't do it, we can follow the Yushidi to promote a realm!" Xinhe came over and quickly sat on the ground with the rhyme. , start to enter.

When I heard this, other people quickly sat down and settled down.

The last time Cheng Yu broke through, so that everyone present was able to improve a realm, and this time obviously not so powerful, directly let everyone promote a realm.

However, these golden lights are obviously not the same. You can see these animals coming to worship. This golden light does have magical power.

And they can clearly feel that when the golden light shines on them, they do have the effect of calming the nerves and making their moods extremely quiet.

The practice of meditation is to calm down, so any monk does not mean that you can be determined if you want to enter. The quality of the set is not determined by the length of time, but by the depth of the set.

The calmer the heart, the better the effect of his decision, the more he sinks, the more he knows in his enrollment, and his strength grows naturally. If there is distracting thoughts, even if it is settled, it will have no effect.

At this time, the golden light emitted by the fairy tower can help them get settled quickly and help them enter a deeper setting.

Because of this, after seeing these animals and not being hostile, Xin Yun reminded everyone to enter. How much of this can bring you all the benefits, it depends on yourself.

Even if someone can raise a realm again, it is not a rare thing. Of course, this chance is relatively small. After all, I want to improve a realm through a deeper decision, unless they are about to break through.

I don't know how long it took, the golden light of the fairy tower slowly dimmed, and the animals that worshipped devoutly slowly receded.

At this time, Cheng Yu slowly flew out of the fairy tower, and fell to the ground, seeing that everyone has entered the state of depth, and the heart is still somewhat strange.

After all, the depth of entry can be done at any time. Usually, everyone is very shallow and can easily be disturbed. After the depth is set, the general sound is difficult to affect them, so the sounds generated when these animals retreat do not wake them up. This is the depth of entry.

Cheng Yu naturally did not know that when he was breaking through, the light emitted by Jiuzhi Lingshu was radiated through the fairy tower, so these people conveniently used this golden light to enter the depth.

However, curiosity is curious, and seeing everyone have such a chance, Cheng Yu is still very happy. After all, the strength of his own growth is stronger than that of everyone.

Originally, he was able to help everyone only through some methods of immortality and cultivation, but these methods are very limited, and can not help you infinitely improve your strength.

If everyone has such a chance, they can often enter the depth of entry, then they will be much stronger.

If the ordinary shallowness takes ten years to help the monk break through a realm, then those who can often enter the depth of entry may break through a realm in less than a year. It can be seen that the effect of this deepening is more common than that of the ordinary. The effect is more than ten times stronger.

But if you want to be deeply defined every time, this situation is very difficult. There are some magic weapons that can be done, but it is not possible to know that his nine branches can do it.

Therefore, Cheng Yu generally enters the depth setting when he is long-term, which is one of the reasons why his strength is always faster than others.

It is a pity that although he is able to help people enter the depths, he has no way to take out the Jiuzhiling tree because he has no way to control the Jiuzhiling tree.

Perhaps when Cheng Yu’s strength goes further, he may be able to temporarily remove the Jiuzhi Lingshu from Fantian. In that case, he can often help everyone enter the state of depth.

Believe this, everyone's strength will be improved quickly!

"It seems that my strength is still too weak, and can not give everyone too much help." Cheng Yu looked into the depths of the people, the heart said very incomparably.

Strength ~www.ltnovel.com~ For the current Cheng Yu, I can't wait, because he seems to feel that his enemies are too eager for him.

Moreover, since the discovery of the nightmare of the Nightmare Beast and Kaitiancheng, there are always some bad feelings in his heart. It seems that there is always a crisis that will come to him at any time.

Therefore, Cheng Yu now hopes to improve his strength faster, so that he has a sense of security.

This time, Jiuzhi Lingshu helped him expand Dantian. Although the process was very painful, his strength once again got a qualitative leap.

If he said that he could be comparable to the Mahayana mid-term after breaking through the realm, now Cheng Yu feels that his strength is not only the case.

Perhaps, even more so than he imagined!

However, he is not in a hurry, because he has already felt that he seems to be able to quickly understand how strong his strength is!

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