Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2160: The plan begins!

Cheng Yu walked out of the Feilong Commercial Bank branch in Tianfeng City. He did not let He Cheng come out to send it, because their actions had already surprised those who came to the Feilong business.

He does not want to cause unnecessary troubles and does not want to attract the attention of others. Therefore, when a person leaves, no one notices him at all.

As for the task assigned to He Cheng, he does not know whether he can complete it. However, he feels that if this is true, he can pass the news to other branches of the comprehension mainland dragon company, then the chance of hearing the mirror is still relatively large.

Therefore, after leaving the Feilong business, Cheng Yu’s heart is full of expectations. Maybe not long after, he will receive news from He Cheng.

Before He Cheng gave him a letter of spirit beads, this is specifically used to send letters. This letter Lingzhu wants to send a letter must have a pair, and this pair of Xinling beads have a breath of two people.

He Cheng’s Xin Lingzhu has the atmosphere of Cheng Yu, and Cheng Yu’s breath of He Cheng’s hand, if He Cheng wants to contact Cheng Yu, he only needs to crush the letter of the hand, then Cheng Yu’s Xin Lingzhu will react, and Cheng Yu will know that He Cheng is looking for him.

The Feilong firm is a business bank, and there is no shortage of such items. Therefore, Cheng Yu was not polite. He Cheng wanted to give him a few more, but Cheng Yu thought that if these guys had nothing to do and wanted to find themselves, then they could be embarrassed.

Therefore, he only needs one, so that He Cheng can only find him because of this mirror.

One person continued to wander around inside Tianfeng City, and the fun and delicious ones felt it again, and they found a hotel to stay.

Sitting in his own room, thinking about the business of the dragon, he did not say the identity of the mirror, just a brief description of its appearance, they should not know the origin of this mirror.

And then, he just has to wait for He Cheng's news. With a little relief, Cheng Yu began to contact him.

Cheng Yu has been returning to the mainland for more than two months from Dongzhou. For such a big place in the real world, they are basically on the road for more than two months.

It took nearly a month from Tianhaicheng to Ningshuicheng Chengyu, and from Ningshuicheng to this day, the city of Fengcheng stopped and stopped, almost twenty days later, the two months passed.

If you don't say that there is no time for Xiu Xian, the fingertips have passed in the past few decades. If there is no longer life than ordinary people, this is not enough for them to play.

After all, if the monk's cultivation is refined, he must go out and practice. It is impossible to practice sitting at home every day.

When I went out to practice, most of the time was spent on the road. Although the monk was helpless, there was no way.

The comprehension of the mainland is so big that every city is very far apart, so for ordinary people, they are very far away. After all, they can't fly like a monk. With their feet, if they want to walk from one city to another, they will have to walk for a month.

If the cities are far apart, for ordinary people, it can be as little as a few months, and many years are possible.

What's more, in the middle of the two cities, most of them are barren hills, or there are fierce beasts, or there are robbers and so on. Therefore, even if others want them to travel, they are not willing to go.

Therefore, for ordinary people, the scope of their life is the vicinity of a city. Farther away, there will be danger to life.

The monks are naturally not afraid of this. The only thing they feel bad is that they are too far away. In particular, they want to go to some real-life experience, it will take several months on the road, plus it is difficult to walk inside, basically come out once, it is half a year or a year.

For this reason, after many monks come out to practice, they are not willing to return to the sect. Because it is too time-consuming, they will always be outside, which can save a lot of time.

For more than two months, Cheng Yu or Bai Li can reach far away. At this time, Bai Li has already entered the territory of comprehension, but he did not receive the instructions of Cheng Yu. They have been hidden in the wilderness and are not known by anyone.

Cheng Yu knows from Xu Wei that the outer king of the eastern part of Tianhai City is Xiao Wang. This area of ​​the overseas king manages more than 200 cities.

This area of ​​the overseas dynasty is smaller than the dragon eagle that he was talking about at the beginning, and according to Xu Wei, they have more than 300 cities under their jurisdiction.

How many cities and towns are there in the realm of repair? 20,000? 100,000? Cheng Yu is not clear. How many foreigners did this dynasty have? Xu Wei does not know.

Therefore, for Cheng Yu, if you want to occupy the power of the dynasty, the road ahead is still far away. However, Cheng Yu is very clear, if this dynasty is a whole, even if he has such an absolute killer ~www.ltnovel.com~ his plan is also difficult to implement.

However, the existence of many foreign pilgrimages has brought many opportunities to Cheng Yu. In particular, Xu Xuankou learned that these foreigners are not all united.

This is somewhat similar to the ancient princes of China. If the core area of ​​the dynasty is the imperial city, then the territory of each foreign dynasty is the sphere of influence of the princes of all parties.

Although the vassal states are also under the jurisdiction of the emperor, most of the princes are different from the emperors. In the vassal state, the king of princes is the emperor.

The same is true of the foreign dynasty. These foreign kings are kings in these dynasties. Countless years of accumulation, their accumulation is also quite terrible, they have their own resources, this endless resources, they will be willing to return to the core of the dynasty?

Moreover, there are also many contradictions between the foreign dynasty and the foreign dynasty, especially between the two neighboring dynasties. For the competition for resources, it is also common for war and contradiction between the two foreign dynasties.

This situation also created an opportunity for Cheng Yu to use his current understanding of the real continent. Like Tianhai City, there are not many cities in the city to open and kill.

However, like Tianhe City, the main Tianba, as the people in the city are like ants, the city owners who regard life as a mustard are no longer a minority. Just like Fang Yecheng in the beginning, the demise of the Fang family is a good thing for the people.

Therefore, Cheng Yu saved not only the frost-free, but also saved the people of Fangyecheng out of the fire.

Cheng Yu wants to destroy Tianhai City, but he does not want to cause others to doubt him. Therefore, Cheng Yu is now planning to start. However, it is not Tianhai City, but another city--Blue Heart City.

He has already inquired about it. The city owner of the Blue Heart City has a bad reputation in the city. More importantly, this blue heart city belongs to the area of ​​the overseas king like Tianhai City!

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