Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2034: Finally came out!

"Use something to change the fairy with it? But where do we have something equivalent to the fairy?" Xinluo said with some depression.

"There is no way, but the things on your body are not necessarily equivalent to the fairy, mainly on the phoenix. If it looks good, it will be exchanged with you even if it is worthless! Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"This way, Fengfeng, how is this great immortal drunk? This is the best wine in the realm of cultivation, even if it is a common human monk who rarely drinks such wine, I use this wine to change one with you. How about the fairy?" Xinluo’s brain turned sharply, and suddenly he took out a bottle of the best immortal drunk from Cheng Yu, and said to Huo Feng.

At the same time, he did not forget to open the bottle cap and put the wine in front of the phoenix's mouth to smell it.

The scent, even the sea of ​​hearts standing next to it must drool. Because they don't have the best immortal drunk in their hands, this guy has even a hand on it, and he still wants to use it to change the fairy, which is really awful.

However, the fire phoenix just smelled it lightly and turned it to the side. Obviously, it has no interest in the wines in the hands of Xinluo.

"Haha, Xinluo, you are too young to look at people. If you use this thing, you want to lie to a fairy. I think you are drunk with this bottle of celestial beings or give it to us all!" Xinhai saw no fire. Let Xinluo do what he wants, and suddenly he is happy.

If I really let Xinluo change a fairy with a bottle of immortal, then it is really enviable and hateful. Fortunately, this fire is smarter than they think, and it is not good. When.

"Where you go, it won't be even if it's too big, I will keep it myself!" Xinluo said with a look of anger and disappointment.

What can he have interested in this phoenix? It is nothing more than some medicinal herbs and magic weapons, but now he wants the magic weapon of the fire phoenix, and his own magic weapons are not only low-grade, but also have no use for the fire phoenix.

As for the medicinal herbs, Huo Feng himself seems to be unable to use it. The rest is the gods, but this time because of the siege of the fire bats for a few days, the water consumption of all of them is very large.

In addition, in order to ensure that Lanya got enough recovery, they gave some of their gods water to Lanya, and they are not enough for themselves now. Where is the **** water to the fire phoenix?

Thinking of this, he knew that he was afraid of being with the fairy.

Since there is no way to come up with something that attracts fire and phoenix, everyone can only give up regretfully. Cheng Yu did not find a sun mirror from the fire phoenix here, and his heart was very disappointing.

And Huo Feng said that there is no treasure in it, I believe there is really nothing else here. So everyone rested and could only choose to leave.

With the help of Huofeng, it is not difficult for them to leave this place. Since Cheng Yu has already come out, they don't have to continue to move along the hole.

When they went back to the nine passages, they saw a flame spurting out of the flames, and a fire was burned toward the nine passages.

But after a few moments of burning, everyone was surprised, and the nine passages in front of them suddenly became very blurred. In the end, what surprised everyone was that there was only one channel left in the nine channels, and the other eight channels disappeared.

"This is a magical array?" At this time, the black and white magic realized how the nine passages were going.

"Yes, it is really a fantasy array here, no wonder you have no way to go out." Cheng Yu nodded and said.

If there is no fire, even he may not be able to detect that this is a magical array, just like they are in the banned space. However, if he has enough consciousness to take out the five elements of the illusion disk, he should be able to check out the magic array here.

Now that the nine passages become a passage, everyone no longer has to worry about the wrong way. When everyone passes through this passage, they finally return to the place where the nine passages first appeared.

However, the nine channels that appeared this time are not the magic array, but the nine channels that are genuine. So when they came from the opposite side, they walked the leftmost channel. Now they are going back along the channel on the far side.

Not long after, everyone returned to the place where Cheng Yu and Lin Yuxi fell off the melt.

When everyone saw the boiling melt below, everyone was filled with emotion.

"Hey! I knew that there was nothing underneath. We were just white, and almost all died here. We are really losing money this time!" Xinluo remembered their encounter after entering here, and then Look at what is going on when you go back now, don’t be too depressed in your heart.

"That may not be, at least we know that there is no existence of a mirror underneath, and it also dispels our suspicions. In addition, we have saved the fire phoenix at least!" Cheng Yu did not care so much.

This is a history, but not every time you come out to find treasure, you will gain something.

Moreover, for him, the ability to sign an equal contract with Huofeng is also a reward. In any case, Huo Feng will stay with him for ten years.

This decade is the safest period for Cheng Yu. He can enjoy his strength for the past ten years. Therefore, the appearance of the fire phoenix is ​​a safety guarantee for him. This is his greatest achievement.

"Since there is no forbidden flight, we can fly directly!" Xinhe looked up and looked at it. They used to go through the array, but now they don't need to use the array again.

"Yes, let's go out early, I don't like this place very much!" Xinmei said, ~www.ltnovel.com~ The impact of this place on her is really not very good. They almost died here several times. If it is not lucky, they are afraid that they can only stay in this place.

The crowd nodded and all flew up and flew upwards.

Without the no-flying array, it is much more refreshing, and they have no scruples anymore, and they don't have to worry about being restricted.


One by one, they quickly rushed out of the mountain. When everyone returned to the top of this huge peak, everyone was relieved and finally came out!

"We finally came alive. I never thought about it. It is such a happy thing to be able to look at the outside world!" The sea of ​​hearts stood on the top of the mountain and watched the sun shining in the sky, feeling that the whole person seemed to be reborn. Generally, this feeling is really too happy.

"It’s a pity that we didn’t find a mirror again this time, or it’s full. I don’t know where this mirror is. When can I find it?” Standing on the top of the mountain, Cheng Yu looked into the distance and looked The sigh.

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