Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2048: Hearts!

"Your doorkeeper knows me? Why do you want to know where I am going?" Cheng Yu frowned.

I don’t know them, they want to know what they are going to do?

Moreover, these guys are from Tianzhumen, and those who are going to chase others must be other sects. It is a bit confusing for these sects to send people to inquire about their whereabouts.

"Predecessors, small is only a small spy in Tianzhumen, where would you know the idea of ​​the door?" The spy said bitterly.

"Since I don't know anything, it doesn't make sense to live alive!" Cheng Yu lazy to them, and then asked what he could not ask.

A few spies squinted, and they never thought that they would die so inexplicably.

After a while, Xinhe also rushed in from other directions. Because the people who followed them before can not only be the people of these days, so everyone is taking action separately, and will never leave any trouble!

"Yu Shidi, I have already asked, these people are indeed other martial art people. But the strange thing is that they follow us just to know where we are going!" Xinhai said first.

"We are here too, they say so too!" said Xin Luo.

"We are here too!" Others followed.

"This is strange. So many sects want to know where we are going? Are we famous in this Dongzhou?" Cheng Yu said very puzzled.

"Hey, this is hard to say. There are such sisters and younger brothers who are with us. It is also very difficult for us to avoid not attracting the attention of others!" Xinluo said with a smile.

"No, if their attention is on their body, what does this have to do with our whereabouts?" Cheng Yu shook his head and felt that it was not that simple.

"Forget it, anyway, people have already been killed by us. We will leave here soon. There has been such a big war here, maybe someone has come to us again. We can't hide this one. Do you kill everyone?" said Xinhe.

"Yeah, it is safer to leave this place quickly. What is the red blood league really looking for trouble is really difficult to deal with, but we have to keep the time to find the antidote to the cream-free girl, but not so much time Let them play with them!" Xinluo said.

Sure enough, it was not long after Cheng Yu left them, and many people rushed to the scene.

"Master!" After seeing the scene of the scene, the people gave a conclusion.

"This turned out to be the waist card of Ding Wei of Red Blood League!" Although the bodies on the scene have been disposed of by Cheng Yu, but these people still found a waist card of the Red Blood League from the scene. There is the name of the owner of the waist card.

Ding Wei is a master of the Red Blood League, and his realm has reached the late Mahayana, but now his waist card appears here, which is really shocking.

“Did Ding Wei have been killed?” Someone was curious.

After all, the waist card of the late Mahayana, such as Ding Wei, is not said to fall off. This is only the case with a major accident.

Moreover, the flesh and blood on the scene is blurred. It is obvious that someone has died. Now Ding Wei’s waist card appears here again. It is hard to think of Ding Wei’s death.

"This is not without this possibility. However, this Ding Wei's strength is also a master in the Red Blood League. Who can kill Ding Wei?" Some people questioned.

"I think that this waist card is Ding Wei's, but it is possible to die. It is the other person's person. After all, Ding Wei's strength is there. Can kill a master of the late Mahayana, the strength is really too people. Shocked!" Someone said.

"Look, there is also a waist card here, which is the Red Blood League Song Wen." At this time, another person found another waist card, which also wrote the name of the master.


Everyone suddenly took a deep breath, and turned out to be a master of the Mahayana of the Red Blood League.

"I have one here too! It is the blood of the Red League!"

"I also have a piece here, it is the blood of the Red Blood League!"

"I have a piece here too." Not long after, other people have found a waist card.

When everyone saw the six waist cards put together, everyone became frightened.

These six people are all masters of the Mahayana of the Red Blood League, but their waist cards have appeared here, and everyone has seen some of the costumes of the Red Blood League from the battlefield.

Seeing this, everyone believes that the owners of these people’s waist cards are dead, and the flesh and blood of these scenes are these people.

"This red blood alliance is offended by someone? Even suddenly killed so many masters of the Mahayana." Everyone's face has changed, and no matter which martial art is in the late Mahayana, it is an extremely important resource.

However, this Red Blood League lost six at a time. What shocked them even more is what kind of enemy can kill six masters of the Mahayana era at once?

"You said, will it be those who have destroyed Tianmen?" At this time, someone said.

"Is this supposed to be? Why are they going to kill the Red Blood League?" Someone said uncertainly.

"It is hard to say, then why do they want to destroy the Tianmen? No one knows! Or else who, besides them, has such courage and strength?"

The Red Blood League is one of the four major factions. Who has Dongzhou who has the strength to kill them like this? Even the other three sects will not do this for no reason. Someone analyzed.

"There is also reason to say, but why do these people want to kill Tianmen and then start with the Red Blood League? Is there any connection between them?" I heard that the murderer may be the one who killed Tianmen. These people are even more People are upset.

After all, the matter of Tianmen is not a trivial matter in Dongzhou~www.ltnovel.com~ A martial art was destroyed overnight. Nowadays, even the sect of one of the four major sects of Dongzhou seems to be one of the objects of its extinction. How can this not be worried about other martial art people?

Who knows which martial art is the next target of these people? Maybe it is their martial art?

"We have to rush back to the door to report the incident. If it is really those people, the main gates of our Dongzhou are afraid of being difficult, and which martial art can't run!"

"If this is the case, we must unite these sects, otherwise we are not the opponents of these people, these people are really terrible!" By everyone's analysis, everyone began to fear.

After all, the people who killed Tianmen were too mysterious. Now, the masters of the six great sects of the Red Blood League have died so badly. Isn’t the other martial art of the Red Blood League still calm down?

"Do you want to let the Red Blood League know about this matter?" someone asked.

"Of course, I have to tell them about this. After all, these people are obviously coming to their **** alliance!" everyone nodded. Reading network

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