Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2042: Things are big!

"The fourth child, see no, I have already told you that these guys are bluffing. It turned out that only the guy was in the late Mahayana, others were foxes and tigers, and they were finished!" and not far away Four people have been staring at the battlefield.

Until this time, they confirmed the strength of this group of people. It turned out that only Cheng Yu’s strength was the late Mahayana.

"That is, I knew that it was like this. Where do we need to find six brothers to help? It is enough to find two brothers, Ding Wei and Peng Fei," Gao Tianyi said with a smile.

When I saw Cheng Yu’s face confident, their hearts were still very nervous. I don’t know if the six Mahayana could have played such a group of people in the late stage.

Who knows that the result is actually like this, such a large group of people actually have a real hand.

"But it's good, at least insurance, as long as the kid is killed, the rest of the people are not a problem. Is it time for us to take the shot?" Du Anshun saw such a group of wonderful women standing On one side, I can’t wait to prepare for it.

"Don't worry, let's take a look at it. The strength of the kid is indeed a bit strong. It has been defeated by an enemy." Zhuang Zhicheng originally planned to shoot immediately, but he saw that Cheng Yu’s strength was indeed extraordinary and he did not dare immediately. I shot it.

"What about that? Even if the strength of this kid is strong, he has only one person. Can he still be better than six brothers? We are now a good opportunity to see his companion attacked, this kid may be Uneasy, I will be defeated immediately!" Du Anshun said.

"No, I still have to wait, I am not in a hurry for a while. There are six brothers, they can't run!" Zhuang Zhicheng said, shaking his head.

"Well, then let's wait, I have to see if this kid can stick to the Lord!" Seeing the boss insist, Du Anshun can only resist the impulse of his heart, can only expect Cheng Yu to be his six early. The brothers will solve it.

"Boy, you are good, but unfortunately we met our six brothers today. You have offended my brother, as long as you are willing to return to our **** alliance with us, and apologize to my teachers, we can leave you a life!" Ding Wei Seeing that this kid has such strength, he really surprised him.

Seeing that six people could not solve this kid immediately, and they were anxious, so they were ready to change their strategy.

"If I were you, I would save my life first!" Cheng Yu sneered, and killed one of them directly.

However, the other six people joined forces to strike, and they hit Cheng Yu!

"What happened?" However, they saw Cheng Yu being smashed into pieces by them, but found something wrong.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, Ding Wei felt the danger and suddenly flashed out!


However, everything happened too fast, not everyone has Ding Wei's reaction speed. Of course, it’s not so bad for everyone. One of the middle-aged men’s backs was hit hard and the whole person flew straight out.


However, just as this person was injured and landed, and had not come and reacted, a golden aperture fell from the sky and he was covered.

"Not good!" This man was trapped by this golden circle, and he wanted to break free, but he found that the power of his body could not be used.


At this time, the black and white magic two people rushed up in an instant, this middle-aged man was so inexplicably bombarded into slag.

A master of the late Mahayana was so easily killed by people!

"Kong Yun!" The five people on the other side were shocked and angry. They didn't even react, and they had already folded a brother.

"Damn! You don't want to leave one today!" It was a shame that the six Mahayanas were actually killed by the other party.

They didn't even understand how it happened all the time. Cheng Yu Ming Ming was picked up by them, but suddenly he launched an attack from behind.

And Kong Yun was suddenly killed by the two mid-majority guys, all of which happened too fast. Plus they are in the middle of the battle, they simply can't see everything.

However, this does not affect the anger that burns in their hearts!

Originally they thought it would be a very easy thing to win these guys, but in any case they didn't think they would die a brother. This hatred, they got it.

At this time, the four people who were hiding in the clear and clear sight of the scene were the whole people shaking.


The later masters of the Mahayana they found were actually killed one by one!

"Big Brother, what can I do? Brother Kong Yun is so dead. How can we tell the sects?" This happened, apparently beyond the expectations of all of them.

Just now, they thought that these people were just small fish, and even they could easily kill them. But now, a late Mahayana was so alive and killed by them.

You must know that the late Mahayana is the most important pillar of the Red Blood League. These six people are still unwilling to give them a head start because of this, but they have repeatedly relied on the reputation of the Red Blood League, plus they usually have no less filial piety Ding Wei and Peng Fei, with the help of both of them. I have invited so many people.

Now because they died in the late Mahayana, they are now scared.

"Don't worry, as long as there are five brothers who will kill the kid, we have an excuse. It is time to kick all the sins to these guys!" Zhuang Zhicheng tried to calm his heart.

"Fortunately, we haven’t shot it yet, or else we may have died just now!" I thought that everyone was scared.

They were also prepared to take the women out of their hands~www.ltnovel.com~ It seems that things are not as simple as they think.

"What happened in the end? How did Brother Kong Yun be killed by them all at once?" Gao Tianyi had a big eye, but even he did not understand it. Kong Yun was killed.

"I didn't understand it." The other three also shook their heads, all of them with fog.

In the battlefield, the anger of five people, the attack on Cheng Yu became more and more rapid.

However, Cheng Yu has disappeared again!

"Everyone is careful!" For the first time, five people have a vigilant heart this time.


However, even with preparations, it is still impossible to judge the specific location of Cheng Yu, and one of them was attacked by Cheng Yu again.

However, this time, although this person was hit, it was not as bad as Kong Yun. Just when Shi Ji wanted to use the same routine to put this guy in the trap, he was hit by a golden aperture by a sword!

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