Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2073: Will not be hands-on!

Without frost, looking at the back of Cheng Yu's departure, her eyes are full of sadness and sorrow. She is very clear that Cheng Yu did not help her because of love, just because they had known each other.

But soon, she made up her mind. No matter whether Cheng Yu accepts himself or not, he will not give up easily. As Cheng Yu said, the most important thing for him now is to take care of his body.

Since Cheng Yu refused to give up on himself, how can he easily give up and wasted a good heart of others? What's more, as long as you survive, you can stay with Cheng Yu, so you must not give up.

"Yu Shidi, do you really intend to destroy the Red Blood League? Is this unlikely?" Seeing Cheng Yu appearing, Xinhai asked excitedly and worried.

Although they have been staying in the mountain river map, most of the outside situation is clear. Just now Cheng Yu and Shi Lao and the old people talked about them and they heard it.

Red Blood League is so abominable, even sent out 31 masters of the Mahayana to deal with them, they are naturally angry. Although they also want to get rid of the Red Blood League, but with their current strength, it is simply not enough to destroy such a martial art.

Although I don't know much about the four sects of Dongzhou, from the point of view of today, the strength of this Red Blood League seems to be stronger than that of Kunlun, which is the mainland.

After all, Kunlun wants to send so many masters of the Mahayana period at a time, but it is also very stressful, but think about it, it is not unusual for the Red Blood League to be stronger than Kunlun.

The Red Blood League is a plundered monk, and although Dongzhou is not as good as the mainland, the resources here are very rich. The Red Blood League plunders resources in Dongzhou, and many of the experts in the Red Blood League are not cultivated by themselves. They are like Cheng Yu's Cheng family. Most of them are half-way to join the martial art. They are completely wild.

Kunlun is much stronger than Red Blood Alliance at this point because they have their own complete training system. Therefore, their Kunlun disciples are basically cultivated by themselves. From a loyal perspective, the loyalty of Kunlun’s disciples to the martial art is naturally much higher than that of the Red Blood League.

If the Red Blood League encounters a major disaster, their people are afraid that there is not much that they are willing to live with the sect.

Even so, with their current strength and without the support of the Promise Palace, it is basically difficult to achieve such a red blood alliance.

Therefore, it is obviously unwise to decide that Cheng Yu has promised Shi Lao and the old man to kill the Red Blood League.

"If it is only by virtue of us that these people want to destroy the Red Blood League, it is very unlikely." Cheng Yu shook his head.

"In this case, why do you have to agree to their conditions? Can you still find a helper?" The crowd did not understand.

"Since the Red Blood League has already found us, and today the fire phoenix has killed so many masters of the later Mahayana, do you think that we can still get along with the Red Blood League? Since it is already dead, even today And the old man does not take this flower **** tears to exchange with me, I also want to get rid of the Red Blood League.

Otherwise, even if we return to the comprehension continent, we will be retaliated by the Red Blood League. If they just ask me for revenge, then if they want to deal with Cheng family or my friends and friends in the world, how can I deal with it?

Therefore, after today, we must have only one existence with the Red Blood Alliance. Cheng Yu said faintly.

Cheng Yu does not want to leave a scourge for himself. Since he has become an enemy, he must give himself no trouble.

"You are right, but we don't have the ability to get rid of the Red Blood League!" Cheng Yu's words are correct, everyone agrees, but they don't have such strength at all, how can they destroy the Red Blood League? .

"I didn't intend to kill the Red Blood League by ourselves!" Cheng Yu said.

"We don't shoot? Who will kill the Red Blood League?" The crowd did not understand.

"Don't you always worry about whether Bai Li is still under my control? I believe that you will know this answer for a long time!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"What do you mean by saying, let white leave to kill the Red Blood League?" Xinluo said excitedly.

"This is nature. Isn't it that we are resurrecting them for our service? Moreover, many things we can't do can make them go bright."

And this is also the best way to check if they can use it for us! Cheng Yu said.

"If this is the case, then it would be great. I believe that it is much simpler to get rid of the red blood alliance with white strength!" Xinhai said with a smile.

They have seen the strength of Bai Li, but it is indeed more than the late Mahayana, and reached the strength of the robbery.

This kind of strength is a nightmare for the late masters of the Red Blood League. And most importantly, they can never know the identity of them.

Even if they really fail, they can't know who is standing behind Bai Li. This way is a great profit.

It’s great to not kill an enemy thousands of miles away without a soldier. They just need to sit back and wait for the results.

"This method is really good, but there are only three people away from them. Although their strength is indeed very strong, but this red blood alliance can become one of the four major sects of Dongzhou, certainly not vegetarian.

Among them, there must be a master of the robbery period. If the white is destroyed, isn’t it a pity? "Xinhe said with some concern."

Cheng Yu’s approach is good, but there must be only three people away from them, and Bai’s is always different from humans. www.ltnovel.com~ He must think that it’s impossible for them to be as flexible as humans, especially Brain.

This is actually a reason for the death of some forces. Although the slain is brave, it always loses some wisdom. All his actions are acted on the behind-the-scenes, and he has no idea.

This also led them to lose their vitality even if their actions have failed. They will continue to choose the battle to the end and lose their strength in vain.

"Do not worry, they will never be alone in white. I have spent so much energy to raise them. If they are so ruined, it is not meaningless!" Cheng Yu naturally understands the river. the meaning of.

However, he is not lacking in manpower right now. As long as he is really ready to kill the Red Blood League, he will naturally not only let the three guys leave, but will also send helpers to them.

At that time, this mysterious force will stand in front of the world for the first time, so that everyone can see and see their strength.

"I hope that as you think!" Since Cheng Yu said so, he will not say more, only to see the results.

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