Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2037: action!

In fact, this white fence is not able to speak, just because it is powerful enough to use some special methods to condense the sound, so that others seem to be talking.

But others won't know it all, because the white fence is wrapped in a black robe, and no one will ever see its mouth.

"Yu Shidi, are you really a white fence? Does it still have its own consciousness?" Everyone saw that the white fence can not only speak but also move freely. It seems like a sword behind Cheng Yu’s body. A qualified follow-up is not like a bone.

Moreover, they have seen the former white fences. Although they are equally respectful to Cheng Yu, their behavior is still different from human beings. It is not as free as human beings.

But now, if Cheng Yu told them that the black robe would be a white fence, they would not believe it anyway.

"Do you think I am lying to you?" Cheng Yu smiled.

Cheng Yu is quite satisfied with everyone's reaction. What he wants is such an effect. Since even they can't see the identity of the white fence, how can others know the identity of the white fence?

"But how did you do it? He is obviously just a bone. It is very unbelievable that you can bring it back to life, but now he can have his own consciousness, which is simply unbelievable. If it has its own consciousness, will it reveal its identity?" Xinluo can't believe that the black robe in front of him will be a white fence.

"It's very simple, secret!" Cheng Yu mysteriously smiled and left a curious look to everyone.

In fact, after the resurrection of the white fence by the celestial and yin-yang dynasty, it will have some simple consciousness. The white fence at this time will only be controlled and influenced by Cheng Yu, so all its consciousness will be instilled by Cheng Yu.

Therefore, the white fence is like a blank sheet of paper in front of Cheng Yu. He wants the white fence to know what he is, and he draws on this white paper.

Cheng Yu will not teach him to bring too many things, he will only teach him some simple communication with humans. There is something that is needed for a complete mission in the future.

Therefore, the white fence can not be regarded as a completely independent consciousness. In a certain sense, he is still controlled by Cheng Yu. Only this control will be relatively flexible. It will not be a deadly objectless consciousness, and it can act freely.

The sea of ​​hearts is close to the white fence, and I want to pick up its black robe and see if it is really wrapped in white bones. However, when the sea was close to the white fence, the body of the white fence was filled with murderousness, and instantly the heart was scared of a cold sweat.

"This guy is so dangerous!" This is a thought that emerges instantly in my mind.

"Yu Shidi, now these guys around you are really more than one arrogant, if you go on, then we are afraid that even close to you will be dangerous!" Seeing the white fence is so unkind, the heart is very uncomfortable Said.

Whether it is the beast phoenix or the current white fence, these guys are really not provoked. Moreover, they are unlikely to be close to these two guys, and the temper of these two guys seems to be not very good.

"Yu Shidi, you said that the white fence can really accomplish such a task as you said?" Xinhe looked at the white fence wrapped in black robe, and some worried.

Although the current white fence is indeed beyond his imagination, but let the white fence to complete a task alone, this is really a very unlikely thing.

"Do not worry, I have confidence in the white fence. White fence, what do you say? Can you complete my task of confession?" Cheng Yu patted the shoulder of the white fence and said with a smile.

"Yes! Master!" said the white fence.

"Well, I will hand you Bai Yi and Bai Er to you now. Let's finish this first task together!" Cheng Yu suddenly released two black men, and the people still haven't figured out what the situation is. At the time, these three black robes have disappeared in front of them.

"Yu Shidi, who are the two black robes?" Xin Luo asked.

Because Cheng Yu resurrected a group of fairy bones, others did not know, so they did not know that Cheng Yu, a guy like Bai Li, now has two hundred and one.

"Like the white fence, it is also a member of the white bones!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"When did you resurrect two big bones, and you are too fast?" Xin Luo said in amazement.

"Since the successful resurrection of Baiyue, it started. Do you think I will wait to tell you every time I resurrect? I have tens of thousands of bones in my hand. Do you want to tell you all!" Said awkwardly.

This only released two. If you let me know that there are nearly two hundred in my hand, I will not scare you.

However, Bai Lei has now begun his first task, which is also a test of the ability of the white fence. After the white fence successfully completed this task, Cheng Yu will actually implement the program.

The white fences of the three of them have disappeared without a trace, but they are not worried about them at all. Because their strengths can all be above the Mahayana period, the specific strength should be similar to the strength of the robbery period or the scattered fairy.

Such strength, in the entire realm of cultivation, should be able to go sideways. After all, human monks generally do not walk outside when they reach the robbery period or the realm of immortality.

Therefore, the three of them are united and there is no fear of anyone. What is Cheng Yu worried about?

Moreover, Cheng Yu has some expectations for the three of them, I hope they can surprise them!

After all, this time the action will be successful~www.ltnovel.com~ the plan behind him can be fully expanded. I believe that at that time, the Dynasty will definitely get a bigger surprise.

"But if you let them go to the task now, it will be too early. And, now we are in Dongzhou, you have to ask them to find the dynasty trouble, how do they go back to the comprehension continent?" Said.

"This is also the time to test their ability. If this problem cannot be solved, then how can I let them fight against the dynasty?" Cheng Yu said with disapproval.

Cheng Yu left a space ring for each of them, and there were enough Lingshi to meet their needs. Of course, they don't need to eat or drink, but other expenses still require Lingshi.

"I think this is a thing of the past. If they don't get lost, they are good. They still want to go back to the mainland by ship. Anyway, I don't believe it!" Xinluo felt that this kind of thing was too unreliable.

Although they may have some consciousness, they are not real human beings. They cannot have the same behavioral consciousness as human beings. How can they reach the normal human behavior level?

Therefore, in his view, Cheng Yu’s actions must be a failure!

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