Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2255: opportunity!

"External King, I think Tan Elder is right, no matter what we do now, in the eyes of others, we are all encroaching on the Greenwood City. If we return this Greenwood City to the Dragon Eagle, the day is not to us. Is Xiaohai a joke? I think it is impossible to return Qingmu City to the Dragon Eagle.” Huang Elder stood up and echoed Tan’s words.

"Do you think this Aoki Castle is really our whispering sea? This is just a fake appearance seen by outsiders. This Aoki Castle is clearly in the hands of those who have captured the Aoki Castle. There is no relationship. We might as well give the Dragon Eagle a favor and return the Greenwood City to them." Elder Li insisted on his own ideas.

"Elder Li, don't you think that you have some contradictions? You just said it yourself. This Aoki Castle is now in the hands of those people. If so, then this Aoki Castle is what you said to the Dragon Eagle. Can you return?

At that time, the Dragon Eagle sent people to Aoki Castle to receive Aoki Castle, but they were attacked again. Wouldn't it be that the Dragon Eagle misunderstood that we were playing them.

At that time, I was afraid that this thing would be even more unclear. Maybe the Dragon Eagle would launch a war against us in Xiaohai, which is really a big trouble. "The elder Tan said.

When Li Changchun suddenly frowned, the situation that Tan’s elders said could indeed happen. After all, Aoki Castle is not in their hands, so they have no right to speak at all.

They returned the Greenwood City to the Dragon Eagle, but the Dragon Eagle really thought that they could get back to Aoki Castle. When the Dragonhawks were sent to be killed by those people, it would really be out. Great thing.

"In this case, then we can also issue a statement explaining the situation in Qingmucheng, let everyone know that this Qingmu City is actually not occupied by our Xiaohai!" Li Changsong thought about it.

Although he thinks this is not a good idea, he even thinks that it is not possible to directly acquiesce to this matter, because it is likely to be on those people.

"Elder Li, you are even more ridiculous. Do you think that you have made such a statement and someone will believe it? At least the Dragon Eagle will not believe it, because Aoki Castle has now been taken from their hands." Tan Tan continued to rebut.

"That is the elder of Tan, how do you count it?" Seeing Tan’s rebuttal of his words, he was a bit uncomfortable, watching Tan’s elders say.

"Actually, no matter whether this is the devil or not, it doesn't matter. Anyway, now Aoki Castle has been separated from the Dragon Eagle's hand, even if Aoki Castle is not in our hands, but at least from the reputation. On the other hand, this Qingmu City has already belonged to us, and we have not spit it out.

If you explain to the Dragon Eagle or the world at this time, it is undoubtedly a superfluous addition, not only no one believes, but people will look down on us.

Since those people want to provoke this way, let him pick it up. When you were elder Lee, did you not say that you want to weaken the strength of the Dragon Eagle when you are fascinated by the devil? How do you become so frightened now? This is the opportunity for us to rise! "The elder Tan said.

“Is it? But I also remember that Tan’s elders said very clearly that we did not have enough strength to support the two-line war!” Li Chang-song sarcastically said.

"When Elder Li first raised this issue, we were unable to support the two-line battle, but the situation is different now. The situation is changing with time. Before that, the situation of Ronaldo was not so bad now. In the case of the situation, Ronaldo has not been able to persist for a long time.

Moreover, the devil lost this time, even if there is no dragon eagle, with the strength of our whistling sea, it may not be able to disable the devil.

So now, if we are fighting the Dragon Eagle, it is an opportunity! "The elder Tan said proudly.

The outside king couldn’t help but nod. Although these elders each have their own interests, they will refute their bickering when discussing major events, but he does not deny that Tan’s analysis is very reasonable.

Not suitable before, does not mean that it is not suitable now. Moreover, if they had shot to the Dragon Eagle before, they were really worried about the counterattack of the Ronaldo. But in the current situation, even if the Ronaldo counterattacks, they are not very worried about Xiaohai.

At the same time, he was also worried about swallowing the Luo Luo, but also brought them a powerful dragon eagle, and the strength of the dragon eagle was stronger than their whistling sea, which really made Xiao Hai suffer a lot of suppression. This is not conducive to the expansion of Xiaohai in the east.

If it is possible to give some damage to the Dragon Eagle, they may be able to rise up and press the Dragon Eagle. Then they are in the East, and they are really not afraid of anyone.

When he thought of it, he also had some heartbeat. Since Ronaldo wants to provoke distraction, let him pick it up. If he let him know that they are screaming at the sea, they will benefit from it. I don't know what they think in their hearts. I am afraid it will be even more uncomfortable.

"External king, things are definitely not so simple, there is more than one demon roar around us, and there is a heaven in our south.

If we are fighting the Dragon Eagle, Tianzang will not sit still. If Tianzang is shooting at us at this time, how can it be good? "Elder Li saw that the foreign king seemed to be moved by the elder Tan. ~www.ltnovel.com~ It was a little anxious."

"Is Li Elder this not a worrying person? If Tianzang wants to do it, she will have been shooting us when we were fighting with Mo Luo."

Now that we have decided on the overall situation, Ronaldo has been unable to fight back. Do they dare to fight us? Besides, the little movements that they hide in the south of us are also constant. They have also invaded several of our cities. It can be said that they have been like us, and why wait until now! "The elder Tan said.

"The elder Tan said that there is reason, Li Elder, this matter is fixed. We will not only take down the Luo Luo this time, but also let the Dragon Eagle eat a big loss, so as to ensure our position in the east! From now on, immediately dispatched troops to Yucheng, and the Dragon Eagle may have already acted. We must not be taken lightly, and we must give the Dragon Eagle a blow!" Xiao Wang said.

Elder Li also wants to say it again, but the foreign king has stopped him, and he has no choice but to help him.


Aoki Castle.

Since the news that Aoki Castle was occupied by Xiaohai, Qinghai has been a bit wary. Although he said that there is no way to do this, and he secretly passed the news to the Longying outside, the heart was a little easier.

However, he did not know how the Dragon Eagle decided. Would he think that he had betrayed the Dragon Eagle and would he send someone to kill him?

These are all things he doesn't know, but just today, he received the news that the Dragon Eagle has sent troops to come to Aoki Castle.

This made Qinghai become more and more suffering. He did not know what would happen after Longying sent troops to Qingmucheng.

However, what makes him even more puzzled is that although in the eyes of outsiders, Aoki Castle has already belonged to Xiaowai. However, this Qingmu City did not see Xiaohai’s garrison, which made him wonder!

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