Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2143: accident!

The treasure ship of Feilong Commercial Bank slowly approached the dock. When the treasure ship stopped, all the people on the boat happily walked off the ship.

Cheng Yu, they don't like the lively people. Now everything has to be low-key, so they waited until all the people on board were disembarked, and they slowly got off the boat.

However, after they disembarked, a group of people suddenly appeared on the dock. These people turned out to be the guards of the city government. And they stopped all the people who came ashore and began to check them one by one. Moreover, people still hold pictures on their hands, it looks like they are looking for people!

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yu's face was a bit bad.

"They won't be looking for us?" Xinluo said with some concern.

"These people are really reluctant, this has been for half a year, they are still looking for us, it seems that this time we can not hide!" Xinhai's face with anger, he has not yet found Tianhaicheng Trouble, these people are looking for their troubles first.

"We will go back to the boat!" Cheng Yu said coldly.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid of them. Whether they are looking for them or not, they should be wary of these people. As they have discussed before, they are better not to clashed with the people in the city government. They can't solve the problem at once, but they will cause trouble.

It's really easy for them to kill these guards, but it's easy to kill them. It's not easy to clean your butt.

However, although they only came ashore at the end, they just got on the shore and now suddenly returned to the boat, which easily caught the attention of the escorts.

"Captain, those people are suspicious, they have returned to the ship!" A guard pointed at Cheng Yu and several of them said.

The **** captain also saw Cheng Yu’s backs, and then looked at the pictures on the hand. It was a group of men and women who suddenly changed their faces and shouted at Cheng Yu’s background: “Stop!”

However, how can Cheng Yu listen to them? Enter the cabin directly.

How could the **** captain let them go, and regardless of other people who landed, they went straight to the treasure ship.

Generally speaking, people who have got off the boat can no longer go on board. If other people, they want to board the ship after they get off the boat, it is impossible.

However, Cheng Yu is different. He is the one who has the elder token of the Dragon Company. Who wants to go to the ship and dare to stop him?

However, Cheng Yu did not stop them, but these guards wanted to get on the boat but it was unlikely. They were immediately stopped by the crew of the Feilong Commercial Bank.

"We are the people of the Tianhai City City, who dare to stop?" The captain of the guard saw that the crew had stopped them, and those people had disappeared into the cabin and suddenly became angry.

"I'm sorry, this official, you can get on board, but you have to take out the ticket first or pay ten pieces of the top grade stone for each person!" The crew just got Cheng Yu's confession and let them stop these. people.

They are just a small crew member. Seeing so many fierce and sinister guards of the city government, it is a fake to say that they are not nervous. However, Cheng Yu is the elder of their flying dragon business. What do he dare to do if he confesses?

However, they also can't think of any good excuse to stop them, they can only take out the ticket to say things.

"What? Do you dare to ask us for Lingshi? Do you want to fly in Tianhai City?" The **** captain said with great anger.

"Can our Flying Dragons business be mixed in Tianhai City? Isn't that what you have to say?" At this time, a voice was uploaded from the ship.

"Who?" The captain of the **** saw that the dragon company had someone who dared to blame himself and suddenly shouted.

"I am the elder of the dragon company, surnamed Xiao!" An old man appeared in front of this group of people, faintly watching these guards.

Although the city government of Tianhai City is very strong, their Feilong business bank will pay a large number of Lingshi to the city government every year. Therefore, their Feilong business can be said to be a very important business in the city government, even if the city owners of Tianhai City will not easily offend their Tianhai City.

The reason is very simple. The development of Feilong Commercial Bank in Tianhai City has started. A large number of industries in the city are purchased by Feilong Commercial Bank. If it is overturned with the Feilong commercial bank, the last loss is the city government.

"Shaw elders, we just saw a few of the overnight sins of Tianhai City on your ship, and also asked Xiao elders to make it convenient." This **** heard that the other party turned out to be the elder of the Feilong firm, and suddenly his heart was tight and his attitude was obviously polite. a lot of.

Not to mention the relationship between the city government and the Feilong business, the identity of the elders of the other party, it also shows the strength of the other side. Those who can become the dragon business are at least the late Mahayana.

And among them, he has the highest strength, and it is only the beginning of the fit, and he can not be in a grade with others. He also didn't want to really offend the other person.

Otherwise, when the other party will kill himself, it will be useless even if it is to the city government. Moreover, he is very clear that the city owner is unlikely to fall out with the Feilong business for him.

"They just said that they want to go on board, and each person pays ten pieces of Shangling Lingshi. The old man naturally allows you to board the ship." Xiao said.

Every time the Feilong merchant's treasure ship goes out to sea, there will be one or two elder-level masters sitting in the town, because both Tianhai City and Taize City are very chaotic. It is quite unsafe to have such a person sitting in the town.

Moreover, even on the way to the sea, they may encounter pirates and the like, as well as those who need to take the shots.

When he went to the sea this time, the president personally confessed to him, and must take care of Cheng Yu them~www.ltnovel.com~ can not have any bad pool, his needs should be met as much as possible.

He did not know the cooperation between Feilong Commercial Bank and Cheng Yu. He was also very good at why Cheng Yu held the elder token of Feilong Commercial Bank, and why even the president paid such importance to Cheng Yu.

Because he has always been back and forth between Tianhai City and Taize City with the treasure ship, it is not clear what happened in Taize City. Like Shi Lao and Qi Lao, they only occasionally act as masters of the treasure ship. They usually do not accompany the boat.

It was only after some crew members told him about what happened in Taize City that he realized that it was incredible that such a young man had resisted the late masters of the Mahayana of more than 30 Red Blood League.

What surprised him even more is that it is said that this young man is still surrounded by an ancient beast, which makes him understand why he will pay attention to Cheng Yu.

But regardless of the true strength of Cheng Yu, he must protect Cheng Yu.

"Elder Xiao, are you not deliberately harassing us? You know that we are not going to go out to sea, but asking us for the shipping fee, is this too much?" The captain's face was a little bad!

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