Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2112: Cheng Yu's kindness!

Seeing a sudden death of a brother, and the death phase is so ugly, everyone suddenly changed his face.

This poisonous king is really terrible, even in such a short period of time can poison a master of the early Mahayana.

"The money is old, we have taken the anti-drug Dan, how do you feel that it is not used at all?" The old face of the wind became very difficult to see.

"It may be that the grade of this medicinal medicine is too low. It seems that we have trouble here!" Qian Lao's face is not very good looking.

Although only one brother died, but from the situation just now, they seem to have encountered more trouble. Because this anti-drug Dan does not seem to play any role.

If it is said that it is only because of lack of ability to be killed, then they are not so worried, at least they can still avoid the venom of this poison king.

But now their remedies are ineffective, which means that they have no resistance to the toxicity of this poison king. Maybe even if there is, I am afraid that it will not be very high.

As a result, they are now in a dilemma.

Go ahead, this poisonous king is a hard battle. They want to catch this poisonous king. It is very difficult. And there is a possibility that there is still a group of people in the vicinity who are staring at them and want to take advantage of the profits.

Retreat, this poisonous king does not seem to let them leave so easily, as if they are on the bar, they have been staring at them.


Waiting for them to come up with a solution, the poison king Wang shot them again. Everyone saw that the poisonous king rushed over and all of them frightened and dispersed.

Especially the tongue of this poisonous king, you can never let it be wrapped up, just now there is a good example in front.

However, they are not willing to fight against this poisonous king, but it does not mean that this poisonous king will not fight with them. Such a huge poison of movement cannot be ignored by anyone. In the face of the attack of the poisonous king, they have to fight back.

It is a pity that the poison of the poisonous king is indeed quite horrible. In addition, the anti-drug used by them is a Chinese medicine, and there is no way to resist this venom.

Think about it, the masters who were sent by Long Yuan all used the top-quality anti-drug Dan, which escaped a few times, but in the end they were still poisoned and killed.

But now they are using only the top-grade anti-drugs or the low-end middle-class anti-drugs. It is conceivable that their results will be miserable after facing this poisonous king.

So they did not insist on a few rounds, and they have already experienced a lot of casualties. In the face of this situation, they want to run more difficult.

Especially when this poisonous king was injured by the money and their repeated attacks, this poisonous king was even more violent, and the situation they faced was getting worse and worse. Many people died under the poison of the poisonous king.

"Old money, this time our loss is big, what can we do now?" Looking at one of the brothers down, the wind is a little anxious.

They are a total of twenty-three people, all masters of the Mahayana period, but now they have been poisoned by poison kings nearly half of the number. It can be said that the battle is quite fierce, and the current situation is not good. If they continue to fight like this, their people will die more.

"Don't worry so much, we have to hurry to escape!" Qian Lao also knows that the current situation is very bad, but this poisonous Wang Hao is obviously ready to kill them all, and they will not give them a chance to escape.

I saw a lot of venom spewing out of its mouth, and several monks were infected with venom at the same time. However, this venom is too strong, although it was only contaminated, it was quickly destroyed by the venom.

Without the protective cover of the body, these people are more likely to be poisoned by the poison of the poisonous king.

Because this poisonous king is not only a venom, but also emits poison gas. Therefore, the Yuanli hood was destroyed, and they were poisoned at any time by various poisons released by the poison king.

At this time, Cheng Yu, who is just outside of Sanli, also clearly sees what they have experienced. Of course, only Yao Na and Cheng Yu can really see this fierce situation.

"Cheng Yu, this poisonous king is so terrible, we want to help them, how do we say that we have cooperation with the Feilong firm, is it really necessary to watch the people who are watching them all killed by this poisonous king Lost?” Yao Na’s people who saw the Dragon’s business were constantly being poisoned, and some said with uneasiness.

"Small can't bear to make trouble. Although we have cooperation with Feilong Commercial Bank, we are only using each other. Are these people not playing our abacus at first? It is good to see that we have lost both of them and this poisonous king." Time to collect the fruits of our victory.

Moreover, if we really have encountered such a situation, do you think they will come out to help us? I think they are not so kind, so if we do, then we can not be such a good person.

In addition, if we really saved them, what would they say when they go back? It is inevitable to tell the people of the Feilong firm that they have been put together by us to become the current situation.

Therefore, we still don't want to save them, let them fend for themselves! Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

Although he saw so many people being poisoned, he did not have a bit of compassion. Because he has seen too many things like this, if they don’t have the curved mirror and can grasp everything, then it’s very likely that they are in this situation~www.ltnovel.com~ and they are really It is possible to take advantage of the profits, but now these people have been put together by him, even if they rescue these people, they will hate you. At the same time, they will return these news to the president of the Dragon Bank, so that there will be more gaps between them.

If so, why should he save them? It would be better to let them die directly.

What's more, since they are also trying to catch the poisonous king, it should have been psychologically prepared. If the poison king is so good, then the dragon company can not tell the news, but they own this poison king is not much better?

So, all of this is because of the benefits. Since it is a relationship of interests, there is nothing to say about it.

Of course, if this time is the old and the old, it is another matter. After all, he said that he also owes some personal kindness to Shi Lao and the old man. This is his undeniable.

As for other people, he can manage so much without this leisure! At least in Cheng Yu's opinion, it was his kindness that he did not kill these people in person.

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