Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2104: Work together again!

It is precisely because they think that Cheng Yu, even if he has the help of the ancient sacred beasts, may not be able to arrest the poisonous king, so he feels that he can use this news for a certain benefit.

As long as Cheng Yu can't catch it, they will have the opportunity to continue to cooperate with Cheng Yu in the future. At that time he can only help them to remove the remaining two sects.

"It seems that your president has figured it out. In exchange for the message of a poisonous king, in exchange for the interests of a martial art, you can only earn money without losing it." Cheng Yu said with a smile.

In fact, he can't wait too much, especially when he saw that Shi Lao and the old man did not appear, but they really thought that their company was giving up the cooperation.

But now that they see them, he is relieved.

Since they came today, it basically agreed with the conditions he had proposed before.

"As a small friend said, our president promised the conditions of a small friend, only to destroy a martial art. Just do not know which martial art Xiaoyou intends to help us to destroy?" Shi Lao nodded.

"Since you have understood the truth of this, I think that you have a bottom in your own heart. What we have to do now is to make an illusion that others think that these two cases are made by two other sects. of.

Therefore, the strength of the remaining two sects must be stronger than the strength of the two sects that have been destroyed. Only in this way can we successfully transfer your attention. As a result, the answer is very simple. We must only remove the destiny! Cheng Yu said that the two said.

"Small friends said that it makes sense. This is indeed the case. This result is indeed what we have considered. If so, I don’t know when Xiaoyou can start acting?" asked Shi Lao.

"This is not anxious, we naturally have to confirm that the news of the poisonous kings you provided us is true or not. Otherwise, we will wait for us to destroy the destiny, but we have not found the poisonous king, then we are not very Loss?" Cheng Yu laughed.

"Small friends said that it is reasonable. Anyway, the Red Blood League is now out of service for less than a month. If it is now immediately destroyed, it is not appropriate." Shi Lao and Qi Lao also felt that Cheng Yu’s words were not wrong.

Since it is cooperation, it is natural for both parties to make a profit. If they don't see the poison king, it is really impossible to cooperate with them.

"So, let's talk about the news of this poisonous king now?" Cheng Yu asked.

"This poisonous king is now near the lower reaches of the Black River in the Beastmaster Forest. You can go look for it!" said the old man.

The people they sent out before found the poison king in that area, and they fought with the poison king.

"Good! Just don't know if the two old people have a map of the Beastmaster Forest!" Cheng Yu nodded and then asked.

"This is simple. I have a map of the Beastmaster Forest here. This Black River is a poisonous river. The water inside is very toxic, and the creatures in the river are also toxic, so the poison king will always be black. Near the water river. As far as the news is received by the old man, this poisonous king is supposed to appear in this area.” The old man took out a map of sheepskin and handed it to Cheng Yu, and then pointed to Cheng Yu’s black river. Location, and then there is the area where the poisonous king is infested.

"Good! If this is the case, then I will thank the two old people first. As long as I find the poison king, I will fulfill the agreement and solve the Tianming Building!" Cheng Yu put away the map and said with a smile.

For him, this time the cooperation is the same as the previous one. Regardless of whether their Dragonbank business will come up with benefits, he will actually take action against Tianminglou.

The same was true for the last time against the Red Blood League. Anyway, he has a hatred with the Red Blood Alliance. Even if the Dragon Bank does not cooperate, he will also shoot.

Now he not only got the news of the poisonous king, but also solved the Tianming Building. This sale is also only earning.

Of course, although the Dragon Business Bank does not know the rules of this, at least he also directly solved his own enemy, which is also earned for them.

"In this case, then we are looking forward to the good news of Xiaoyou!" said the old man with a smile.

In fact, they think that Cheng Yu is still refreshing. He just said that as long as he found the poison king, he will fulfill the agreement. Rather than saying that they caught the poison king, they will fulfill the agreement, which also made them relieved.

After all, it is not an easy task to catch a poisonous king. Moreover, Cheng Yu may also be poisoned by the arrest of the poisonous king. If this is the case, then their cooperation will definitely be affected.

However, if Cheng Yu did catch the poisonous king, then Long Yuan was afraid to blow up.

"Right, Xiaoyou, according to the news we got, this poisonous king is a million-year-old king, and its toxicity is enough to easily poison a Mahayana period, so you have to be careful!" Just as the two are about to get out of the small At the time of the hospital, the old man turned back to remind Cheng Yudao.

The strength of this year's poisonous king is not small. If Cheng Yuyu is too big, it will be destroyed by this poisonous king, and they are losing money.

"Thank you for reminding us, we will be careful!" Cheng Yu nodded.

Cheng Yu did have some accidents, but he is very clear that although the toxicity of the century-old poisonous king is not so great, but the poison it can **** is not so strong, too strong poison it does not dare to eat.

However, this millennium poison king can be much more powerful, the world is afraid that there are very few poisons that it dare not eat, so this is to make the chance of frost-free survival a little bigger.

Perhaps it is not a problem to use the power of the Millennium Toxic King to smoke thousands of flowers and souls!

"Yu Shidi, when do we leave?" When they thought about going out to find a poisonous king, everyone was a little excited.

Obviously, although the poisonous Wang Hao is very poisonous, everyone's enthusiasm has not decreased. Because it is too boring to stay in this Taize City every day during this time~www.ltnovel.com~ Although this poisonous Wang Hao seems to be very powerful, isn't it possible to refine the anti-drug Dan? I believe that there is this remedy, it is not a problem to arrest this poisonous king.

"Don’t worry, since it’s a million-year-old poisonous king, we naturally have to be prepared first! We will go out and buy some medicines to rectify the poisonous dan, and we will be more confident in refining some anti-drugs, or else It is indeed a very dangerous thing!" Cheng Yu said.

The people nodded and followed Cheng Yu out of the small courtyard to go to buy the medicine to avoid the poison Dan.

And Cheng Yu's every move was quickly introduced into Long Yuan's ears.

"They went to buy the medicines?" Just after Shi Lao and the old man came back, they had already told him about cooperation, and they all agreed.

But now Cheng Yu has not gone out of town, but to buy herbs, which is a bit of a doubt.

"I think they may want to refine the medicinal herbs? After all, the old man has already reminded them that this poisonous king is a million-year-old poisonous king. If they don't make some preparations, they will have some doubts about their ability. "Shi Lao said.

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