Godly Student

Vol 7 Chapter 2132: True and false!

"This incident is really surprising. I now have some doubts that they were afraid that they might not be poisoned. Or how could they solve the poison of Wang Duo?" The old man was also surprised.

"It is not without this possibility. Now that he has returned, the president, I think we can only choose to continue to cooperate!" Shi Lao said.

"Well, it can only be like this now, just, I don't know if he found out the people we sent out. If he found out, don't know if he still wants to continue to cooperate with us?" Long Yuan has been worried about this problem.

"Since we have already talked with him about cooperation, I think he should not refuse. However, he is now safely back, I don't know if the poison king is caught by him!" Shi Lao thought and said.

"This should not be possible? We sent so many masters to go all over the army. It can be seen that the poisonous Wang Hao is really terrible. Even if they are not poisoned, it is not bad to be able to come back alive. Oh, I think this is impossible!" Long Yuan said.

"President, I don't think it's necessary. Don't forget it. There is still a mysterious force behind him. If you say a few of them alone, there may be no way to catch the poisonous king."

But if he has so many masters to help him, then it is not so difficult to catch this poisonous king! "Shi Lao said.

"Yeah! At the beginning, he killed the Red Blood League, but he dispatched more than 20 masters of the robbery period. If there are more than 20 masters of the robbery period, it seems that he really wants to seize this poison king. What is difficult!" said the old man.

"So, this poison king is likely to have been caught by him?" Think of Cheng Yu's death of the Red Blood League, Long Yuan suddenly felt that Cheng Yu wants to catch the poison king is not a difficult thing. .

Just thinking that this poisonous king is really likely to be taken away by Cheng Yu, I feel a little regret in my heart.

I knew this way, he should drag on a little, first send a master to catch this poisonous king and then talk to Cheng Yu about cooperation. If Cheng Yu has already caught the poisonous king, then they will be a successful cooperation. It is almost impossible to borrow Cheng Yu’s hand to destroy the remaining two sects.

"Although not sure, but this possibility is very big." Shi Lao said.

"Oh! If this is the case, then there is no way, just hope that he can still abide by our agreement. If we can help us to remove the destiny, it is good, at least we have one more enemy!" Long Yuan helpless Said.

Although I don't want to accept such a reality, the reality is really cruel, and he can only choose to accept it.

"Since he just came back, I don't want anyone to bother him. I think we will go tomorrow!" Shi Lao said.

"Well, this matter will be handed over to you two old men. If the poison king is really caught by them, we can only establish a good relationship with him, and must not offend him. At least not let him cross the river to break the bridge, to us Produce hostility," Long Yuan said.

The next day, Shi Lao and the old man appeared in the small courtyard.

Cheng Yu, he did not mean a little politeness, just like this small courtyard is already their home. After returning to Taize City, he deliberately strolled around the city and went straight to the old and old. Small courtyard.

"The news of Shi Laoqi old is really well-informed, so I know that I am coming back!" Seeing the two, Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Little friends are the most important guests of our company. In this place of Taize City, Xiaoyou is back. We naturally have to know the first time."

I don't know if Xiaoyou is looking for a poison king this time. Is there any gain? Shi Lao quickly looked at Cheng Yu and found that Cheng Yu did not seem to change anything. He did not even see any signs of poisoning. It is obvious that Cheng Yu is really rewarding.

So I want to deliberately test it out!

"Oh, Shi Laojia really made fun of me. This poisonous Wang Hao is so good to catch? Although the search is found, but there is no way to catch it, let it run, this is a pity! Cheng Yu said with a look of regret.

"Let it run away? Isn't this? With the strength of a small friend, it is not difficult to grasp the poison king." Shi Lao looked at Cheng Yu and wanted to judge whether his words were true or false.

"Shi Lao is really too high to see me. This poisonous king is a rare poisonous thing in the world. We have been fortunate if we have not been poisoned by it. It is really not easy to catch it. Things." Cheng Yu shook his head.

"So, this poisonous king 蟾 really ran away?" The old man saw that Cheng Yu's appearance did not seem to be a fake, as if it was really a lost appearance, and there was some movement in his heart.

"I really ran away. Originally, we still wanted to continue to arrest it. But I thought that I still have cooperation with the two old people, and we have not thought of the way to arrest it for the time being. We can only come back first!" Cheng Yu said helplessly. .

"If this is the case, it is really a pity. If the younger friend needs it, the next time I can continue to cooperate with our Feilong firm, we can send people to help the little friends to go in and catch the poison king!" Old looking at Cheng Yu said.

To be honest, although Cheng Yu said it is very true, he really does not believe Cheng Yu’s words.

If it is someone else, he may believe this reason. But for Cheng Yu, this reason seems to be difficult to support.

After all, Cheng Yu has a lot of masters of the robbery period, even if he has no way to arrest the poison king, it is also possible to let the masters of the robbery period help him.

According to what they know, this poison king is a thousand-year-old poisonous king. Although the master of the Mahayana period seems to be easily poisoned by it, but to encounter the master of the robbery period, this poison king is afraid of it. It is very difficult to be poisoned.

And ~www.ltnovel.com~Cheng Yu also has an ancient sacred animal phoenix. With the help of such an ancient beast, Cheng Yu should not be so difficult to catch the poisonous king.

However, regardless of what Cheng Yu said is true or false, at least Cheng Yu also admitted to the cooperation agreement with him, this is indeed a point that makes him feel gratified.

In addition, Cheng Yu did not mention that Feilong Commercial Bank sent people to follow them, and did not know if Cheng Yu did not find them, or did not deliberately mention them.

Of course, in any case, this also shows that Cheng Yu does not want to destroy the cooperation between them, which is a good thing after all.

However, where did they know that the destruction of Tiandenglou was actually helping him to sue himself, even if they did not mention cooperation with the Feilong firm, he would also take the shot himself.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to sell a face of the Dragon. As for those who tracked him, they have already been killed by him, and he does not have to go to the Feilong business to care about these.

At least, having such a partner in Dongzhou is also a good thing. There is no need to make enemies everywhere. Moreover, Feilong Commercial Bank is doing business, and it may be more helpful to him in the future. Therefore, it is in his interest to maintain a relationship with Feilong Commercial Bank.

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