Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2204: Check him!

If Cheng Yu is dead, then there is nothing to say. But now that Cheng Yu is not dead, it means that Cheng Yu is a talent.

For such talents, Aoki Castle must recruit. Although there are dragon eagle outside the support of the city's main government, in fact, the dragon eagle outside most of the time will not intervene in the city, everything is handled by themselves.

Therefore, if someone dares to challenge the status of the city government, as long as it is not malicious, or the enemy is outside, they will not pay attention to it.

Therefore, in the realm of comprehension, some city owners have been replaced, and the foreign dynasty will not be in charge. All they want is a city spokesperson. As long as the city is still under their control, they can collect enough resources every year, they will not .

It is not the same as Cheng Yu’s failure to destroy the Fang family. It is completely malicious, even the enemy of the Dragon Eagle. Therefore, after the Fang family was destroyed, the forces of the various parties competed for the position of the city owner, and the Dragon Eagle outside would not be in charge.

However, for Cheng Yu’s behavior of arbitrarily destroying the city’s government, it is obviously a kind of provocation against the dynasty. Of course, the dynasty must find the murderer.

Otherwise, no one will dare to kill the city owner in the future. Who is willing to be the city owner? Naturally, they came forward to appease the city owners by their dragon eagle.

Therefore, in order to be threatened by others, the city government needs to accumulate its own power. Whether it is other forces in the city or foreign forces, as long as their city's strength is strong enough, then no one is afraid.

This Cheng Yu did not die in this case, indicating that its strength is quite good. If he can be recruited, the strength of their city government will be greatly enhanced.

Although it is said that the fit period is not comparable to the Mahayana period, there is such a strong fit period, which is very good for the city government.

The city of Yucheng was also very shocked. It was just a cheer, but it was an incredible face. No one thought that Cheng Yu could still be intact in that situation, which is really confusing.

"I didn't think that your child's life was really big, so I didn't kill you. But, even if you lived, how do you think you can kill me?" Qi Fei was shocked though this guy was still alive. However, he did not put Cheng Yu in his heart.

At least, in his own opinion, Cheng Yu is not at a level with him. Although I said that I had made a mistake, but he wants to kill the other side, there are ways.

Qi Fei also showed his own weapon, a lower soul device. Although it is only the next product, but compared with Cheng Yu's handicrafts, it has formed a striking contrast, which is different from the momentum.

The level of weapons is different, and the power of the same is greatly different. If Cheng Yu's product of the next product can kill a monkey, then Qi Fei's product can kill an elephant.

Of course, this is just a comparison of weapons. The real strength is weak and weak, and it depends on the people who actually use the weapons.

Although Cheng Yu can't completely release his own power, he still has to deal with a Qifei. But in order not to let others see too many flaws, he can't be too high-profile.

If a trick is made, the other party will be killed. I am afraid that no matter who is the dragon eagle or the dynasty, he is looking for trouble.

However, from the perspective of the fit period, the strength of this flight is really very good. However, in Cheng Yu's view, Qi Fei's strength is still not strong.

Because Xinhe found a lot of spirit grass in the death of the magic sea, Cheng Yu refining a lot of elixir for their cultivation and strengthening the body, so the strength has advanced by leaps and bounds.

If they are not in the heart of the river, they may not be Qi Fei’s opponents. However, after the transformation of the heart of the river, although they can not fight more, but the strength has also been between the fit period to the beginning of Mahayana.


Although on the gas field, Qi Fei is holding a Horcrux, it seems to be more than Cheng Yuqiang. However, when the two really played against each other, Qi Fei fell into a disadvantage.

"How is this possible?" Zhou Ping's eyes were condensed, and Cheng Yu was not a character in his eyes. However, it is unbelievable that Qi Fei has been overwhelmed by Qi Fei.

The people on the side of Aoki Castle are really getting more and more excited. This Cheng Yu is so good, not only survived in the big bang, but the strength is really strong, even the best of the other party. under.

"This person is a personal talent, we must not miss the Greenwood City!" At this time even Qinghai's face with a bit of excitement.

It is rare to have a fit period. Even if their city owners are constantly recruiting masters, there are very few masters who are really willing to rely on them.

Because they can be recruited by them, they are basically scattered. However, as a distraction, it is difficult to cultivate to the fit period.

And if you want to cultivate to the late stage of the fit, it will be even more difficult~www.ltnovel.com~ A character like Cheng Yu, since he has already entered the army and become a recruit, it means that he is very likely It is a mess, and he seems to want to go this way.

Therefore, in the face of such Cheng Yu, Qinghai feels that the chance of successfully recruiting him is very large. I think that their city government will soon be able to get such a master, his heart will not be excited?

However, in the place not far from Qinghai, there is an old man who is also closely watching Cheng Yu and Qi Fei on the battlefield.

For Cheng Yu, who suddenly emerged, he was also a bit surprised, especially when he saw that Cheng Yu’s strength was so strong, and it made him more skeptical.

He did not know Qi Fei of Xiao Hai, but Zhou Ping knew him. Zhou Ping sent him to play, it can be seen that the strength of Qi Fei must not be underestimated.

Cheng Yu seems to be just a mess, but he has this strength, and it appears on the battlefield at such a critical time, which has to make him doubt.

"Check this young man!" the old man said to a middle-aged man around him.

"Okay! Qin Elder!" The middle-aged man nodded and looked at Cheng Yu and left.

For this war with Yucheng, Qin Elder did not pay attention to it. Because he is very clear, this is a play of the two foreign dynasties, so there will be no major events here.

Of course, even so, he still has to guard against the overseas retreat. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, they should have fulfilled the covenant.

Now that he has a Cheng Yu, he has to investigate it well. If the young people have any bad purpose, they may have a plan for their entire foreign dynasty.


At this point, Qi Fei was shot by Cheng Yu, and a blood was found in his mouth. His face was full of horror and incredible.

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