Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2106: track!

It is not a joke to catch a poisonous king. Its particularity is not the same as that of other Warcraft. It cannot be measured by its strength alone. Moreover, the poisonous king's great poison is not something that everyone can cope with. If you are not careful, you will have a way, so Cheng Yu has to remind everyone that they are not the same thing.

"Yu Shidi, you can rest assured, we will be careful!" Seeing the serious color of Cheng Yu's face, everyone knows that this poisonous king may not be as simple as they think, but also serious. The way back.

Cheng Yu saw that everyone had put away the jokes and didn't say more. I believe they should really understand.

Entering the Beastmaster Forest, there is a road at the beginning, which also shows that this road often has human monks come in and practice. Perhaps it is because this is only the edge of the Beastmaster Forest, so Cheng Yu did not find Warcraft to appear all the way.

They did not meet other people in this way, but soon they found a group of people behind them behind them.

"Cheng Yu, this group of people from the Taize City has been behind us, it should be directed at us!" Yao Na reminded Cheng Yu.

"Is it that those sects are coming to stare at us?" Xinluo said.

"Do not rule out this possibility, but our action this time only knows the people of Feilong Commercial Bank, maybe these people are the people of Feilong Commercial Bank!" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

"If they are the people of the Dragon Company, they are afraid that they want to come to the oriole, and the fishermen are profitable." Xinhe guessed their intentions when they thought about it.

After all, the Feilong firm also knows that they are trying to catch the poisonous king, and they are obviously behind the **** to take the opportunity to catch the poisonous king.

"It makes sense. If they catch the poisonous king, then we can only ask for them. At that time, they are afraid that we will let us go to the Tianzhumen and Bilumen!" Cheng Yu thought about this too. reason.

"They are very good abacus for the dragon business. They want us to be a pawn. They are sitting behind and collecting profits. Then we have to solve them first?" said Xin Hai.

"Nana, what strength are these people?" Cheng Yu asked.

He doesn't want to be counted by others, so if this group of people really plays their abacus, they can't really solve them first.

This time, the poison king is determined to win. This is the only way to cure the frost. He can't fail anyway. So everyone who wants to fight their birth and this poisonous king must die.

"Twenty-three people are basically the strength of the Mahayana period, and there are eight Dacheng times." Yao Na observed.

"They are really willing to spend the cost, so they have sent so many masters. If so, let's wait and say, if we don't find the poison king, then don't care about them. If we find the poison king, we will first put these people Solve it!" Cheng Yu thought about it.

If they don't have a lot of people, or they are not strong, then he really wants to solve these people. But now that you see so many masters, it is not that simple.

Although Cheng Yu had a record of 30 masters of the late Mahayana before Taize City, this does not mean that he can really compete with the masters of the 30 Mahayana.

Because the masters of the 30th Mahayana are the outer layer of the inner layer, Cheng Yu is surrounded by the middle layer, and the real confrontation with Cheng Yu is only the innermost three or four Mahayana late, so Cheng Yu can resist.

Therefore, it is not an easy task for these twenty people to kill without ignoring the fire. And it will waste too much time, which is not in his interest.

Instead of doing this, it is better to keep them first, and it is not too late to start them when they are not ready to go.

There is an invincible exploration expert like Yao Na, and she will inform everyone at the first time no matter what the problem is.

Therefore, entering the Beastmaster Forest all the way to the direction of the Black River, whether it is experienced monks in front, or Warcraft, they all avoided.

It is precisely because of this that they are very fast in the Beastmaster Forest. Before they were old, they expected that it would take two days to reach the place where the poison king was born.

However, at their current speed, I am afraid that it does not take two days.

And this makes the group of people behind them very surprised.

"Old money, have you found that we have not encountered a World of Warcraft this way?" They are only two miles away from Cheng Yu, which is completely within their sensing range, so Cheng Yu their direction They are very clear.

However, this Beastmaster Forest is not the first time they have come. They know that they have reached this depth. They should be able to meet Warcraft everywhere.

But what puzzles them is that they followed Cheng Yu and their direction was actually not encountered by a World of Warcraft.

If you continue to go at this speed, you will be able to reach their goal point in just one day, but this is also amazing.

"It seems that this is true. Can they sense the existence of all Warcraft, so avoid them in advance?" Qian Lao thought and thought it was very doubtful.

Many World of Warcraft sensors are farther away than human monks, so they don't even know how to break into the scope of Warcraft, but Warcraft has already known.

This is precisely because they are often one of the reasons for various Warcraft attacks.

"These people are really not simple. If they can really sense the existence of Warcraft in advance, does that mean that they have already sensed our existence?" The old surnamed Feng said with some concern.

"It's hard to say ~www.ltnovel.com~ That young man is very simple. It is said that they resisted the late 30th Mahayana of the Red Blood League. So on the strength of the unit, he may be stronger than any one of us. You can't underestimate him!

Moreover, the president asked us to follow them to find the poison king, but also worried that the poison king was taken away by them, so their strength may not be worse than us! Said Qian Lao.

Nowadays, the whole legend of Cheng Yu is everywhere in Taize City, and he is called by the talented youth.

"Old money, as far as I know, this young man is only a fit period. To be honest, I don't believe that a fit period can withstand the 30th Mahayana period." Feng Lao shook his head and said.

There are too many things in the world that are rumored to be rumored. It’s just that the fart is getting something in the mouth of some people, and it has become very exaggerated.

Obviously, Cheng Yu’s story is a bit exaggerated. Even in the latter part of the Mahayana, it is impossible to live in the late 30th Mahayana, not to mention a fit period.

Therefore, in his view, Cheng Yu’s realm must be false. Perhaps he was the peak of the late Mahayana and is about to enter the robbery period.

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