Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1877: Full upgrade!

The herbs in this illusion are really rich. Cheng Yu has collected a lot of precious herbs here in a few days. He seems to have some people who don't want to leave here. At least he has to take the herbs here and go back.

"This holy city is really magical, and I don't know how the masters of the holy city were repaired. I was able to create such a magical place. The illusion of this magical sea is tens of thousands, and it is changing all the time.

Every illusion here is more like a small world, this is the highest state of illusion. I believe that like this illusion, there should be a lot of illusions with countless resources.

It seems that in the future I should probably return here and let the holy city reappear in this world again in this place.

Everything here doesn't need to change, and these areas can be a place for disciples to experience. It's great! Cheng Yu picked the grass and thought about the future.

The Holy City has a special feeling for Cheng Yu. He has never lived here, but he is particularly intimate here, just like his home.

Today's Cheng Yu is still rooted in the world, but he has promised that the Holy Dragon will rebuild the Holy City.

Judging from the five major shrines of today, the holy city of the year was indeed very powerful, and completely beyond the imagination of Cheng Yu. In his view, it is impossible to create such a magical place in the lower bounds.

However, the holy city of the year undoubtedly did this, and I heard that the celestial celestial being able to kill the immortals in the same year can also be seen from the side, the holy city of that year is indeed very powerful.

Perhaps it is precisely because the power of the Holy City far exceeds the reasons for the existence of this world, so it will lead to the enemies of the two circles and even more and more want to destroy the holy city!

If there is an opportunity in the future, Cheng Yu still hopes to use the legacy left by the Holy City. He does not want the five major shrines to be buried underground only, and not to meet the world.

The sacred land like the Five Shrines should be respected and worshiped by the world!

"Although my current strength is not necessarily weaker than the middle of the Mahayana, but I still have a long and long way to go!" Cheng Yu could not help but think.

Moreover, his identity does not seem to be too high-profile now, especially he is the blood of the Holy City. If you let the people know, I am afraid that it will bring more disaster to yourself.

Therefore, when he is not rebuilding the holy city at the moment, he can only find a way to let Cheng Jia grow up first. If you have enough strength, you have a few more guarantees.

Xinhe spent a total of twelve days in the mountain river map, because this time they each need to take four medicinal herbs, so the time is a little longer.

However, when they came out, their realm was different. Xinyao and Shiji successfully broke through to the early days of Mahayana, and all others succeeded in breaking through to the late stage.

"Ha ha! Yu Shidi, we can finally break through again!" Xinhai felt the strength of the body now, very happy to say.

He feels that his current strength is somewhat beyond his own imagination. He has a feeling that if he meets the master of Mahayana at the moment, he may not only be allowed to take part in it.

Even if I didn't beat the early days of Mahayana, it was not as vulnerable as it was before the breakthrough.

Before, he was really worried because of his heartfelt words, because he seemed to have the worst strength among so many people. If Cheng Yu's man Xiu Dan really can't help him break through, then he will be embarrassed, and his gap with other people will be bigger and bigger.

Fortunately, Cheng Yu’s man Xiu Dan did not let him down, not only helped him break through the realm. And later Li Xue Dan, Ning Yuan Dan and Cui Dan have once again strengthened his body and allowed his strength to rise to the next level.

Therefore, although he has just entered the late stage of the fit, he obviously feels that his strength is not as simple as the ordinary fit. Cheng Yu really gave him a big surprise.

"Good! You finally broke through. Although only two people have reached the Mahayana period, I believe that it is a matter of time before you break through to the Mahayana period. I will find a way to help you again."

Although you can't fight like that of me across such a big realm, I will use various methods to help you fight as much as possible.

So far, Xinyao Shijie and Shi Ji should be able to fight in level, but you should not be far behind. Especially in the early days of Mahayana, you may not be able to kill alone, but the group is not necessarily an opponent! "Other Cheng Yu can't feel it, but from the momentum of these people, I can feel that everyone's strength has changed a lot."

"Haha, this can be thanks to Yu Shidi, you only hope that Yu Shidi can give us more similar drugs in the future. In this case, we are not far from the leap-level battle!" Xinluo said with excitement. .

He never felt that his power was so strong, he now has an impulse to fight.

"Do not worry, I will naturally find a way to let you reach this wish earlier!" Cheng Yu nodded.

Cheng Yu has a hunch that his future enemies will be strong and strong, and even a leap-level master can handle it. So he must find a way to make his brothers and sisters and his own women have the ability to fight.

Maybe in the near future, he will also be a fairy! If there is no level of combat capability, how can you marry?

"Yu Shidi, are you not saying that those guys are still at the entrance to our original illusion? Since our current strength has been improved by more than one grade, then we are going to kill now, let them also taste what is called death. The taste?" Xinhai seems to have some time to wait to try his current strength.

"Yes! They are only six people. With your strength, there is absolutely no problem in killing a mid-term." It is not difficult for Xinyao and Shiji girls to kill a mid-term.

If the rest of the four Mahayana were handed over to us at the beginning, they should be able to kill them! "Xinluo is also a little excited to say ~www.ltnovel.com~ Having said that, but how do you know that they can't fight like us? So you can't underestimate them at any time, so if you can't conflict with them, Try to avoid it as well.

Moreover, we are not in a hurry to deal with them, I found this herb illusion inside it is too rich. Since we are hard to come across, how do we have to bring some more back.

These things for us to grow Cheng family has a great help, so take advantage of this opportunity to adopt more point to go back! Although Cheng Yu has just broken through the realm, he is not thinking about how many people to kill, but how to develop Chengjia, this is the real thing!

& X25b2; & x624b; & x673a; & x4e0b; & x8f7d; app & x770b; & x4e66; & x795e; & x5668; & xff0c; & x767e; & x5ea6; & x641c; & x5173; & x952e; & x8bcd; & xff1a; & x4e66; & x638c; & x67dc; app & x6216; & x76f4; & x63a5; & x8bbf; & x95ee; & x5b98; & x65b9; & x7f51; & x7ad9; & x25b2;

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