Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2191: Is there any guts?

"External King, are you really trying to burn with our dragon eagle and jade? If you Xiaohai really dared to fight against our dragon eagle, even if we are now a large number of cities, our Dragon Eagle will pay even more. It will definitely not make you feel better in the sea.

And Ronaldo and Tianzang are stunned. You are doing this, it is just making a wedding dress for them. Don’t you care? "Huai elders obviously care about the fact that Xiao Hai has already deployed his troops. This is really important."

If you don't get it, then they will lose a lot in this battle. It is impossible to recover again.

Only so, Xiao Hai is definitely not as easy as they say. If they are so terrible that they are harmed by the dragons and eagle, then even if they risk being destroyed, they should pull the sea into the water, so that the demon and the sky will destroy the sea together.

Xiao Wang heard the threat of Huai elders but didn't care at all, because for him, they had other plans, and attacking the dragon eagle was fake.

The reason why it is said now is nothing more than to force the Dragon Eagle to cooperate with them. Compared with attacking the Dragon Eagle, and combining with the Dragon Eagle to attack the Magic Luo, although the risk is not low, but the benefits and success rate are much higher.

After all, although the Ronaldo is strong, if it is the combination of Xiao Hai and the Dragon Eagle, this may not be weaker than the Ronaldo. Therefore, once this joint war is opened, the power of the devil will also be annexed by the two foreign dynasties. This is a good opportunity.

"Haha, Huai elders don't want to be so anxious! In fact, our two dynasties are good for generations. I don't want to start this war, but now the news that we whispered to the dragon eagle has spread. If at this time We quarreled in the sea, and how did those foreigners see me in the sea?

Although my strength in Xiaohai has not grown much in recent years, our Xiaohai is not a good bully. Just like your dragon eagle, it is not afraid of war.

Therefore, we naturally can't let outsiders look down on Xiaohai. This war is already inevitable at this time! Of course, it is also possible that we may think of other ways to avoid this war! "Xiao Overseas King is very satisfied with the dialogue between Xiao Elder and Huai Elder. At this time, I saw the anger of Huai Chang, knowing that their plan has been halfway through."

Huai elders chewed the words of the foreign king, but did not quite understand what the other side meant. It seems that this is already an impossible war, but the other party's meaning seems to reveal that this war can be avoided.

"I don't know why the outside king wants this? How does the foreign king want to avoid this war?" Huai elders looked at Xiaowang Wang.

"Xiao elder, I wonder if you have any good way to avoid this war? After all, we have always had a good relationship with the Longying Foreign Dynasties. If the news has already been passed, we are forced to do so. Willing to open this war." The foreign king looked at Xiao Elder.

Although he already knew all the plans, but in order to show that he was not calculated from the beginning, he threw everything to Xiao Elder, and at the same time caused us to really want to say goodbye to the Dragon Eagle. The way.

Of course, if they whisper to the Dragon Eagle, it is completely ridiculous. The difference between the two foreign dynasties is not big, so there will be friction in the border areas all the year round, and some small wars are common. Things.

However, there are no eternal enemies under the sun, only eternal interests. If this time they chose to cooperate with the Dragon Eagle to attack the Magic, then they can indeed establish a long-term alliance.

In this way, he does not have to worry about threatening himself because the other party is too strong. This is like the fact that they can't cooperate with the devil to destroy the dragon eagle.

Ronaldo is already big, and the strength of Xiaohai is increasing. At the same time, the strength of Mo Luo is also increasing, and it is even possible to grow faster. After all, the resources of Mo Luo are much richer than Xiao Hai. If you cooperate with Mo Luo, it is tantamount to trying to hide with the tiger.

When the dragon eagle is destroyed, they must not escape the magic palm of the sea.

However, the Dragon Eagle is not the same. Although it is a bit stronger than Xiaohai, it is not strong enough. Even if it is almost nothing wrong.

Therefore, Xiao Hai cooperated with the Dragon Eagle. Once the attack on the Magic Luo succeeded, then they got a difference in interests. Therefore, their strength growth will not be great.

In this way, even if their two foreign pilgrimages are rising, no one should worry about who can threaten them, not to worry that the other party can destroy themselves. Therefore, cooperation with Dragon Eagle is the best chance.

"External Wang Renci, Xiao Hai and Long Ying are both hands and feet. It is really not what everyone wants. It is not easy to justify this war!" Xiao Chang Lao said with embarrassment, but also did not forget I wore a high hat to their foreign king~www.ltnovel.com~Huai elders watched their two princes attach one and one, and suddenly felt that they fell into a trap. As for what they said, it is ridiculous.

The contradictions between the two dynasties have never been reconciled, not to mention the fact that they smashed the blue heart city when the dragon eagle fought with the sorcerer, and they have not returned yet, and the brothers and sisters between them .

Only nowadays, they did not want to fight with the Dragon Eagle. Until now, he did not know whether this Xiaohai was really going to attack the Dragon Eagle or the fake.

Although he is not sure about this, he does not dare to make a bet with the future of the Dragon Eagle. In the unlikely event that the whispering of the sea is really urgent, and really fight against them, then it is really late.

Therefore, at this time, he can only reconcile them, so he said: "The foreign king and Xiao Elder said that it is reasonable. We are the dragon eagle and the overseas dynasty. It is the hand and foot, and why are the hands and feet broken?

The magical wolf ambitions, they agreed to cooperate with you to attack my dragon eagle, but now they deliberately pass on such important news to us, clearly it is another picture. We must not be able to go to the devil's role in the two dynasties, but also hope that Elder Xiao can think of a perfect policy, so that both of us have escaped this robbery. ”

"Huai elders, in fact, this method of resolving is not without, just to see if you have the courage of the dragon eagle. And speaking, this method not only resolves the crisis between our two dynasties, but also brings us both With an unprecedented opportunity, it is possible that in the next few years, we will be able to meet with the Ronaldo, and it is not impossible to suppress them!" Xiao Chang pretended to meditate for a while, and finally looked at the Huai elders. Said the mouth.

"I don't know what the elders of Xiao have?" Huai Elder stared at Xiao Elder and said.

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