Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2228: invincible position!

"Wang Wang Yingming, at the same time, it is too dangerous to attack the two foreign princes of Longying and Xiaohai. In fact, although Longying and Xiaohai are alliances, their relationship may not be as good as we think.

Don't forget, Dragon Eagle's Blue Heart City can still be in the hands of Xiao Hai? Said the elder money.

“The elders of money mean that we are provoking the relationship between them at this time?” asked Elder Peng.

"No, in the current situation, their life and death have been tied together, and they are also very clear. With their strength, if they can not unite, they will inevitably be swallowed up by the devil.

So we are going to provoke the relationship between them at this time. It is very difficult, and it is a waste of time. I mean, even if they are united again, they will eventually be two external pilgrimages, and they will be two foreign dynasties with festivals.

Instead of sending troops to both of them at the same time, it would be better to directly put one in the dead. "Elder money smiled.

"Will you fight one in the dead?"

"Yes, now they are so strong in the territory of Ronaldo and the sea, because they are united together. As long as one of them can not keep up with the strength of the foreign dynasty, then the devil Luo will certainly get a respite, they also want to easily occupy the city of Ronaldo, it is not so easy." The elders nodded.

"The elders of money are right. The alliance between Longying and Xiaohai is like two legs. If one of them is disabled, then the other leg will be strong and it will not be the opponent of Ronaldo. At that time, the Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai will be defeated." Other elders also agree very much.

"It makes sense. Do you think that we should attack the Dragon Eagle or the Xiaohai now?" said the Tianshangwai Wang.

"I think we should first kill the Dragon Eagle." Grandmaster Sun stood up and said.


"Compared with Xiaohai, the foreign eagle around the dragon eagle is much more. So we only have to fight the dragon eagle, and other foreign dynasties will definitely attack the dragon eagle more intensely. So, we are not easy. Can you lay down the dragon eagle?" Sun Chang said with an old-fashioned mind.

"Well, this is also true. There are only four foreign comrades in Xiaohai, but now the Dragon Eagle has become their ally, and now they are fighting with Mo Luo, then the only foreign dynasty that can be shot to Xiaohai is Zichuan and us. It is really difficult to lay them down.

The Dragon Eagle is different. Except for the Devil and the Xiaohai, plus us, a total of four foreign dynasties can attack the Dragon Eagle. And these foreign pilates are equal to our allies! "Everyone thinks that Sun's analysis is very reasonable.

There are three helpers to help them fight the dragon eagle, which is much simpler than the only Zichuan to help them fight the sea! Everyone feels that this is the best way to get the most out of with the least amount of power.

"External King, I think it is most appropriate to attack Xiaohai first!" However, the elders of money stood up and retorted.

"Oh? Why do money elders think so?" Wang Zangwai Wang also thinks that Sun Chang Lao said that it is very reasonable. After all, attacking them will have more allies, so it will be easier to fight.

"External King, the idea of ​​Sun’s elders is really reasonable, but I believe that only by attacking Xiaohai first, our Tianzang will be truly invincible!" said the elder Qian.

"Talk about it!" The King of Heaven and the Tibetans heard that attacking Xiaohai could make them invincible in the sky. This can really evoke his curiosity.

"Outside the king, although there are many foreigners around the dragon eagle, it is really easier for us to attack the dragon eagle. However, it is because there are too many foreign gangs around them, so once the dragon eagle is laid, then the site we can get. Very few.

And if we swallow the dragon eagle's territory, then we will have more foreign affiliations that border us. Isn't that giving us an enemy?

In addition, if we lay down the Dragon Eagle, then the west and the south of Xiaohai will be bordered by us, and we will protect Xiaohai.

At that time, if we are going to fight against Xiaohai, there are so many foreign pilates in the north of the west, and we are bound to suffer from the enemy.

Therefore, although attacking the Dragon Eagle is said to be very easy now, it has not been a long-term solution to give us too many dangers in the way out of the sky.

When attacking Xiaohai, it is a completely different situation. Xiaohai’s geographical position is superior. As Mr. Sun said, they have only four foreign dynasties to border them.

And the east of Xiaohai is all connected to the sea, which gives them an unbeaten retreat.

If we can lay down the sea, then we will have this undefeated retreat, and no longer have to worry about the enemy in the east. The foreign dynasty that borders us has not come a few more, at most, it is bordered by Mo Luo and Zichuan.

However, if we lay down the sea, the territory we have annexed is much more than the dragon eagle, so we swallowed the sea, so the strength increased.

Even if it is bordered by Mo Luo and Zichuan? Anyway, the sea is gone, we are just one more landed place ~www.ltnovel.com~ And at that time, even if we have a foreigner, we don't have to worry. At least we have to kill Zichuan much easier.

However, the other foreign dynasties we faced have not changed. At that time, Zichuan can destroy the Dragon Eagle, and there is no need to worry about the enemy.

Even if it is really dangerous, we still have the back of the sea, what can we do to us? Only in this way, we will become more and more powerful in the sky, even in the east, and finally swallow all the foreigners in the east! "Elder money seems to have thought of the rise of Tianzang in the east step by step according to his own plan, even standing on the peak of the king of the east."

Thinking of this, the elders of money have become extremely excited.

While others are listening to the plans of the elders of money, the light in their eyes is getting brighter and brighter. Obviously, attacking Xiaohai is the best way.

Although it may be more difficult to lay down the whistling sea than to lay down the dragon eagle, it has laid the foundation for their road after the sky, and also has a retreat for their development after the sky.

Anyway, if they are not in the east, they can return to the sea at any time. And if they continue to expand westward, they don’t have to worry about enemies attacking them in the east. This is a multi-pronged approach!

"Elder money, your idea is really good. If so, then according to your method, we will send troops to Xiaohai. Finally, we will directly kill Xiaohai and annex them!" It has become very exciting. It has always been his dream to expand the territory, but he has never had this opportunity.

Now that the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai’s ambitions are exposed, they want to swallow the Luo Luo, then they will come to a siskin.

"External king, no, now is not the time for us to send troops!" But the elders of money are once again blocking the plan of the king of heaven and earth!

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