Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2183: treacherous!

The location of the overseas dynasty is in the east, while the eastern part of Xiaohai is leaning against the sea. Therefore, the foreign dynasties adjacent to Xiaowai Overseas are in the west, north and south directions.

The Dragon Eagle is in the west of Xiaohai, and the Luo Luo is in the northwest direction of Xiaohai. It is bordered by Xiaohai and Longying. The northern part of Xiaohai is the Zichuan outer dynasty, and in the south of Xiaohai is the sky.

However, Tianzang is the same as the Luo Luo, which is bordered by the two outer dynasties of Xiao Hai and Long Ying.

Therefore, Xiao Hai and Long Ying have two common neighboring dynasties. Now, Xiao Hai wants to attack the Dragon Eagle. They have already passed the two dynasties with the demon and the Tianzang.

That is when they attacked the dragon eagle in the sea, I hope that their two foreign dynasties can help. However, they are not very convinced that these two foreign dynasties.

Because these two foreign dynasties are not only powerful, but also ambitious. More importantly, these two foreign dynasties have swallowed up several cities in Xiaohai.

Originally, Tan’s elders were not prepared to tell the two foreign priests about their attack on the dragon eagle, but he considered the wolf ambitions of these two foreign dynasties, and if they whispered, they would not be ventilated with them. They may attack the dragon eagle when they attack the dragon eagle, but they will attack them.

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, Tan’s elders finally weighed them and told them about it and let them stand in the same position as Xiao Hai.

After the news of the demon and the sky, the heart was also a bit happy, because they did not want to recite the black pot of the blue heart city and Luoshui city. Now that Xiao Hai wants to attack the Dragon Eagle, it is obvious that the Dragon Eagle is regarded as the real murder of these two incidents, and this is what they are happy to see.

Although their strength is stronger than that of Xiaohai, they don't want to be someone else's scum, and they are being used by others. This is not something to be happy about.

They also don't know how Xiaohai determined that the dragon eagle is the murderer. However, Xiao Hai and Long Ying are enemies. Now they are deliberately letting the dragon eagle take a black pot.

This is also a powerful gap, the strength is strong, and others dare to bully casually? That is the case with the Dragon Eagle. Although the strength of the Dragon Eagle is stronger than that of Xiaohai, it is not much stronger.

Both Luo Luo and Tian Zang have five hundred cities, which are obviously more powerful than these two foreign dynasties. Therefore, they were afraid to let Ronaldo and Tianzang do the ghosts, even if they had occupied the city of Xiaohai before the two foreign dynasties, they could only give me the gas.

But the Dragon Eagle is not the same. Among these foreigners, the Dragon Eagle is considered to be weak, so Xiao Hai picked him.

Now the dragon eagle can be said to be a strong push, and received the news of Xiao Hai, and the foreigners naturally do not want to miss this opportunity. Anyway, there are things that are supported by Xiaohai. Moreover, the main battlefield is Xiaohai and Longying, and they only need to interfere at the border. They have the opportunity to occupy several cities. If there is no chance, then they should be trained.

It is only in these foreign pilgrimages that Xiao Hai’s trust in Mo Luo and Tian Zang is the lowest. After all, other foreign pilgrimages are stronger than Xiaohai, but they are not adjacent to Xiaowai, and they don't have to worry about them.

This Mo Luo and Tian Zang are not the same, their strength is strong, they promised them to whisper. But no one is sure that they will really help Xiaohai. Maybe when they are fighting the Dragonhawks in Xiaohai, they will not only invade the site of the Dragon Eagle, but also encroach on the site of their Xiaohai.

Therefore, Xiao Hai is also particularly prepared for these two foreign pilgrimages. In the two border areas, more defenses have been added to prevent these two ambitious foreign dynasties from turning around.

"Haha! This is interesting. Xiaohai is really ready to go to war, and the dragon is fighting!" After the elder of Tan who sent the overseas dynasty, the magical king suddenly laughed.

"External King, this is really a good thing. Xiao Hai pointed his finger at the Dragon Eagle. That is to say that they have used this Dragon Eagle as the murderer of the Blue Heart City and Luoshui City, but they don't know about it. Is it true or false?" Long elder laughed.

"It doesn't matter whether it is true or not, as long as someone has carried this pot, it has nothing to do with our Ronaldo. However, if they are really murderers, then this war is understandable.

If they are not real murderers, we really have to be careful. They may have other purposes to do so. In short, you have to continue to send people to investigate this matter and see if the Dragon Eagle is a real murderer. "The demon king is still worried about this, but now he has let go."

As long as they are not fighting against them, the ultimate goal is not important. Moreover, Xiao Hai wants them to play together when the two sides fight, which is even more a good thing.

"External king, then we really have to send troops to help Xiaohai attack the Dragon Eagle?" asked Peng.

“Why not?” asked the foreign king.

"External King ~www.ltnovel.com~ I think we have to discuss this matter, whether it is Dragon Eagle or Xiaohai, it is weaker than us. We do not have to let Xiaohai strengthen its strength in order to suppress the Dragon Eagle. The eagle is really destroyed, so the power of Xiaohai will inevitably grow.

Compared with the next rapid growth of Xiaohai, I prefer to see the existence of two weak people, Longying and Xiaohai. It is the most appropriate situation for them to consume each other, not a single one! "Peng Peng said.

"Well, the elder Peng said that there is a reason. The elder of Yipeng means that we don't send troops, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?" Mo Luowai Wang nodded and said.

"Neither! Outside King, I mean, we will not help any of them to destroy the other side, we should let them continue to exist, and we must continue to fight each other.

This war is an opportunity for us, Ronaldo, we not only do not help Xiaohai to send troops, but we also have to send troops to Xiaohai! "Peng Peng said.

"Peng elders mean let us help the dragon eagle attack the whistling sea?" Long elder frowning said.

For these two foreign dynasties, they are the enemies of their devils. He does not think that it is a good thing to help the dragon eagle to deal with Xiaohai. Moreover, since Xiao Hai has informed them of the Luo Luo, it must also inform other foreign pilates.

If they help the dragon eagle, it is undoubtedly to fight with other foreign dynasties. It is not what Ronaldo is willing to see. Didn't you pick up a rock and lick your own feet?

"Long elders misunderstood, I mean, this time we will not only occupy the site of the Dragon Eagle, but also occupy the site of Xiaohai, let them eat a dark loss!" Peng said with a smile.

"Haha, Peng Elder, you can really play this abacus. I think that no matter whether it is the Dragon Eagle or the Xiaohai, I am afraid that I will be mad!" When I heard Peng’s thoughts, everyone suddenly laughed!

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