Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2201: accident!

"Qingfeng, isn't this the person in your Qingfeng camp? Don't you know?" Qinghai also looked at Cheng Yu, who had a lot of surprises in the middle of the war.

For a city government like them, it would be nice to be able to recruit some fit periods. I want to recruit some Mahayana periods, although he also thinks, but the master price of the Mahayana period is really too high.

It is enough to recruit the resources provided by the early stage of a great Mahayana. Therefore, for the city government, the master of the Mahayana period is not very cost-effective.

They would rather spend the same resources to recruit a group of masters in the late stage. After all, as a city government, a master is obviously not enough. Although the masters of the Mahayana period are indeed very powerful, perhaps even more powerful than the dozens and twenty fits.

However, a city government is not a master of the Mahayana period. Moreover, many times, he also needs these people to do things. If there is only one Mahayana period, he will go to work, and who will protect the safety of the city government?

Therefore, although the master of the Mahayana period is powerful, it is not practical for the city government. Just like now they are in Aoki Castle, the guards of the four gates in the southeast and northwest are already in the early stages of the match.

If he is recruiting a Mahayana period, even if they give them more resources, they are afraid that they may not be willing to give you the gate.

Of course, not all of the masters of the fit are willing to defend the city gate, and this Qingfeng and the other three gatekeepers will be cultivated by the young family themselves. It is a real family, so naturally It is not the same as the recruited master.

Now Qinghai sees a master of the fit in the recruits of Qingfengying. At the same time, I feel a little happy.

Looking at the strength of Cheng Yu, the master of the battlefield will kill a seven-eight-eight-eighth, and Qinghai is very moving. If you can recruit such a person, it is still very good for the family.

However, although he appreciates Cheng Yu, the identity of Cheng Yu is still to be investigated. Don't come in when the enemy's spies are coming in, that is to make a big deal.

"These recruits have not yet come and checked, so I don't know that there are such masters among the recruits!" Qing Feng also said very strangely.

"Check it out, if there is no problem, please call him to the city government after the war!" Qinghai said.

Cheng Yu naturally did not dare to show too strong strength on the battlefield, but the strength of the other side is too weak, and the strongest is only the late two distractions, which is naturally stress-free for Cheng Yu.

However, the people in Aoki Castle are happy, and the faces of the people in the city are ugly. Especially the hurricane, those who are all cultivated by their family, just like Cheng Yu gave the vegetables.

"Zhou Daren, this person in Qingmucheng is really a treacherous person. Even the masters of the fit period are mixed among these people. This time, my family lost a lot of money. I also asked Zhou Daren to send a master to kill this hateful guy!" The hurricane really gave Cheng Yu a hate.

During this time, he recruited a large number of people in Yucheng, but there were not many soldiers recruited. And the strength is very general, the two distractions that were killed by Cheng Yu were cultivated by their own family.

I thought this time they would lead these people to attack the city and do it, because Zhou Ping told them so.

Zhou Ping knows very well that this time it is just a play here, as long as they are careful, they will not have any big problems.

Therefore, he did not care, for the hurricane sent two distractions later, as long as they casually killed a few people can come back.

But he did not think that Qinghai would have mixed the masters of the fit period with these low-ranking monks. Although both of them know that this is just a performance, but whether it is a real war or a fake war, it must be dead.

Now Qinghai has come out like this, it is simply let him eat a dumb loss. Is he still going to talk to Qinghai, let's just say that it is just a performance, you kill someone now, what should I do?

Therefore, this matter is unclear, but since Qinghai has given him yin, he is also welcome.

The foreign dynasty just let them play, they just do not really attack the city, as for killing, it does not matter.

"The city of the city is relieved, since they are not in the city, then don't blame us for being unjust. Qi Fei, you will go to the kid, it is best to eat him." Zhou Ping said to a middle-aged man around him. .

The middle-aged man named Qi Fei is also a late stage of the fit, but he is not far from the Mahayana period. With his eyes, it is natural to see that Cheng Yu is also a late stage.

However, in his view, even if it is also the late stage of the fit, Qi Fei has already been the peak strength of the late stage. In the late stage of the fit, even if it is not invincible, there are few people who are his opponents~www.ltnovel.com~ So, don't say that it is killing Cheng Yu, even if it is not difficult to eat him.

"Elders please rest assured, this person will be handed over to me!" Qi Fei held a fist, excited to fly over the battlefield.

He couldn't wait any longer. He thought that this war did not have anything to do with him, but he did not expect that Qingmu City would have played the means first. He had a chance to take the shot now. He did not intend to bring Cheng Yu immediately. Going back, he has to play with this kid.

"The city owner, Yucheng also sent a master of the fit period, this kid will not have something?" Seeing the city out of the master, Qing Feng said anxiously.

"Isn't this just right? We can also see if this young man has some strength. If it is killed by the locality, then naturally there is nothing to say, if he wins, then he must recruit him!" Qinghai also came Interested.

Originally, he felt very boring about this battle. Now they have an accident on this side and broke the situation. Then play it well.

Anyway, Yucheng can't really break through Qingmu City. All they have to do is delay some time here, so that the war will be as loud as possible.

Cheng Yu saw a late stage of the fit and his face was full of sneer. Even if he came to the late Mahayana, he was not afraid, let alone a late fit.

However, this battle is a look of the dragon eagle and the overseas masters, and he can't be too obvious. Even if it is better than them, it can't be much stronger, otherwise these guys will doubt it.

In addition, if the dragon eagle and the master of Xiaohai see something, then he will have trouble.

"Kid, now you can escape back, or you will not have this opportunity!" Qi Fei rushed to the front of Cheng Yu, kicked out, said with a smile!

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