Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2015: Don't go back to the nest!

"Beautiful! These fire bats are not as powerful as you think!" When they saw the black and white demon, they fired a lot of fire bats, and Xinluo was very excited.

However, soon he could not laugh!

Because of the sudden attack by the black and white devils, these fire bats apparently did not respond. But then, when the two men continued to send out the sword again, they saw a sudden burst of flame in the eyes of these fire bats.

What is even more frightening is that the swords of the black and white devils are actually burned by these flames. Although these swords are not completely swallowed by the flames, the power has been greatly reduced, and they can kill a lot of fire bats. Jianqi is only one tenth of the original.

After the fire bats avoided the swordsmanship of the black and white demon, they quickly rushed over to the two. The two had to avoid their edge and chose to kill and retreat.

"Let's go up and help!" Xinhe screamed and screamed with his long sword.

"Kill!" Others are no longer polite. These fire bats are too arrogant, and even the Aura can burn.

However, in their view, these fire bats are powerful, but not as good as the black-sucking bats they encountered in the dead forest.

Those bats can absorb aura directly, which is even more terrible.

However, the number of snorkeling bats is far less than the fire bats here. After all, those sucking bats are only domesticated by the black man, and naturally it is impossible to compare with the nest of this fire bat.

In the absolute number, the power of these fire bats is really very powerful, and the people here are more than a dozen people.

When their attack was sent out, they were burned by the flames. Let the strength of these people be greatly reduced, and the fire bats in the back all came up all of a sudden, so that everyone could not resist it.

"Everyone is going back, there are too many fire bats, the space here is too small, we can't open it!" The more the fire bats in front of them are gathered, but the entire passage is simply not enough for more than a dozen people to lie. Seriously shackled the strength of everyone, let their strength become weaker, and the White Devils had to direct everyone to continue to retreat.

Everyone obviously felt this, and did not dare to hesitate, and quickly retreated.

However, they feel that this channel is now a bit crowded, but these fire bats do not seem to feel that they are constantly rushing toward everyone, and they continue to spurt the flames, so that everyone has to guard against when they avoid!

"Black, old and white, don't you say that these guys won't be far from the nest? But now they are all chasing this far, why don't they go back, they are so crowded, we will all be burned to death." !" Xinhai shouted.

"I don't know. The dead flaming bats don't really go too far from the nest. It may be because we have already caught up with them. We didn't kill us. They are afraid that they will not leave easily!" Under the sword, a fire bat was killed and the bat was shot on the ground.

"Ma's, so these guys don't put us to death, don't give up!" Xin Luo angered.

"It seems like this now, you rush to run, I can live with the Dark Lord!" The White Devil shouted at the people behind him.

It is very clear in the white magic that these people are the most concerned people in Cheng Yu’s heart. They did not help him in Cheng Yu’s life. Now Cheng Yu is gone. As servants of Cheng Yu, they have this obligation and responsibility to protect their safety.

"Black and old, let me try!" At this time, Lanya stood up.

I saw her holding a turbid shield and an empty mirror. The law on her hand changed. Suddenly, a wall of earth rose from the ground.

The black and white magic saw the earth wall behind him and hurried over. At this time, the earth wall immediately sealed the entire passage. However, there are still a bunch of fire bats rushing over when the last earth wall is closed.

However, only such a bat, the people are naturally not to mention, and they were killed by them in a few cases.

"Huh! Lanya younger brother, I knew that you have this hand, why don't you let it out soon? Otherwise we won't be so far away." Xinluo is full of people, directly relying on The stone wall sat on the ground and kept breathing.

So many fire bats are terrible. If there were black and white devils in front, they would have been in danger.


However, Xinluo’s words have just fallen. The earthen wall that blocked the passages is constantly shaking. It is obvious that the other side of the fire bats are constantly attacking this wall.

Soon, they began to see cracks on this wall!

"Not good! This wall has to be broken, and the younger brother of Lanya, another wall, can't let them rush over!" Seeing this scene, Xinhe's face changed, and quickly urged Lanya.

Lan Ya also knew that the situation was urgent. He said that he had to use the shield mirror again and then successively opened two earth walls, and sealed the passage.

"It should be safe now!" Seeing the addition of two earthen walls, everyone was relieved.

However, they can still hear the sound of the fire bats on the other side constantly attacking the earth wall.

"These guys are really persevering, so they are not willing to give up, they still refuse to go back to the nest? Do they really want to kill us?" Xinluo's face is very unsightly, these guys are too arrogant.

If it weren’t for them, the place was too small, and it’s their turn to be so arrogant! But now it is already like this, what should they do?

"After this place is possible, except for those founders, they have never come in.~www.ltnovel.com~ Now it’s hard to find us, they are easy to let go. In their eyes, we are the most delicious. The food. It seems that we can no longer go ahead!" The Dark Lord said helplessly.

Although the strength of these fire bats is not strong, but the number is too much. The so-called ant is also able to suffocate, so many fire bats, they can not all kill.

"But what if this road is the only way to get to the bottom of the melt? And there are nine roads behind us, which one do we want to choose?" Xinhe said with some concern.

"But the number of these fire bats is really too much. It is not an easy task for us to destroy them all!" The Dark Lord couldn't think of any good way at this time.

The nine roads behind him really don't know which one to choose. Moreover, they can't guarantee everyone's safety in the nine roads. Maybe there are more dangers in those roads.

Considering these problems, the black and white devils are also entangled and do not know how to make a decision.

"I have a way, but I may have to let Lanya work harder!" At this time, Xinmei said.

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