Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2284: What is the purpose?

"Predecessors, I have only seen them once. Later, only when Xiao Hai attacked Yucheng, they will appear. I don't know where they are now!" When I heard this question, the face of the hurricane suddenly became pale. Because he does not know where those people are.

However, there are some doubts in his heart. Those people are dragon eagle people. It is reasonable to say that they are now taking over the city, even if they do not know the hiding places of those people, those people will appear on their own.

However, he did not dare to ask this question, he could only honestly say what he knew.

When I heard the answer from the hurricane, the elders of Gongsun had prepared themselves psychologically, but they still felt disappointed. For this answer, they are not the first time they have heard it.

As early as when they saw Qinghai in Qingmucheng, Qinghai’s answer was exactly the same as him.

Moreover, this also confirms that the chance of the hurricane not lying is very large, because this situation is indeed in line with the tricks of the guys of the Ronaldo. They used to do this in Aoki Castle, and now they still do it.

"So can you be sure if they are still in the city?" asked the elder grandson.

"This... I am not sure, they have nowhere to go, I don't know if they are still in the city. However, I have not seen them during this time!" Said in a difficult way.

He doesn't know what these people are playing, and he really doesn't know where those people are going. What if he said that he was in the city and they didn’t find it in the city?

What if he said no, and they found it in the city? It’s really awkward.

"Elders of the grandson, those guys are very embarrassed, we want to find them, I am afraid that it is not an easy task. Just this city, are we still in?" The white elders on the side said.

They have also experienced the things of Aoki Castle before, and they have already known the way of the Ronaldo. So many of them have almost turned over the city of Aoki, but still have not found the person of the Luo Luo.

Now they want to find these guys in Yucheng, fearing that they will only have the same result.

This is just the case, they are also very worried, after all, they are always possible to count the magic, this feeling is really very disturbing.

The hurricane on the side heard the dialogue between them, but the heart was full of doubts. Are they not together? How do you hear what they say like those people are their enemies?

"Into! Why don't you come in? Since we are here, let's go in together, I have to see, what kind of tricks can they come up with!" The elder grandson thought about it.

At this time, I have already reached this point. Even the city owners of the city have been called out. If they do not enter the city, it seems that they are too courageous.

Moreover, they have twenty-seven masters of robbery here, and he does not believe it. This Rosie is not so many, but even more than their robbery period?

Although this way into the city, they will make them insecure, and even at any time may be attacked by the devil. However, they are so many people that they can rest separately, as long as they leave some people guarded, and no one can attack them.

So a group of people entered the city like this.

According to the rules of Aoki Castle, they did not go to the place where the whistling sea was stationed, but let the hurricane give them another house.

After all, the original local devils are likely to be very familiar, and even they are likely to lie in what hidden places, so they are the safest to temporarily choose a house.

After all the arrangements were made, they first searched around the house and determined that they were safe. The next day, they left some people in the house, and then everyone else went out of the house. They had to find the city to find it again.

The reason why some people are left in the house is to prevent the people of the Luo Luo from squatting into the house while they are out.

Only in this way can everyone be guaranteed to be safe.

However, they persisted for several days, but they never got anything.

"It's weird. Where are these people hiding?" The white elder sat down with some fatigue.

These days, in order to find the people of the Ronaldo, they really exhausted a lot of their energy.

"Those turtle sons can really hide, they better hope that they will not let me find, or else, I will not help you to smash them!" Qian elders in recent days to find the Luo Luo people, That is quite hard work.

It is a pity that a man of Ronaldo has not found it. This makes him very disappointed. He has a anger and does not know who to send!

"Do you say that these guys have probably left the city and returned to the Ronaldo?" Huang said.

"This is unlikely!" Elder Grandson thought about it and shook his head and denied it.


"If they return to the devil, then what is the purpose of doing this? In vain for us to lay down the city? I do not believe that Ronaldo has such kindness!" said the elder grandson.

"That is also true! However, we are now here, and they have not appeared. What do they want to do?" Huang Changzheng really can't understand, what are the purposes of these people?

"From the point of view of the previous Aoki Castle, they should do this to kill us."

"But we are here now, why don't they appear?"

"We have so many people who want to kill us, and we don't necessarily dare to do it directly. Maybe they are looking for opportunities!" The elder grandson said uncertainly.

"In my opinion, they may want to wait until the coming of Xiaohai, then come to contain some of us, and then start to others~www.ltnovel.com~ before they are so **** in Aoki Castle The people of the sea gave it up!" said the white elder.

"It's not without this possibility. However, we have already understood their means. Do they make sense to do so? And, hasn't Xiaohai already attacked Yucheng several times? They have all failed, they may not Continue to attack Yucheng, in this case, then their plan is even less likely to succeed!" said the elder money.

"That may not be, maybe they have other means, but we don't know it. But what if Xiaohai really attacked? Are we going to fight?" Huang said, some worried.

I told him before the experience of Aoki Castle, if they went, maybe it was the devil's. But if you don't go, it is inevitable that the city will be broken. This is really embarrassing.

"This city is the main road of Longying to Xiaohai. They are absolutely not willing to give us the city. So I think that Xiaohai will not give up attacking the city, so we are likely to stop They attacked the city!" said the elder grandson.

Since this city is the main road of Longying to Xiaohai, it is also the main road of Xiaohai to Longying. Who has mastered this city, that is to enter and attack, retreat to defend, Xiaohai lost the city, it means that at any time may be attacked by the dragon eagle!

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