Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2003: Strong twisted melon is not sweet!

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However, unlike before, when the crystal is inserted into the slot, the two slots suddenly sink, just as they have risen from below.

Then, the ground returned to its original flat and seamless appearance.

"What is going on here?" The crowd saw that the scene was obviously overwhelmed and did not know what happened.

However, everyone hasn't come yet and wants more, and suddenly there is another scene that makes everyone excited.


Underneath the boss under their feet, a white light suddenly bursts beneath the boss on the right, which is slightly shorter than the boss under their feet.

This white light just hit the crystal under the boss, and at the same time, the boss also shot a white light again, and the white light led to the crystal below the next boss.

In this way, this white light is constantly passing on. The appearance of white light also makes Cheng Yu see that there are so many bosses in the darkness that they have not been discovered by them, because there is really too far, their Night lights can't be shot at all.

After passing through a number of bosses, the white light was finally passed to the spiritual crystal below the boss where Cheng Yu was on the left.

Then the white light was passed on to the boss below their boss. At this time, Cheng Yu finally confirmed that there is a boss under their boss, but they look down, this height is not low, no wonder Their night lights can't be illuminated.

However, at this time, they can clearly see that the white light is constantly moving down, so look down, in the dark, this white light is so beautiful.

However, just as the white light under their boss was successfully transmitted to the crystal under the boss on the right, the cliff in the middle of the two bosses came out with a first-order stone ladder.

"Is this the way to the bottom of the abyss? We really succeeded!" Seeing this scene, everyone finally smiled!

"What are you waiting for? Let's go quickly. I am afraid that this stone step will disappear again in case of a night!" Cheng Yu was also excited. He paid so much effort and finally got a return.

"Yu Shidi is right, this place is not a fun place. If we go late, this stone step is really likely to disappear again!" When I heard Cheng Yu’s reminder, everyone finally woke up from the excitement and hurryed. Going up the stone steps.

This stone step is almost the same as the stone steps they walked down from above. Although it was terrible to walk along the cliff and look at the abyss on the other side, everyone always has a way to go.

"It turns out that this boss is like this. These builders are so smart. We have spent so many exercises here. It turned out to be like this. Yu Shidi, you can do it!" When everyone finally arrived successfully. When the second boss was on, the heart was excited.

"This is actually the credit of everyone. It is impossible for me alone. If not for everyone to brainstorm, we are afraid that even if we waste a long time, we may not be able to find such a clever way!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"I think the biggest hero of this time should be the embarrassment. If she didn't think of the rotation of the four organs, we could not find the place where this formation was opened!" Han Xue said with a smile.

"Yes, this time the rain brother and sister are indeed the first hero, Yu Shidi, you are afraid to reward your wife!" Xinluo laughed.

"Isn't this easy? Hey, wait until you have time, let's find a place where no one is, talk about the rewards!" Cheng Yu took Lin Yuxi's hand and picked up his eyebrows and smiled.

"I don't want any rewards for you? I just want everyone to leave here soon!" Lin Yuxi has been with Cheng Yu for so long, and he will not understand that he is more interesting, but there are so many people, she What's so good? Suddenly his face turned red, and he glanced at him.

"Even if you are for everyone, I want to reward you!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Hey, shameless!" said Han Xue on the side.

"How? Han Xue, do you want to reward? Rest assured, I am the best person to talk, I will reward you two together!" Cheng Yu looked at Han Xuejiao and laughed.

"I don't want it? I don't know your thoughts yet?" Han Xuebai had a look at Cheng Hao.

As far as Cheng Yu was concerned, she had already seen it clearly! However, although she is usually awkward, she can't accept too many people in this kind of thing.

"If you don't agree, then I have to give the reward to others!" Cheng Yu said helplessly.

For a man, who doesn't want to be sleepy? It is a pity that although these women seem to have accepted other people, they have never compromised in such matters, making him very depressed!

"You are going to die, do your best!" Han Xue saw both Xinluo and Xinhai snickering, and suddenly yelled at Cheng Yu.

"Cut, they are envious and hateful!" Cheng Yu can not care what others think, these two guys even think, no one?

"Yu Shidi, you can do it!" Xin Luo said to Cheng Yu with a thumbs up.

In this kind of thing, only Cheng Yu dared to do this. If it was changed to anyone else, it would not be so bold.

Seeing Cheng Yu flirting with a few younger siblings, reminding him of the person in his heart - Chen Xinran, I don't know how she followed her brother back to Chen.

Will she think about herself? I always think about her?

Although this woman will always make some small temper, for him to be interesting to other women, she will never agree, not to mention the messy things that Cheng Yu thinks, but even so, he feels that as long as he can It is already very satisfying with Chen Xinran.

It is the heart of the sea, the mood is even more depressed, his younger sister likes to go to another, and now see Cheng Yu deliberately dazzling love, really discourage him.

"Yu Shidi~www.ltnovel.com~ You are not saying that you want to introduce me to a beautiful woman? I have always kept it in my heart, you will not forget it?" said Xin Hai.

"When did I have said Cheng Yu, is it not counted? But I was last seen that you were not very interested in that Ningxue? Are you interested? Looking for a time, I will help you to make a match?" Cheng Yu said with a smile. .

"This is what Yu Shidi said to you, but I didn't say anything!" When she thought of Ningxue, her heart was bright, and he really liked the woman. Now, listening to Cheng Yu wants to match them, and my heart is happy. But on the surface it didn't show up, it was too much.

"Since you are not willing, it seems that I am wrong, then I will not be reluctant!" Cheng Yu will not know the heart of the mind, deliberately said.

"Did you not say it yourself? Have you ever said anything that you said? Is it so fast?" Xinhai said with a squint.

"I am not afraid that you are not willing? The so-called strong twist is not sweet, you do not like her, I can not force you not!" Cheng Yu laughed.

"You will take me to open it!"

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