Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2051: It’s hard to think low-key!

"Less nonsense! Today, you don't make things clear, don't want to leave here safely!" Xinluo shouted.

"The heroes are forgiving! Heroes are forgiving!"

"We really don't know anything, heroes don't bother us!" However, no one dared to stand up and figure out what the situation was. Everyone was just eager to ask for mercy.

"You! Say!" Seeing this group of people so unbearable, Xinluo has no way to directly point to the big man in front of him.

"I...predecessors! I am embarrassed, but I have not said a bad word about you. I have listened to others in all the words. It is the kid who said it, I am really embarrassed!" Dong scared the fart, and squatted on the floor pointing at the young man crying.

At this moment, he really regretted his death. I knew that there would be such a clever thing, that is, if he killed him, he would not come to this restaurant to pose this dragon gate. Now it’s better. I didn’t expect the Lord to actually appear. What can I do now?

These people are killing people without blinking. Even so many people in Tianmen have been killed overnight. They are not the ones who have a handful of things.

"Predecessors, it is not my business, I also listen to others, and ask the seniors to spare!" The young man saw that Lao Dong actually sold him, and suddenly his face was white, and he quickly asked for mercy.

"You have heard what others have said? Hurry! I don't have time to listen to you nonsense!" Xin Luo said impatiently.

"They...they said.....said.....before...the predecessors killed the Tianmen..." the young man stuttered. .

He watched Xinluo carefully, for fear that the other party would kill him directly.

"What? This is what I heard?" This is not only a matter of heart, but even Cheng Yu has stopped.

No wonder these people saw that they were afraid of death. They turned out that they thought they were the murderers who killed Tianmen.

However, they did not know other people when they came to Dongzhou. How would anyone think of them as the murderer who killed Tianmen?

"Before...predecessors, this thing really has nothing to do with me, I am also getting news from the martial art!" said the young man.

"Which martial art are you?" Xin Luo continued to ask.

"Predecessors, this news is not transmitted by our martial art. Now many martial arts know the news." The young people felt a tight heart, thinking that Xinluo was going to take the knife for their martial art, and quickly explained.

"I asked which martial art person you are?"

"White fog door!" The young man was scared in his heart, there was no way, he could only answer honestly.

But the heart is not nervous, for fear that these people will also destroy their martial art if they do not agree.

"Where did you get this news from?"

"Predecessors, I really don't know this. I only know that many martial arts now have to find out where their predecessors are going!" said the young man.

"Inquire about where we are going?" Cheng Yu and others stunned and suddenly realized.

It turned out that the last time the spies had inquired about their whereabouts, it was for this reason that they were regarded as the murderers of the Tianmen. However, who is the news of this, these people really have ulterior motives.

"What do you know?" asked Xin Luo.

"Recently, there are rumors that several seniors have to deal with the Red Blood League. Now the Red Blood League is chasing several seniors. The news is from him. He knows best!" The young man also turned against the old Dong.

Before this guy betrayed him, now he has to pull this guy down.

"You! What do you know?" Xin Luo said to Lao Dong.

"Before...predecessors, I know that I have already told them to listen to them. Some of the predecessors have killed several masters of the Red Blood League. They all think that several seniors intend to destroy the Red Blood League, so now the Red Blood League Now I am looking for a few predecessors in the spirit of the whole faction!" Lao Dongyi, a young man, but had to honestly say in front of Xinluo.

"anything else?"

"I also heard that the major sects in Dongzhou are now preparing for fear that their predecessors will start with them. They are ready to unite to deal with their predecessors!" Lao Dong continued.

"carry on!"

"Predecessors, I know so much, the other really don't know!" Lao Dong said with a bitter face.

"Go it!" Xinluo knows that these are just some good things. If you continue to ask, you can't ask.

The diners in the restaurant suddenly became as big as they were, and all the smog was gone. At this time, Xiao Er is once again trembled with wine and water!

"It seems that we are really famous now. These people will think that we are the murderer of Tianmen. It is very difficult for us to be low-key in Dongzhou!" Xiao Er retired, the whole restaurant actually only There are more than a dozen of them left, and they smiled bitterly.

"I am wondering, how did the Red Blood League know that we killed them? Have we not treated the bodies?" Xinhai said with a puzzled look.

"I don't think they know that we killed the people of their **** alliance, but because they regarded us as the murderers who came out of the Tianmen. And those who happened to be the Red Blood League really killed us, so we don't Just in the middle of the move?" Cheng Yu thought about it, and soon wanted to understand the truth.

As early as when they came out from Tianyang, they had already regarded them as the murderers of the Tianmen case, so there were so many sects concerned about their movements.

In their view, the person who killed the Red Blood League is the murderer who killed Tianmen. If they used Zhang San Li Si as the murderer to destroy Tianmen, then the people of Red Blood League are looking for Zhang San Li Si, not these people.

Therefore, these people are not looking for them, but the murderer who killed Tianmen~www.ltnovel.com~ but they are unlucky, I don’t know which bastard, they even said that they are killing Tianmen’s murderer. Nature has caused the Red Blood League to find their results.

"So, we are not too embarrassed?" Xinluo said.

"This is the case of the Red Blood League. We have nothing to do with it, but the door of the day is shutting down our ass, but the dynasty did it, but now we have to let us back the pot for the dynasty, which is a bit uncomfortable!" said Xin Hai.

"Now is not the question of who is going back to the pot, but now all the sectarian forces in Dongzhou have pointed their finger at us. What should we do? Is it true that we must kill these sects?" Xinhe said with some headaches.

They just wanted to find a mirror and a cream-free antidote, but they didn't expect it to cause so much trouble. Now all the sects in Dongzhou are thinking about them. They want to find a drug for frost-free. It is not so easy.

"No matter how much, the other sects are unclear. This red blood alliance is definitely a trouble for us. We seem to have a disguise!" Cheng Yu said very helplessly.

He didn't want to be so high-profile, but now it's hard to make a low-key, and you have to let other people hide it!

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