Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2226: Disagreement!

The alliance with the Dragon Eagle was originally proposed by Elder Li. At the beginning, Tan was very dissatisfied with this. It is not because of dissatisfaction with this plan. In fact, he is also very sympathetic to the alliance, but this is what Mr. Li has proposed, so he will naturally feel uncomfortable.

However, things have developed to the point where they are today, and they have actually gained a lot of benefits from the overseas dynasty, which has made him feel a lot better.

However, because this plan was proposed by Elder Li after all, the biggest credit of this time is undoubtedly Li Elder.

It is only now that Li Elder has offered to retreat. Tan’s elders suddenly rejoice in his heart. This is simply a fall in the sky, and he gave him credit in vain.

Now the situation of Xiaohai and Longying is very good. If this time is to retreat, it is simply to re-engage the harvest of these months. How is this possible?

Moreover, his remarks are not alarmist. Although Li’s words are somewhat reasonable, the war is difficult to predict. What's more, he does not think that after they retreat, the war will develop as Li’s old saying.

Inside the hall, the king and other elders were silent. Although Li’s words made them feel very excited, they could not only defeat the devil but also let the dragon eagle be hit. This is extremely extreme for the rise of Xiaohai. Significant significance.

After this time of the war, the devil is inevitably going to decline in their hearts. And Xiao Hai and Long Ying will also rise at this time.

However, the strength of the Dragon Eagle is even stronger than that of Xiaohai. This time, the two foreign dynasties occupied so many sites, even if the two foreign dynasties rose, then the Dragon Eagle might still be a bit stronger than their whims.

If this is the case, then the rise of Xiao Hai in the east is not a good thing. Although they said that the two foreign dynasties have now formed an alliance, there are no eternal friends and no eternal enemies between the countries under the heavens.

For these foreign pilgrimages, there is no difference between them and the country. Once the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai were enemies, but because of their interests, they became allies.

Maybe one day, the Dragon Eagle will stand on the same line with others because of its interests, and once again become an enemy with them, these are all very likely happenings.

Moreover, if the Dragon Eagle wants to be the only one in the east, then there will be a battle with them.

If you don't take the opportunity to give him a blow when the Dragon Eagle rises, then it is basically impossible to wait until they defeat the Ronaldo and then want to deal with the Dragon Eagle.

Therefore, although Mr. Li’s words are somewhat risky, the interests of Xiao Hai are great. As long as the plan is completed, they will become the biggest beneficiaries of this war.

However, Tan’s words were more like a cold water, and all the good illusions of the people were wiped out. This also forced them to face up to the feasibility of the plan proposed by Elder Li.

If they retreat after the retreat, the main force of Ronaldo does not turn to the dragon eagle, but choose to continue to attack them, then what should they do? Is it really necessary to give up all the results of these three months directly, as Mr. Tan said?

This is something he can't accept. Each of these cities can be played with countless Xiaohai disciples with blood. It is easy to give up now.

But if you want to fight back after giving up, it is not an easy task.

"Li elder, Tan Elder's statement is also very reasonable. According to the current situation, your plan is good, but it is not safe. We have so much blood in the Xiaohai disciple to exchange these sites, if Just so handy people, I am afraid that the disciples will be disappointed!

And I still don't want to tear my face with the Dragon Eagle. As for weakening the strength of the Dragon Eagle, I will talk about it later. "Wang Wang thinks over and over again, and finally it is better to resist the inner impulses. I think it is better to be safe.

Although the existence of the Dragon Eagle is a major hidden danger for Xiao Hai, now they really need the Dragon Eagle as an ally. If they sold them at this time, then the Dragon Eagle will surely turn their faces. When it is time to say that it is rising, even their two foreigners will face enormous threats.

"External king, even if we put a dragon eagle together, they will not tear us away in this situation. Because they are also very clear, if our alliance does not exist, then we will all be demon. Therefore, if they are angry again, they will endure this tone and wait until the end of the war to care about it.

But at that time, we may not worry about the threat of the Dragon Eagle anymore. When Elder Li heard the words of the foreign king, he was somewhat disappointed, but he did not give up and wanted to continue to convince the king.

The situation in the east today will change because of this war. If they do not change the advantages between the three foreigners at this time, then it is basically impossible to wait until the end of the war to change.

The existence of the dragon eagle is like a tumor in Xiaohai. If it is not at this time, it will be even more difficult to step on it under the foot of www.ltnovel.com~ even if they are likely to be by their dragon The eagle stepped on his feet.

As the elders of Xiaohai, the interests of the entire Xiaohai are closely related to them. He naturally did not want Xiaohai to finally become the wedding dress of the Dragon Eagle, so he insisted that he must give the Dragon Eagle a knife now, not after the war.

"This..." Hearing the elder Li said that the foreign king had just firm confidence and suddenly shaken again.

"External King, Li Elder is simply a demon confession. This is simply a bet on the future of our whispering sea. At this time, we will give the dragon eagle a knife, and they will provoke them. They choose to go with us." do?

Nowadays, we attacked the Luo Luo with the Dragon Eagle. The situation is very good. The Luo Luo is losing ground. Why do we take this risk to offend the Dragon Eagle at this time?

If we go back to the war, the dragon eagle is hit hard. They are even unable to resist the devil. When will the robbers let us go? There is no dragon eagle, how can we resist the roaring sea? This is clearly to force us to go to the dead on the road, so please ask the outside king, even if we want to weaken the dragon eagle, we can not do it at this critical juncture, this is the self-digging grave! "Tan Tan said to Li Chang, angry."

"External King, I think the words of Tan’s elders are not unreasonable. Now we are constantly attacking the land on the territory of Mo Luo, why should we show weakness and release the site we have laid?

Our retreat may weaken the strength of the Dragonhawk, but now the Dragonhawk is our ally, and weakening his strength is equivalent to weakening our own strength.

And we have too many variables after the retreat, it is unpredictable, I think we should still take a safe approach, sincerely cooperate with the Dragon Eagle, directly to the Ronaldo to kill. At this time, Elder Wang also stood up to support Tan Elder.

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