Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 1999: The array is incomplete?

The people who saw the four rotating organs were waiting, and the atmosphere on the whole man's boss became extremely tense. Everyone's expression was serious.

Although everyone agrees that Lin Yuxi’s method is very good and the possibility is great, but before he can see the results, no one dares to assert that this is the correct answer, so they each move one point, everyone They all look particularly tense.


When I heard this voice, everything that followed was to let all the people go first, and then everyone was overjoyed.

"Opened! Sure enough! This is the answer!" Xin Luo excitedly shouted.

It turned out that at the same time as the sound of the sound, they suddenly opened a square door on the ground where there was no trace of the original center position. The small door was divided into four pieces and shrunk to the four sides. Then, a thing rose from the inside and appeared in front of everyone.

"Ling Jing? Is this the thing under the boss?" Everyone saw that there was a Lingjing on this thing, and the heart was surprised.

"This seems to be a battle!" Cheng Yu looked at this thing, but it was painted with various fronts. Obviously, this is a small array.

"Yes, it's really a battle. Look at this card slot. It's the same as the card here. If I guess it's right, it should be a slot for Lingjing!" An empty slot above the small array says.

"It must be like this. If you put Lingjing into this empty slot, you can start this array. Maybe there is a way to get there!" Xinluo said excitedly.

This is the biggest discovery they have found for so long. Moreover, this thing is useful at first glance, not a useless discovery.

Think about it and finally find the abyss to the bottom. How can he not be excited? It took him so long to stay on this small boss for a long time.

"Yu Shidi, do you not have Lingjing? You quickly come up with a Lingjing to open the array. I have not wanted to stay here for a moment, I really want to leave this place, but breathe the fresh air outside." "Xinhai can't wait to say."

Cheng Yu nodded and said that he had received several huge Ling Jing in the home of Huo Yu. In addition, the Lingjing vein in his mountain river map can also produce the spirit crystal, so their luck is quite good.

If this array requires other energy bodies, then it is really finished. Of course, in the realm of comprehension, Ling Jing itself is very rare, so these builders may also think that using such things as energy can make it difficult for many people.

Because even if it is a Lingjing pulse, it is very difficult to produce Lingjing. What's more, normal people can't even see the spiritual pulse, let alone the Lingjing pulse.

It is very difficult to make Lingjing veins produce spiritual crystals. Therefore, they will use Ling Jing as the energy body, I believe that many people can not pass here.

In the realm of comprehension, the most common energy body is the Lingshi, but this kind of thing is believed to be possessed by a monk. Especially those who can come to this place, I believe that the strength is very good.

Therefore, it is not difficult to come up with some top grades.

Perhaps, they also thought about using other rare energy spar, but they may not have too much. In this case, they will not have enough spar to start the array if they want to come in later.

Lingjing may just have the most of their own, which not only blocks others, but also allows them to open the array at any time.

However, they are afraid that they will not think of Lingji, which is very rare for others, but it is nothing to Cheng Yu.

He has a lot of spiritual crystals, and they have to be small and small to pick them up.

Cheng Yu looked at the empty slot and found a suitable size of Jingjing carefully into the empty slot. His mood was also a little excited, and he was also looking forward to it. He looked forward to the road they had always wanted to find.

Others are excited to stand behind, they seem to have seen the hope of life, and the road to life is in sight.

"Well? Why haven't you responded yet?" However, after a long while, the people still have no imaginary pictures, which makes everyone puzzled.

"Where is there a problem?" Xinluo said in a hurry.

Everyone is looking forward to a miracle here, but the miracles have not appeared, they seem to have encountered new problems.

"No, it's already like this? Is it all the same?" Xinhai is also worried.

"Will it be that this array is simply an incomplete array, and we need to improve this formation first?" Xin Yao asked.

"Not without this possibility, let me check it out!" Cheng Yu nodded.

After he studied the array in the fairy tower for so long, such a small array is not so complicated for Cheng Yu. In his fairy tower, he has several more formations than this one.

Therefore, it is easier for him to check the integrity of this array.

Everyone saw Cheng Yu carefully examining the formation and not disturbing him, but his heart was extremely depressed.

They have worked hard and hard, and they have had such a major discovery. The result has been stuck at the last critical moment. It is really difficult for people to feel good.

"Can you find out the integrity of this formation? He doesn't seem to be in this way~www.ltnovel.com~ He can't see it incompletely? And, as far as I know, unless it's a battle Master, otherwise, the first encounter with the formation is simply hard to see the problem. What's more, if these guys are in trouble, he will definitely be the most difficult place in the battle, which is even more difficult to see. There is a problem." Xinhai said with some concern.

"If this is really the case, these guys should not be so vicious?" Listening to the heart of the sea, Xinluo is also somewhat worried.

"This is hard to say. You think about it. After we entered the Tianyang domain, what trouble will it be? What they are doing is nothing more than trying to stop us and not let us move on.

Since they have such an idea, it is quite unusual for them to do some hands and feet on this formation. There may be more than one place where this array of problems may go wrong. If this is not the case, it will not be used at all! "Xinhai Jijiao said.

"Impossible, if it can't be used, what should they do if they want to go down? Although it may be difficult to find out where the problem of this formation is, this array must be usable. They can't give it to themselves. Stay on the road!" Xinhe shook his head and said.

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