Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2279: Are we qualified?

After two days, the man who sent the dragon eagle before the elder grandson finally came back. At the same time, there are 20 masters of the robbery period with him.

Obviously, the foreign king has already seen the matter of Qingmucheng, so this time it is ready to make a big one.

Twenty masters of the robbery period, plus the remaining seven, there are twenty-seven robbery periods. This kind of strength is believed to be enough to scare the people of Mo Luo and Tian Zang.

"The elder Huang, I didn't think that the foreign king would have invited you, and now we have to fight together!" These grand priests and grandsons, who are coming to the robbery period, also know each other, so that it is easier for everyone to cooperate with each other.

Maybe the outer king is thinking of this, so he will send the elders of the grandson and their acquaintances.

"Haha, the elder of the grandson, did not think that we have these old bones still have a fight together. Now how is the situation here?" Huang Elder also laughed.

In the period of the robbery, in general, they will no longer participate in these mundane things, but now the situation is special. Whether it is Mo Luo and Tian Zang, or Xiao Hai, they have already dispatched the master of the robbery period.

If they do not send a master of the robbery period, there is no way to solve the problem.

"The situation is not very good now. Just three days after I sent people back, there was another change in the city of Yucheng. The method was exactly the same as that of the previous Aoki Castle. Now, Yucheng has already declared that it belongs to our Dragon Eagle. We are now considering whether we want to receive the city in the past!" As soon as the situation is concerned, the elders of Gongsun frowned at once.

Now that there are 20 masters of the robbery period, it can be said that his confidence has increased greatly. However, everything needs to be cautious.

After all, until now, they don’t know how many robbers are coming from the Ronaldo and the Tianzang.

"When I came, I also heard from you some people about the situation in Aoki Castle. Now we should first go to Aoki Castle and say it. In our current situation, even if there are people in the city of Aoki, there are really people who have magic or heaven. It is our opponent.

As for the city you said, we have to find a way to get it back. After all, this is our territory. We can't keep it in the hands of Xiao Hai, and it is impossible to let it in the hands of others. "The elder Huang also frowned, then said.

"Good! There are you, I believe that the people of Ronaldo may not dare to shoot us. Before the Xiaohai had several masters of the robbery period, they were left in the city, but they were destroyed by the people of Luo Luo and Tian Zang.

Before I asked Qinghai City's city owner Qinghai, he said that Xiaohai had a total of fifteen masters of the robbery period. So there were nine periods of robbery in the city.

Therefore, from these circumstances, the people of this Luo Luo and Tianzang are afraid to have more than a dozen, but there should be no more than twenty, so we still have great advantages! Said the elder grandson.

“Why can't they see more than twenty people?” asked Huang Elder.

"In my opinion, there are fifteen people coming to Xiaohai, and these people have been in Qingmu City several days earlier than us. If there are more people in Luo Luo and Tianzang than in Xiaohai, then They are afraid that they have not waited for us to take the shot and then annihilate the sea.

However, they have waited until we came to destroy those people in the city, so I think their number will not be too much. If they exceed twenty people, it should be easier to kill fifteen people! ”

"There is some truth, but I think they are not necessarily doing this for the reason!" Huang grew up nodded slightly, but did not fully agree.


"Maybe they just want to let us help them to lead a part of the robbery period. Think about it, they may have enough strength to eliminate fifteen robberies, but in that case, it will undoubtedly bring damage to themselves. .

Therefore, they deliberately wait for your appearance, which not only consumes the strength of us and Xiaohai, but they can more easily remove the remaining Xiaohai masters.

However, one thing I think is very correct. That is, they may not have many people. Perhaps it is comparable to the number of them in Xiaohai, so using this method is the most appropriate! "The elder Huang said.

"Well, it is also possible. In this case, we don't have to worry about the threat of the Luo Luo. Then we will enter the city now. We will find these people as soon as possible after entering the city, otherwise it will be a hidden danger!" The elder grandson said.

"Good!" The crowd nodded and prepared to enter the city.

However, before entering the city, the elders of the grandson first sent people to inform Qinghai. After all, he is the owner of Aoki Castle. After they enter the city, they still need him to arrange accommodation for everyone.

City House.

Qinghai heard that the elders of Gongsun were going to the city, knowing that the dragon eagle was coming over again, and did not dare to have any scorn, and quickly rushed out to meet them.

However, because there have been more than one incident in Xiaohai, they are not very satisfied with that place. So I asked Qinghai to find a place that they thought was safer, but it was still in Xicheng District. Because Xicheng District is very sparsely populated, they are easier to control in case of any situation.

"Qingcheng Lord, what happened to the city of Yucheng? Has the person in Xiaohai re-entered the city?" When everything was arranged properly, the elder grandson looked at Qinghai and asked.

"Elders of the grandson, according to my people, I came back and reported that the people who whispered a few days ago wanted to take back the city, but they were not killed by those people. According to my estimation, now Xiaohai is afraid to dare. Going to win the city again!" Qinghai honestly replied.

"Haha, if this is the case, then Xiaohai must be very angry!" The people heard the news and could not help but be filled with anger.

This whistling sea was not a good thing. In the past, not only did they win their blue heart city when they were fighting with the magic lord. www.ltnovel.com~ Now they are allied, but they still think about their dragon eagle. The site, this is simply eating in the bowl, looking at the pot.

Now they are being bullied by the people of Ronaldo, and that is what they deserve.

"Elders of the grandson, now that Xiaohai can't enter the city, then is it difficult for us to enter the city? It is not an easy task to get back to the city!" said the white elders with some concern.

"This..." Everyone suddenly looked at it, as if it was.

They have no way to win down the city, and it is also a difficult thing for them to get back to the city.

"Elders of the grandson, there is still a message on the side of the city, perhaps you can dispel the concerns of the elders!" This time Qinghai came out.

"what news?"

"When Xiao Hai wanted to enter Yucheng, the news came from Yucheng, which is the dragon eagle, so only the dragon eagle talents can enter the city." Qinghai said.

“And this?” The crowd said something unexpectedly.

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