Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2064: Lost face is lost!

Taize City is the largest and most prosperous city in Dongzhou. It is because people and goods come in from the real continent every day, and people and goods from Dongzhou constantly leave here.

Therefore, this city of Taize City has the most economical city in Dongzhou. At the same time, a large number of migrants also ensure that the commodity economy here is more prosperous.

Every day, there are many people entering and leaving Taize City. At this time, the war outside the city has also attracted the attention of many people. After all, the hand-over of more than 30 masters of the Mahayana is too big.

Many people went out of the city to check the situation. When they saw that the masters of the 30th Mahayana were actually besieging a young man in the late stage, everyone was shocked.

What is even more shocking is that the young man in the late stage of the fit was besieged by the masters of the 30-person Mahayana, but he still insisted on it. This is really a complete shock to everyone.

The late monk may be a dreamer's strength for the general monk, but in the face of the later Mahayana, it is vulnerable.

However, in the late stage of this combination, it was hard to resist the siege of the 30 masters of the late Mahayana. Although it seems that he is in a disadvantage, the 30 people are afraid that they will not be able to take him. This is incredible.

"Who is the late stage of the fit? It’s okay to face the late 30th Mahayana. It’s too strong. Is this still a fit period? Is it just that it’s just like a robbery?”

"Yeah, I have never seen this person before, it is terrible. How can there be such a strong strength in the fit period? I am not going to look at it?" Someone kept rubbing their eyes and couldn't believe their eyes. .

"You didn't read it wrong, because what I saw was the same as what you saw. This young man in the fit period actually blocked the siege of the 30 masters of the late Mahayana. It was so shocking!"

"No, this person can never be the real late stage. I think he deliberately concealed the realm. This is just to fool us into the false realm!" Some people questioned.

"Yes, I think so too. How can there be such a strong fit period? Is this still a fit period?"

"That's not necessarily, maybe people are just too talented, can they fight more and more?"

"The leap-level battle? Is this still a leap-level battle? This has already crossed a big realm? And you have to know that people are dealing with the late 30th Mahayana. Are you going to be a bean curd in the late Mahayana?"

"Don't say that you can't kill a late stage in the 30th Mahayana. Isn't this what is the bean curd?"

"Haha, it is also said that the 30 masters of the late Mahayana can't kill a late stage of the fit, and they don't know which martial art person is. It's really shameful!"

"Look, isn't that the Pang elder of the Red Blood League? Are these people the people of the Red Blood League?"

"It seems that it is really Pang elders, but how can they send out 30 masters of the Mahayana to besiege a late stage of the fit? Isn't this the face of the Red Blood League?"

"Haha, it's really a **** alliance. This is why the Red Blood League really wants to lose a big face in Dongzhou. I believe that after the whole day, the whole Dongzhou will spread this matter. The 30-year-old Red Blood League masters can't kill a fit. Young people in the later period, this is not the case with the Red Blood League!"

Someone saw that the 30-year-old high-handed men in the siege of Cheng Yu had one of the elders of the Red Blood League. When the matter spread, everyone suddenly talked about it.

The Red Blood League is one of the four major factions of Dongzhou. Everyone is still very afraid of the Red Blood League. However, now that the 30th Mahayana of the Red Blood League can not win a late stage, everyone will regard the Red Blood League as a joke.

It turned out that the Red Blood League was just a paper tiger. It was so weak in the late Mahayana. It was really no different from the bean curd.

The 30-year-old master of the Mahayana, who was besieging Cheng Yu, was turned into a pig liver color.

Everyone talked to them and laughed at them clearly. They really couldn’t wait to get down to the ground. This time it was really shameful.

Especially Pang Elder, he is the elder of the Red Blood League, but now he has lost such a big face in front of so many people, it is really discouraged.

He had thought that it would take a long time for them to bring Cheng Yu back with so much ease, so he didn't think so much.

Now he has some regrets, Cheng Yu's strength may be strong, but this is not the main reason why he can persist for so long. The main reason is the flame that surrounds Cheng Yu, the flame is too terrible, whoever touches who suffers.

So whenever they are about to succeed, the dragons on Cheng Yu will launch an attack and force them out so that they can't get close to Cheng Yu's body.

As a result, all the time was delayed, and the people of Taize City did not run out to see the drama.

Pang Elder is more irritated in the Vietnam War, and can not take Cheng Yu, they not only lost their faces, but even their face and reputation of the Red Blood League will be destroyed.

And Cheng Yu is very uncomfortable in the middle, perhaps in the eyes of others, he is very powerful. But the pain is only known to him. The dragon can help him relieve a lot of pressure, but these late Mahayana is not the tofu they seem to be.

People are real, and their number is dominant. So many people are constantly attacking him. He has three heads and six arms and some can't cope.

Therefore, although he persisted for so long, he also suffered a lot of injuries. If it weren’t for the reasons of the dragon, they wouldn’t dare to be close, and he was afraid that they would have been smashed by these people.

However, ~www.ltnovel.com~ Cheng Yu is very clear, this is not the way to go. Now is a war of attrition, and in the case of such an imbalance, such a war of attrition is not good for him.

"It seems that we must let the fire phoenix come to help!" Cheng Yu thought.

Being able to rely on Long Hao to resist is now a great victory, but as these people become more and more familiar with and familiar with Long Yao, they have already had a high degree of vigilance and defense against this dragon, so Long Hao thinks again. It’s already very difficult to be surprised.

The only thing that made them jealous was that they didn't dare to be too close to him. Otherwise, when the dragons came out, they couldn't escape at once, but it would consume too much for him.

It may be because of the ridicule of everyone, the attack on Cheng Yu by the Red Blood League is even more fierce. This makes Cheng Yu's pressure multiply and the wounds on his body are more and more.

He strongly suppressed the idea that he would release the phoenix, because there are more and more people on the scene, which makes him somewhat doubtful.

He believes that as long as the fire and phoenix comes out, the 30 Mahayana will definitely have only one dead end. But in this case, it may cause him a lot of trouble.

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