Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2194: Why not really fight?

"If you want to let the devil really believe in us, then we must have a real war with the dragon eagle!" Li Chang smiled faintly.

"A real war with the Dragon Eagle?" When everyone heard the words of Elder Li, everyone was shocked.

The Huai elders are also cold and sweaty. The idea of ​​Xiao Hai is too scary. Come to a real war, is it not that the two dynasties still have to lose a lot of troops?

"External king, this matter can't! If it is expensive for me and the two sides really started the war, then other foreign pilgrimages will not take the opportunity to fight against my dragon eagle? So this matter is absolutely impossible!" Huai elders hurriedly stood up and said.

"Huai elders, don't worry about it. It's not too late to wait until you finish listening to me!" Li Changla said with a smile.

"That also asks Elder Li to talk about your high opinion!" Huai elder's face was a bit bad.

If he attacked the Luo Luo with the Xiaohai Alliance, he did not have any opinions, but Xiao Hai wanted to attack the Dragon Eagle. This is absolutely impossible.

"In fact, it is very simple. The real war I have said with the Dragon Eagle is just an illusion. After all, if we have not been fighting, they will certainly doubt it, so there should be signs of war between our two dynasties.

As for the war, we naturally cannot start a big war. It is only a small-scale war, but this small-scale war must also strive for truth, so that Ronaldo can believe that our two dynasties are really fighting.

If our two forces are only facing each other, it will be difficult for Ronaldo to lose vigilance. "Elder Li said.

“Small-scale war?” Huai’s face was awkward and his face eased.

The others present at the meeting also nodded and felt that Li’s proposal was very reasonable. After all, only real wars can make Ronaldo believe that they are really fighting the Dragonhawk.

"Yes, it is a small-scale war! As for the elders that Huai elders are worried about, the foreigners have changed. I don't think Huai elders have to worry about it.

I believe that Huai elders are also very clear that these foreign dynasties are not the mainstay of the rabbits. If they want to attack the Dragon Eagle, they will wait until the heat of our two wars, who will not care who. How can we shoot them as soon as we start fighting?

Therefore, Huai elders can rest assured that we are only sending a small number of people to fight, and at the same time, we quietly transferred the main part to the north.

Once the northern rear force is assembled, we will go straight to the devil and go to the magical roman border! "Elder Li nodded and said nod."

"If it is in accordance with the idea of ​​Huai elders, this is indeed a good idea. However, how do we believe that Gui Chao is just acting with us?

In case we transfer the troops to the North, and the Gui Dynasty is really fighting against our Dragon Eagle, then is our Dragon Eagle not a crisis? "Huai elders thought for a moment and thought that if Xiao Hai was really thinking about it, it would be reasonable, but if Xiao Hai had no disagreement, then their dragon eagle would be really dangerous."

Therefore, for this situation, he neither agrees nor opposes it, unless Xiaohai can come up with a guarantee that they can be assured.

"Is it safe for Huai Elder to protect? If you are not assured, you can temporarily mobilize the troops, and we will also convey the news of the troops to the north. After you are sure, it is not too late to send troops to the north." .

Moreover, if you still do not believe in our sincerity, we can even take the lead in the battle against Mo Luo. "Elder Li said.

"This is a good idea, but this is a matter for Li, the elders are afraid that they can't do the Lord, but they have to say what the outside king said!" Huai Elder thought for a moment, if they were willing to take the lead in fighting the devil, they were not so worried. It is.

"Huai elders can rest assured that in order to let the Dragon Eagle believe in the sincerity of my whistling sea, this matter is the king!" said the overseas king who sat on the main hall.

This time they really really cooperated with the Dragon Eagle. They didn't intend to deceive the Dragon Eagle in this kind of thing, so there is nothing to doubt about this.

"Well! Since the king is so refreshing, I have promised that the dragon eagle and the king have promised to attack the Ronaldo with the alliance of Guichao. At that time we will play a show for all the foreign dynasties on the border of the two dynasties!" When the whistling overseas kings spoke, Huai elders were relieved.

After all, although I have talked so much with these elders, I can't do it in the end.

As soon as he thought of the benefits of the alliance, he was also a look of excitement. He seemed to have seen the appearance of the devil who lost his helmet under the dragon eagle and the whistle of the sea.

The last time they lost the dragon eagle to the demon Luo, this time with the power of Xiaohai, they must return this shame to the demon Luo, all the sites they lost at the beginning, but also occupy their territory.

Next, they once again discussed some of the friendships of the war. The Huai elders also received a lot of protection, and they were willing to leave the overseas dynasty.

"External King, do you say that this Dragon Eagle King will agree to join us this time?" When the elders of Huaihua left, Tan Chang stood up and said.

"With the hatred of the Dragon Eagle and the Devil, I think he will not refuse it~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, the Dragon Eagle was also a strong dynasty, but it was only after the defeat of the Magic Luo. Therefore, compared with our Xiaohai, their dragon eagle and the devil's hatred are much deeper.

In addition, they only have such two roads now, or they have fought with us in the whistling sea, and they have lost both sides. At that time, they benefited from Ronaldo and other foreign pilgrimages.

And working with us can not only give them a chance to wash the shame of the Dragon Eagle, but even let them grow up again, they have no reason to refuse! "The whispering overseas king said.

Although most of the negotiations in this time were between Mr. Xiao and Mr. Li, he only gave them some affirmations and did not say anything, but this does not mean that he does not understand anything.

Therefore, he has long seen everything quite thoroughly. In addition, Huai elder is only an elder, and it is the status of both sides that Xiao Elder and Li Elder talk to him.

"The foreign king said that it is reasonable. However, are we really just starting a small-scale fake war with the Dragonhawk? Why don't we take this opportunity to fight the Dragon Eagle? Or wait until we fight with the Magic, When they let the dragon eagle really go north, we will launch a real war to the Dragon Eagle?" Tan long thought about it, but he still said his innermost thoughts.

"This..." Hearing the words of Tan Elder, the screaming overseas king was also a glimpse, and then there was some intention in his heart.

Of course, it is impossible to start a war at the beginning. If they wait for their dragon eagle to believe in their sincerity and how to fight the dragon eagle, it is not impossible for them to fight the dragon.

It is best to wait until the dragon eagle and the devil fight, when it is a good opportunity to attack the dragon eagle.

"External king, this is not appropriate!" However, at this time Xiao Elder and Li Elder stood up at the same time!

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