Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2196: Can't help!

Originally, Xiao Hai was going to fight the Dragon Eagle, but now it is not only not fighting, but it is necessary to form an alliance with the Dragon Eagle to fight against the Magic. This change is really amazing.

If this is true, it is indeed an excellent news for the Dragon Eagle. But if it’s just a trap of Xiaohai, it’s really a disaster for them.

It is reasonable for the elders to have doubts about this.

"Huai elders, is this really true? Do they really want to join us or deliberately delay the war for war?" Long Ying Wai Wang is also very cautious about this.

After all, this is related to the future of the Dragon Eagle, but it is not a joke.

"External King, I have doubted their intentions before. However, they have already discussed some details with me in order to express the sincerity of this alliance. I think this should be more insurance.

Moreover, as far as the current situation in our two dynasties is concerned, if it is really fighting, it will surely become a loser. Only the law of the alliance can make them appear in the dilemma of how Xiaohai and our dragon eagle are together.

So I think that Xiaohai should not give up this plan. After all, this idea was also put forward by themselves, indicating that they themselves are very clear about their situation at this time. Therefore, I think the chance of fraud is not big! "Huai elders said.

"If they start the battle with Mo Luo, then we can accept it. And there is a fake play with Xiao Hai, we must be careful that they really pretend to attack our dragon eagle in order to confuse the devil, or really I want to attack our Dragon Eagle.

Therefore, the defense of Yucheng must be prepared. Before the main force of Xiaohai is determined, our main force in Yucheng cannot be removed. "The outside king said with a serious face.

Although it is said that Xiaohai has the intention of the alliance, it is necessary to strictly guard against Xiaohai. Otherwise, they will come to the forefront and deliberately let them transfer their troops to the north, and they will be restrained by the devil.

"External King, I think Xiaohai is absolutely untrustworthy. This may be just a plan for them to go with Mo Luo. Even Ronaldo deliberately told us that the news that Xiaohai is going to fight us is the strategy they had made before.

Since they can turn to our dragon eagle as a jade and become an alliance, why can't they form an alliance with Ronaldo and want to directly annex our dragon eagle?

Speaking of their whistling sea, they took the lead in fighting against Mo Luo. If they had already had a joint, they could also play a game with our dragon eagle in the same way as we did with our dragon eagle.

Moreover, the difficulty of how Xiaohai and our Longying team jointly attacked the Ronaldo was far more than the attack between them by Xiao Hai and Luo Luo.

I think that among them, their introduction to the latter is greater than the former. "The elders stood up again and said.

The words of the elders are like pouring cold water on everyone, thinking that this would be good news. No matter what kind of mind the elders used to say this, but what he said is not without reason.

After all, compared with the magic robe, the current dragon eagle is indeed much weaker. If you work with Ronaldo, they want to kill the Dragonhawk much easier.

"Alternative elders, you have more heart, Xiao Hai will not be so stupid!" At this time, the stone elders stood up and said.

"What is the meaning of the stone elders? Why are you so sure that Xiaohai will not do this? I think they can do this completely!" The elders saw the stone elders stand up and refute him, and suddenly his face was not good.

"In fact, it is very simple, then see who threatens to the sea more now. From the geographical location of Xiaohai, they have an advantage over our dragon eagle. Because we add dragon eagle, they only have four A foreign dynasty is adjacent to them.

However, although there are only four foreign dynasties bordering them on the sea, but whether it is the devil or the sky or even our dragon eagle, they are stronger than their whims.

Only Zichuan is slightly weaker than Xiaohai, and we are only slightly stronger than Xiaohai. So from now on, the existence of Mo Luo and Tian Zang directly threatens the status of Xiao Hai.

If Xiaohai is in alliance with Mo Luo, then even if they really destroy our dragon eagle, then the biggest profit will only be Mo Luo, not Xiao Hai.

At that time, Ronaldo is a big one in the east, even if it is a god, it is necessary to avoid the magic. Their Xiaohai is even more vulnerable in front of Mo Luo, so Ronaldo is fully capable of unifying the East.

Now that they are able to come up with the idea of ​​our anti-Devil in conjunction with our Dragon Eagle, it means that they themselves have realized the threat to them.

Only the alliance with our Dragon Eagle is the most appropriate, because even if we successfully defeated the Ronaldo this time, our two dynasties will rise at the same time, and we can't threaten the status of Xiaohai, so Xiaohai is more assured of our Dragon Eagle. .

In this way, together with our two dynasties as alliances, we can withstand all foreign enemies in the east. At the same time, our dragon eagle is in the west of Xiaohai. Our alliance not only makes one enemy less around the sea, but also has a protective umbrella~www.ltnovel.com~ If other foreign dynasties want to attack Xiaohai, we will The dragon eagle blocks. From this kind of aspect, it is impossible for Xiao Hai to unite the Luo Luo to destroy our Dragon Eagle.

Because the existence of our dragon eagle will only bring more opportunities and benefits to Xiaohai. Chang Chang, do you think the old man’s words have any reason? "The stone elders looked at the elders."

The elder's face is white and white, which is very unsightly, but his analysis of the stone elders has no way to refute.

Because, as he said just now, the existence of the Dragon Eagle is indeed more beneficial to Xiaohai. If Xiaohai cooperates with Mo Luo to destroy the dragon eagle, the benefits they get from Xiaohai are definitely smaller than that of Mo Luo. They can't know this.

Only he was not willing to lose to the stone elders, so he snorted and said: "Who knows how Xiaohai thinks? In case they are short-sighted, really cooperate with the devil? The war, the rapid change, the truth True or false, no one is sure whether this is true or not!"

"The fear of the elders is not unreasonable, but the foreign king just said that our main force in Yucheng will not change. In addition, because of the nervousness of the war, we are also sent to the surrounding borders.

Although Ronaldo sent us a message, it is normal for us to send troops to Ronaldo. I believe that Ronaldo will not have any doubts even if he sees it.

However, we have to send troops to the Ronaldo, but these forces must be hidden, and we must not let Ronaldo discover it. Otherwise, the devil must be suspicious. "The stone elders continued.

"Well! The elders of the stone said that no matter whether Xiaohai is true or not, we can't help it. However, this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If Xiaohai really wants to form an alliance with us, then we can't miss this rise. Opportunity!" Golden body Luohan nodded.

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