Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2024: Can't hold on!

Without the seal of the seal, although the phoenix was injured, the breath that was released casually was terrible. It was a beast, no suppression, and it was powerful.

I saw that the phoenix suddenly shot toward the eight giant pillars. The huge phoenix wings were shot on the eight giant pillars. The eight giant pillars were instantly crushed and crushed!

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yu and Lin Yuxi were shocked in their hearts. The beasts were really beasts, and they were much stronger than they were. These eight giant columns, Cheng Yu, have no way to destroy such a thoroughness. At least it is impossible to smash eight pillars into one.

Seeing that the melt continued to flow down the space, the phoenix spread its wings, and with Cheng Yu and Lin Yuxi flying in the space, constantly avoiding the flowing melt!

"Can you fly?" Seeing the phoenix flew up, Cheng Yu and Lin Yuxi were surprised again.

In this ghost place, not being able to fly is their biggest limitation. If they can fly, how can they fall so desolate?

"I have already broken the no-fly method here, and naturally can fly!" said Phoenix.

"You mean, the eight giant pillars just now are the eyes of the no-flying array?" Cheng Yu suddenly understood what!

"Yes, in order to trap me here, they specially built the eight pillars and arranged them into a no-flying array. Now that the seal has been removed, the formation has been broken, and nothing can trap me!" Said with great pride.

From the tone of the phoenix, Cheng Yu heard it, this guy is really very excited this time. But also, who has been trapped for thousands of years, and now finally liberated, can you not be excited? It’s good to not cry.

"How do we get out now?" Cheng Yu can naturally appreciate its mood.

"You will know it right away!" Phoenix took them directly to the stone wall and ran up, and Cheng Yu and Lin Yuxi were shocked.

"It turned out to be a magical array?" When the Phoenix took them into the stone wall, Cheng Yu looked at the surrounding environment, only to find out that they were wearing them from the illusion.

If it weren't for the Phoenix to lead them, he really didn't think about it.

But when you think about it, you think it's too simple. This place was originally built by people who trapped the phoenix. They naturally came to this place, so they themselves have to go out from here.

In this case, they will definitely leave a path for themselves. I have been in this banned space for so long, and I have never thought of this problem. It is really a miscalculation.

However, even if he knew that there was a magical array exit, it would be useless. Before they broke the ban, they could not enter the banned array exit from the banned space.

"Well, my friend is still above? We are going out from here, what should my friend do?" Suddenly, Cheng Yu thought of a serious problem, and he said eagerly.

"Don't worry, your friend is not here anymore!" said Phoenix.

"How do you know?" Cheng Yu asked.

"I am a beast. If there is no such thing, then it is a mythical beast." Phoenix said disdainfully.

Now that there is no seal, its ability has begun to recover, but its injury will not be so good for a while.

"What about that? You are still so badly trapped for so many years?" Cheng Yu can't see this phoenix so arrogant.

"Hey! A group of shameless humans, if they are not concealed by them, how can they trap me?" Phoenix seems to think of the humiliation of the year, very angry said.

"Why are they trapping you?" Cheng Yu asked this question again.

"I said it, it has nothing to do with you!" Phoenix did not want to talk about this issue, and refused to answer again.

"Cut, don't say it, don't say it, what is arrogant! Since you know that my friends are not on the top, then you should know where they are?" Cheng Yu said uncomfortably.

"Nature knows!" Feng

"Then take me to find them now?"

Thus, a fiery phoenix carried a man and a woman in the hole in the hole.


In one of the passages, there is a fierce fight here!

"Kill!" Xinluo's body seems to have been unable to find a clean skin, and the whole person is wrapped in blood, can not tell whether it is his own blood or the blood of these fire bats in front.

"It has been six days, we are going to kill when it is a head!" Xinhai feels that he is almost unable to hold on.

The situation of other people is not good, not only is it blood, but everyone's mental state is not very good.

They used to arbitrarily arrange the earth wall through Lanya and finally wiped out most of the fire bats. In the end, those fire bats knew that they were invincible and chose to retreat.

However, after repeated considerations, they did not choose to return. Instead, they chose to follow the fire bats and continue to move forward, and these bats were weak and ready to destroy them all.

Because they returned, they faced the choice of nine channels, which made their hearts very low. I always feel that no matter which way I choose, it will not be a good choice.

So I had to choose to move on. Although there were fire bats in front of them, they now have experience, and these fire bats have been eliminated by them so much, there may not be many fire bats in front.

In addition, they may choose to be more powerful or terrible creatures than these fire bats.

Moreover, they are dreaming, maybe after they kill all these fire bats, they can reach the bottom of the melt through the fire bat and find Cheng Yu.

However, they may still underestimate these fire bats. Originally thought that they chose to retreat because the number is not enough, but they only know when they rushed up, they went to these guys.

It may already be the old nest of fire bats. The fire bats here are much more than they had before. www.ltnovel.com~ So they fought for six days, they still wanted Lanya used the old method to deal with these fire bats, and everything was very effective.

However, until the fourth day, Lan Ya was really unable to hold on, and everyone finally had to choose a hard battle.

So, with this scene in the present, everyone is exhausted, they want to retreat, there is no such energy, and they can only choose to continue fighting.

If you continue to fight, you may still be able to survive, but once you retreat, these fire bats will follow them, and they may live to be killed by these fire bats.

Moreover, Lan Ya is now at rest, and every once in a while she can arrange a soil wall to get some rest time for everyone. Although not many, but enough to let them save their lives in this ghost place!

"Everyone insists that these fire bats should be wiped out by us all!" The Dark and White Devils stood at the forefront for the past six days.

Fortunately, they have two masters in the middle of the Mahayana, or else, where can they persist for so long?

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