Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2189: Who is more tolerant?

"It’s really abhorrent to scream overseas, whether it’s the Blue Heart City or the Luoshui City incident, it’s obviously behind the scenes.” But they are indiscriminately determined to be the murderer of their dragon eagle. Deliberately looking for an excuse to fight against their dragon eagle." Huai elders sitting in the courtyard of the room, some angry thoughts.

However, before they were on the main hall, all of them were full of war. It seems that this war is inevitable.

"No, the foreign king is still waiting for my good news. If this time I failed to do so, it would be a blow to the entire dragon eagle."

At this critical time, who is involved in the war, who is the loser. It can be said that they have no winner in this war with Xiao Hai.

If so, it is also the ambitions of the surrounding! "Huai elders continue to think in their hearts.

He didn't understand what he thought about in the heart of the overseas king. Why did he insist on launching this war? He did not believe that Xiaowang Wang could not see the shortcomings behind this battle. Even if they rushed overseas, the final result would not be as terrible as the Dragon Eagle, but he dared to conclude that the results of this Xiaohai would not be good.

Moreover, after the devil passed the news to their dragon eagle, their war with Xiaohai was a fierce battle, and the devil was definitely prepared for the second hand. They must be wiped out by them, and that is the most terrible.

Three days' time passed away. During these three days, Huai Elders stayed in the courtyard and did not go anywhere. Although this scenery of the overseas dynasty was picturesque, he did not have the mood to appreciate it.

However, although he is very worried about the situation of the Dragon Eagle, but in these three days, he did not think of any good way to solve the Dragon Eagle crisis.

However, no matter what, he would like to see the overseas king again today. Even if the result is not good, he has to try his best to convince Xiao Wang.

Inside the hall!

"Huai elders, these three days in my screaming overseas to live habits? Compared to your dragon eagle, I am not bad at this sea? The next person can have a slow Huai elder?" Xiao Wang Wang looked at the following Huai elders A faint smile.

As early as three days ago, they had plans in their hearts. At this time, I saw that Huai’s elders were so good at the moment, but in his eyes, I saw a little worry, and my heart was more delighted.

He also knows that this war is very important for the Dragon Eagle. In fact, is it not important for them to whisper? Just as Xiao’s elders said, this time the initiative is in their hands, he even worried about the future of Xiaohai, but he could not show it.

"Thank you for the hospitality of the foreign king. I am very used to staying here. The scenery of Guichao is also extremely beautiful, and it is very fascinating. If it is not a matter of fact, I really want to stay here for a while." Said with a smile.

Although his mind is very worried about the safety of the dragon eagle, he also understands something that should be noticed as a messenger. Even if he is worried about the dragon eagle, he can't show it in front of these people.

Otherwise, in the next negotiation, it will fall, it is the skill of negotiation. Even if they are passive at the moment, the situation will not be good for the Dragon Eagle. He must maintain a high profile, making people feel that it is not important for them to talk.

"If Huai elders like this place, then it will be more than this day." Wai Wang said with a smile.

"Thank you for the kindness of the king, but I am really mundane, so today, this is the old king and you are resigning!" Huai elders said.

The foreign king and the elders present at the scene suddenly felt amazed. They thought that the Huai Presbyterians once again proposed to let them stop their troops. However, they did not expect that the Huai elders actually said that they had to resign. This is the heart of the people. Some mess.

Did they have compromised the Dragon Eagle and planned to fight with them?

When Huai elders said this sentence, they have been staring at the overseas king, but from the moment when Xiaowang Wang was shocked, Huai elders seemed to see some information.

In the eyes of Xiao Wang, he saw surprise, tension and panic, which made the Huai elders happy and confused.

It seems that this overseas dynasty is not as firm as he imagined in this war. Can it be said that Xiao Hai is not willing to fight? Or maybe there are other reasons for this?

At this time, Huai Elder’s heart also raised a glimmer of hope, but he did not intend to break it directly, because he saw that Wang Guowang was also patient. If this is the case, then see who is more patient.

"Why do Huai elders so eager to leave? Huai elders also know that the war is just around the corner, and the king needs to deal with a lot of things, so these days there is no good reception for the Huai elders. It is better to leave the Huai elders for a few more days. Personally treat the elders!" Xiao Wang Wang silently, watching the Huai elders said.

Hearing that the overseas king was preparing for the war, the Huai elder, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, once again had a tight point in his heart. He did not know whether the words of the overseas king were true or false, but no matter what, he could not stay any longer.

The words of Xiao Wang Wang can even be regarded as a threat or a show.

Huai elder's face is a bit ugly. He is gnawing his teeth and intends to gamble. www.ltnovel.com~ So he said: "Thank you for the beauty of the foreign king. I have stayed here for a long time. It is really no time to stay. Thanks again to the extravagant hospitality of the foreign king, and the old words are resigned, and you will have a period of time!"

When Huai elders finished speaking, they turned and left. His firmness was beyond everyone's expectations. All of them were not calm.

If it is really now that Huai elders have gone so far, haven’t their plans failed?

However, seeing that Huai elders have to go out of the hall, Xiao Elder is also anxious. He is very clear that some of the foreign kings are not suitable to say that seeing the foreign king is also giving him a wink, so Xiao elders quickly stood up.

"Huai is old and slow!" Xiao Chang hurriedly shouted.

"Xiao elders are crying old, is there anything else?" Huai elders turned and looked at Xiao’s elders.

In fact, others looked at him firmly, but his heart was also nervous to die, for fear that no one would stop him. Now that I heard that Elder Xiao had stopped him, his heart was relieved again, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart. Perhaps the situation was not as bad as he thought.

"Huai elders came here this time on behalf of the Dragon Eagle to seek peace with us. If the Huai elders left, then the Dragon Eagle is not disappointed with the elders?" Xiao Chang Lao looked at the Huai elders.

"Xiao elders are saying this! It’s not a peace of mind to come here. We are never afraid of war. We just because everyone is a foreigner, but they are always a family, they are all dynasties. So, neither. I hope that everyone will kill each other and tell you that we hope that everyone can see the current events. If we fight, it will be unfavorable to both of us. What really benefits us is others.

Therefore, the old words have been brought, the old task has been completed, and finally how to decide, all in the wake of the overseas king! "Huai elders said with a serious face!"

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