Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2069: Can you solve it?

"If this is the case, then I will stay in this Taize City. In fact, this time I came to Taize City to find the second old man!" Cheng Yu said indifferently.

Anyway, his identity has already been exposed, and it is already an endless situation with the Red Blood League. It is not absolutely impossible for the Red Blood League to let him go. Even if he leaves Dongzhou now, they will chase the comprehension continent.

If this is the case, let yourself be shackled, because there are also your own Cheng family, as well as your own family and friends.

Therefore, it is not a good thing for him to return to the mainland of China at this time. Since they are not willing to let go of themselves, will they let them go? of course not.

Therefore, Cheng Yu intends to stay in Taize City, he will not give back to the Red Blood League.

"I don't know what happened to Xiaoyou looking for us?" Shi Lao saw that Cheng Yu insisted so much, and he could only shake his head helplessly.

They shot and rescued Cheng Yu. They also saw that Cheng Yu’s talent was amazing. So young, but so cultivated, they really shocked them. They just don’t want such geniuses to be wiped out by the Red Blood League. It’s a pity.

However, since Cheng Yu insisted on it repeatedly, he could not say anything.

Only Cheng Yu's talent and strength are good, there is also a beast to help, but the Red Blood League as one of the four major sects of Dongzhou will be simple?

With their strength, there is still a way to kill a beast.

"I know that Feilong Commercial Bank has a lot of natural treasures. I would like to ask Er Lao, do you have a holy blood flower and a fairy fruit?" Cheng Yuman asked.

Although these two herbs are extremely difficult to obtain, he still wants to fight for it. What if they really have it? The poison in the frost-free body is believed to be lifted.

"Holy Blood Flower? People's Fairy Fruit? What is this heaven and earth treasure? Old and never heard of these two things?" Shi Lao looked puzzled at the old man.

"I haven't heard of it. I don't know what these two kinds of heavenly treasures look like. What's the use?" The old man was also shaking his head with a puzzled look.

"This holy blood flower is white, but its petals are cut open, but it will flow out a bright red blood-like liquid. This flower usually grows in an extremely cold place. As for this person, it is better to recognize it, its branches and leaves. It is a bit like ginseng, but at the top of it it grows like a humanoid fruit." Cheng Yu described the two.

Seeing the confusion of the two faces, Cheng Yu’s heart has already sunk half. However, there are still some expectations in his heart. Perhaps the two herbs are different in the human world, so he still tries to describe the two herbs, and may be able to help them think about it.

"We have never seen such a magical treasure of heaven!" But after listening to it, they still shook their heads.

"Two old people think about it, have you really heard of such a medicine?" Cheng Yu said with some disappointment.

‘“We really haven’t heard of the medicinal materials described by Xiaoyou. I don’t know what kind of medicinal materials are needed for small friends. Can I use other medicinal materials instead?” Shi Lao shook his head.

"Is there any old man who has heard of thousands of flowers and souls?" Cheng Yu said helplessly.

At this time, his idea of ​​refining the Holy Blood Dan is afraid to be shattered. Cheng Yu sees that these two people are upright and strong, and they work in the Feilong business. Presumably, they also have some insights, and they will say the poison in the frost-free room to see if there is any other way.

"Thousands of flowers and scented souls? Is it because of the thousands of flowers and souls that the poisonous immortals refine?" said the old man shocked.

"Is old, do you know this poison? Then you can have antidote?" Cheng Yu saw that the old man knew that this was the poison of the poisonous immortal refining, and he was excited.

"I have indeed heard of this poison. It is said to have been made from the venom of thousands of poisonous flowers. However, this poisonous immortal refining poison never refines the antidote, plus these thousand kinds. The giant poison can be changed and matched at will. Therefore, although this thousand flowers and souls are just the same name, there are several poisons that may be refined.

Therefore, if it is not refining the poison, the antidote will be refining. Even if the poisonous immortal now gets the poison, there is no way to refine the antidote! "The old man said.

There are thousands of flowers in the world, and the poisonous immortals just pick one of them. But with so many poisonous flowers, the poisonous immortals can completely refine so many venoms.

Therefore, each of the refining thousands of flowers and souls of the poisonous immortals is different from the thousands of poisonous flower liquids. In this way, even if the poisonous immortals came in person, they could no longer distinguish the poison of the thousands of flowers and souls that were in them today. Which kind of poison was used, he did not know.

Upon hearing this news, Cheng Yu’s mood sank again. So, isn’t the chance of defrosting without frost to be a little smaller?

"Is there no way to solve this poison?" Cheng Yu's face is very ugly.

"I don't know who is a friend of Xiaoyou. Can you let the old look?" The old man saw Cheng Yu's appearance and knew that this person was very important to Cheng Yu, he said.

"It's not convenient to talk here. Isn't it better to find a place?" Cheng Yu looked at a lot of onlookers who didn't leave and stared at them. Cheng Yu said to the old man.

Now his identity has been exposed, and as long as he releases the phoenix, others will know him. Now, if he releases the frost-free, there are many people here, and there are inevitably no spies of the dynasty.

If they let them know that there is no frost in his hand, then everything he hides is useless.

"Alright, go to the residence of our two people, there is no one to fight together!" Shi Lao said.

Cheng Yu nodded and followed the two into Taize City ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Taicheng City's Xicheng District, there is a courtyard, the surrounding is really quiet.

Entering the courtyard, it is not very luxurious. For those who are old and old, there is no interest in those flashy things. They only need a quiet place to live.

Cheng Yu did not bring two people into the mountain river map because of his secrets there. Although the two already know that Cheng Yu has a space magic weapon, it is another matter to let the two enter the magic weapon.

Moreover, people like Shi Lao and Qi Lao will easily enter other magic weapons, and there are too many variables. What's more, they don't know who Cheng Yu is, and how can he easily put down the defense into Cheng Yu's magic weapon?

Cheng Yu directly released the frost-free, and then gently placed on a bed.

"This is my friend. I don't know if there is any way to detoxify her." Cheng Yu saw that his face was getting ugly, and his heart was eager.

He doesn't know how long the frost-free can last. Now even Shenshui seems to have no effect on frost-free.

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