Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 1997: Immediate death?


In fact, the proposal of Xinhai really helped you to eliminate many possibilities, but if the proposal of Xinhai is correct, now it faces the same two possibilities. How to judge which one is right?

If they guess wrong, what will happen? Will it lead to more terrible hidden weapons?

As a result, everyone finally found some breakthroughs, but it was silent again.

No one is sure whether it is a spin or a reversal!

"Or, do we try both methods? If we choose the right one for the first time?" Xinhai suggested again.

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, but no one dares to make up their minds!

"Black and old, how do you both think about this problem?" Cheng Yu is also left and right to make up his mind, and finally throw the problem to the black and white magic.

I think that the two had been masters of the middle of the Mahayana for hundreds of years, but it was a level figure with his master. Although these years have been repaired as a fallacy, but their vision is still there, maybe they can see something they have not found.

"Young Master, although Hai’s proposal is very reasonable, I think these two methods may not be right!” Bai Mo first said.

Because Cheng Yu is a teacher and brother with them, and the black and white magic is higher than all of them. Because the two of them are indeed the characters of their peers with the Qing Dynasty, but now the black and white magic is already the servant of Cheng Yu.

Of course, although Cheng Yu said that he was his servant when he first accepted the two, Cheng Yu never really treated them as servants. In the face of his respect for the two, he always called it. They are black and old and white.

The black and white devils are also very grateful for this, but they also have self-knowledge. Cheng Yu respects them, but they are always servants, and Cheng Yu wants to do everything possible to help them untie the ban.

Therefore, in the hearts of the black and white devils, they also have great respect for Cheng Yu, and they really regard him as their young master.

Therefore, for Cheng Yu's brothers and sisters, the two of them did not rely on the old and the old, posing that they are high-profile of their predecessors. Instead, Cheng Yu’s servants are self-sufficient, and they are also very respectful to Cheng Yu’s brothers and sisters, so they are also called young masters.

“Why?” Cheng Yu asked, and others were curious to wait for the White Devil’s answer.

"Although I can't fully understand these four organs now, but in my experience, there will always be only one answer, and there is no possibility of controversy.

Because I have encountered the same choices, like the way Hai Haiye said, no matter what, there will be two answers. In fact, I think that we may be wrong regardless of the first or the reverse! "The white devil said simply.

He has no way to find more evidence to prove his claim, but from his many years of experience, these two methods are absolutely impossible to be right!

"Well, there are some truths, that is old, are you in favor of Bai Lao’s words or my heart’s opinions?” Cheng Yu nodded and then looked at the Dark Lord.

"Although I think the two people are very reasonable, I think the old words are more likely. Maybe I don't quite understand the true intentions of the designers of these four institutions, but I think if I am this designer, I will be like what the old man said.

There is no correct answer in either way. I will design this kind of wrong answer to confuse everyone and let you think that one of them is right.

But in fact, no matter which one we choose, the final result is the same. His purpose is to confuse everyone, in order to make the intruder be fooled, and may lead to more powerful hidden weapon attacks or crises! "The Dark Lord analyzed.

"So you both don't agree with this proposal!" Cheng Yu nodded.

"We just give our own analysis and ideas from experience, but in the end, how to choose is still the young master, because we are not sure that what we said is right.

Perhaps this designer is asking us to guess, or let us take chances, while representing death and representing life, this is not impossible.

Because there are many peerless masters who have such a habit, they will not do anything, but agree to leave everything in the line. So they are used to putting everything to their destiny and die all their lives. Good luck, that is life. Bad luck, it is naturally dead! "The white devil said again.

"I think Bai Lao said that it makes sense!" Xin Luo agreed.

"So, there is one that may be a dead end?" Xinhai said with a frown.

"It's hard to say, is it a dead end, only to try to know. After all, we are all just guessing now, the designer's intention we have no way to penetrate now!" White Devil shook his head and said.

Hearing the analysis of the black and white demon, everyone was silent again.

With the experience and strength of the black and white demon, they really have no reason not to believe. Even if you can't believe it all, you can't deny that what they said is possible.

As a result, Cheng Yu, who was somewhat hesitant, became more hesitant.

It’s Cheng Yu. In fact, Xinhai began to hesitate after listening to the analysis of the two. After all, his proposal is also based on his own guess, and the black and white magic can naturally rely on guessing.

However, the identity of the black and white devils is there. As early as hundreds of years ago, it was a very famous figure of the demon, even in the realm of cultivation is quite famous.

Moreover, the generations of the two of them are a level with their own teacher, Qing Yuanzi, so the words they said are like what their teacher said, Qing Yuanzi, it is worthy of reference.

Coupled with the fact that they are now servants of Cheng Yu, they are unlikely to tell the story of Cheng Yu, so they have to make everyone cautious ~www.ltnovel.com~ just as they say, Both of these methods are wrong answers, especially the analysis of life and death. They are not masters, they can't understand the idea of ​​the master, but the black and white demon are also considered to be genuine masters.

They understand more or less the habits and meanings of some masters. If they really like to play, or both are wrong, or die all their lives, their chances of choosing the wrong ones are too great.

If the election is right, if you choose the wrong one, it is really a dead end, then it is really finished.

Therefore, looking at these four organs, he dare not mention his own proposal.

"What should I do next? Maybe we really look at these four organs too simple? These guys are so dangerous in design here, maybe there is really a dead end in this organization. With our strength, I am afraid Hard to get rid of!" Xinhe said with some concern.

"The words of black and white are really thought-provoking, but, as they say, all this is just speculation. Since it is speculation, then naturally everything is possible, so you don't have to worry too much!" Seeing that everyone's atmosphere is a bit low, they will open their eyes!

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