Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2010: Sad beast!

The storm did not break the ban, Cheng Yu could only calm down and choose to study the structure of the ban. Only by clarifying the structure of this ban can we find a way to solve this knot.

Lin Yuxi saw that Cheng Yu was so focused and did not dare to bother him. He could only stand by and wait quietly. Although her heart has been very anxious, but she can only resist her own temperament, she does not want to put more pressure on Cheng Yu.

As for the phoenix, it is also very quiet. As long as Cheng Yu and Lin Yuxi are not close to it, it will honestly squat in the cage to recharge its batteries.

However, Lin Yuqi wanted to get close to it many times. It was not friendly at all. It was like being blown up, and she was very hostile to her. Fortunately, there are cages to stop it, or else I am afraid that it will hurt Lin Yuqi.

In fact, Lin Yuxi is just kind, she actually just wants to hurt this phoenix because she saw that the guy's feet have been bleeding.

However, seeing this guy so fierce, Lin Yuxi did not dare to go again, had to stand quietly watching Cheng Yu research prohibition.

In fact, Cheng Yu did not agree with Lin Yuxi to heal the phoenix because Cheng Yu was worried that the injury of this guy would be cured. This guy is more threatening to them.

If they really broke the ban, when it was time to save it, its injury was good. They might not be able to get this guy, but it would be threatened by it.

However, Lin Yuxi did not dare to approach it, but Cheng Yu was not afraid at all. He knows very well that this cage is not simple. According to his visual inspection, the material of this cage should be the same as the eight chains, which are made of ferroniobium.

Cheng Yu saw that the phoenix always looked at himself with a disdainful look, and he felt very uncomfortable! In addition, he did not think of leaving for a long time, and his heart was even more uncomfortable, so he planned to find this guy out.


I saw Cheng Yu sneer and suddenly patted the palm of the cage. The squeak of the cage was a big jump to the big guy in the cage.


The Phoenix, who had been squatting in the cage, stood up and yelled at Cheng Yu, and released the breath of the beast. The incomparable pressure came to Cheng Yu, apparently to express its dissatisfaction.

"Hey! What about the beast? Isn't it still trapped here?" Cheng Yu sneered at the Phoenix.



This phoenix seems to be able to understand Cheng Yu’s words. He was so angry that he constantly attacked the cage. He seemed to want to break the cage and kill Cheng Yu.

However, if it can break open this cage has long been broken, and will it wait until now?

However, this cage was screamed by its attack, but it did not hurt the cage half.

While Cheng Yu saw that the phoenix was bombarding the cage, suddenly the eight shackles on the eight huge pillars seemed to absorb the power from the top of the molten slurry. The cage actually burned up. .


And this phoenix was screamed by the fire in this cage, and it was constantly struggling in the cage, it looked very fierce!

"Cheng Yu, how could this be?" Obviously this situation would scare Lin Yuxi, although this phoenix is ​​very fierce to her, but seeing it is so miserable, Lin Yuxi's compassion is once again raised.

This phoenix is ​​also the beast of her heart. In her opinion, it is so fierce because it is imprisoned by those people. So it is normal for people to be hostile to humans, plus it is so miserable now that it is too pitiful.

In fact, Cheng Yu himself was shocked by this scene, and he did not think that this cage was so powerful. No wonder this phoenix looks so embarrassing, perhaps because the cage is so powerful, this guy is afraid that it is not burnt in this cage.

"This prohibition has a great connection with this cage, and the cage itself is like a battle. It should be characterized by an attacking array, not only to imprison it, but also to absorb energy from the melt. Attacking the array." Cheng Yu said with a serious face.

The things inside this ban are like a whole, including the cage of the phoenix, which is also integrated with this ban.

This is not good news for Cheng Yu, which means that he has to increase the difficulty of breaking the ban.

"Can you save it?" Seeing that the fire did not show signs of extinction, and the phoenix was burned and screamed, it was really making Lin Yuxi very anxious.

"Hey, don't worry, this cage is not as simple as you think. The phoenix was originally a fire beast. In general, this flame may hurt it. But now it is afraid of this flame, it seems that this cage seems to Resist its ability, how can we save it?" Cheng Yu said seriously.

Although he was the first to see the real phoenix, but the legend of the phoenix has heard some. With his eyesight, naturally, this flame is not a very terrible flame, just a little more powerful fire than ordinary fire.

However, in terms of the phoenix's ability to fire, these fires are enough to hurt the beasts of the fire system. But now watching this phoenix is ​​indeed hurt by this fire. The arrays and various bans in this cage are more complicated than he imagined.

I can't see it with his ability, how can I help it?

"What can I do? It will be burned to death!" Lin Yu hurried.

"Hey, don't worry, this fire can hurt it, but it won't kill it. If this fire can burn it, it will not live until now." Cheng Yu comforted his side. Woman road.

In fact, Cheng Yu’s heart has always been very confused~www.ltnovel.com~ Who is going to imprison this Phoenix here, and why is it necessary to imprison a phoenix?

If he did not make a mistake, he felt that the person who imprisoned the phoenix did not necessarily want to kill it. With the strength of that person, it should be able to kill it. After all, it can create such a terrible prohibition. In fact, its own strength should have surpassed this phoenix phoenix!

However, since it does not want to kill it, why is it imprisoned?

Is this person who wants to tame this guy and make this guy his contract beast? If this is the reason, it is not impossible.

Although the person himself is already very strong, if he can conquer a legendary phoenix as a contract beast, it is really pulling the wind.

"But this fire is still burning, I haven't seen it at all, when is it going to burn?"

"I don't know. I think, if the eight chains of iron chain stop absorbing the energy in the melt, the fire may stop!" Cheng Yu shook his head and looked at the eight dragonflies. The chain is still absorbing energy, and it may not stop for the time being.

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