Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2286: Tan's rebuttal!

The three major cities of Xiaohai were occupied by the Dragon Eagle. Of course, in the eyes of others, this Dragon Eagle was occupied, and this news quickly spread throughout the East.

When the news reached the ears of Xiao Wang, the overseas king was almost inflated.

As one of the parties, he naturally understands that whether it is Taihua City or Antong City, or Xuzhou City, it is not encroached by the Dragon Eagle, and all this is a demon or a ghost of Tianzang.

"Damn! Damn! These people are really deceiving too much. I even took away my four cities. You talk about it. Now how do we get these four cities back?" Xiao Wang is really mad, these people are really It’s too bold, and they have won so many cities.

Previously, because of the things in Aoki Castle, they lost 15 fiduciary masters at once, and the incident itself has already made him angry.

They really did not think that those people turned out to be so embarrassed, before using Aoki Castle to lure them to send masters to the city to station. However, they later joined forces with the Dragon Eagle to kill all 15 of them.

Fifteen times of robbery, this is the fifteen masters of the robbery that could not be cultivated for many years, so they were killed by them.

Not long ago, the loss of Yucheng, coupled with two people to attack the city, lost more than 30 masters of the robbery period.

Originally, he still wanted to slow down, perhaps let them fight with the Dragonhawk first. But he did not think that what they waited for was not the struggle between the Dragon Eagle and the guys, but it caused Xiaohai to lose three cities.

Originally because they were in the battlefield in the north, it was a great harvest. It can even be said that their rise in the sea is close at hand. However, because the Ronaldo has been hurt now, this time, Ronaldo's resistance is also very tenacious.

They are also very clear that although the masters who use the robbery period may be able to make the war less harmful, they are more aware of the power of the robbery master.

At the same time, now the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai attacked at the same time. If they really dispatched the masters of the robbery period, then they were really defeated. Without the master of the robbery period, they will never have any threats anymore.

There is no threat, even if it is no longer the dragon eagle and Xiao Hai playing their arrogant arrogant, and even the other foreigners around are afraid to attack the magic Luo together.

The Longying and Xiaohai sides clearly have an advantage. They are not willing to use the masters of the robbery period because the loss of one has a great influence on their external dynasty.

It is precisely because of this that on the battlefield of the northern Moluo, even if the situation of the devil is really dangerous now, the three parties of the war have not sent the master of the robbery period.

However, Xiao Wang did not think that they did not send the master of the robbery period to the battlefield, but secretly came to Xiaohai and Longying.

During this time, although the Dragon Eagle also suffered losses, the biggest loss is undoubtedly their whistling. Thinking of this, his heart became more and more unbalanced.

This time, the battle against Mo Luo, it is not their whispering side of the sea, the dragon eagle is also the main combat personnel, but why did the Luo Luo do not find the trouble of the dragon eagle, but they will sneak into the dead?

Although they have now won so many cities in Ronaldo, they have lost so many masters of the robbery period. It is hard to say that they are winning or losing.

But the Dragon Eagle is undoubtedly the biggest winner now, because they basically have no loss of any master of the robbery period.

"External King, now we haven't figured out how many people they have. This is really bad for us. Now they even won three of our cities in a row. If we send a lot of masters of the robbery period, we will take back These three cities, even if it is unlikely!" Li said.

"The meaning of Elder Li is that we should receive one by one in these cities?" The foreign king nodded and said.

He also felt very reasonable about the situation that Elder Li said. They thought that the other party was a few people, so when they sent people to Aoki Castle, they were based on the other five periods of robbery. They felt that even if they had helpers, they would not exceed ten people.

To be on the safe side, they have sent fifteen masters of the robbery period, but they have all been killed. Of course, the biggest factor in the fiasco was that it was because of the containment of the Dragon Eagles, and finally the people of Ronaldo succeeded.

Therefore, they believe that the number of people in Ronaldo is definitely not too much. Therefore, after being captured in Yucheng, they still sent fifteen robberies for the first time.

But they did not expect that these fifteen people were still killed. So they feel that they still underestimate the number of Devils.

So the second time they sent out 23 robberies, but they still underestimated the strength of each other. Although these twenty-three people were not all killed, they fled back to five people, but they are already seriously injured. It is hard to say whether they can recover in the future.

Therefore, after these several encounters with the devil Luo, they have not yet figured out how many people Mo Luo sent, which is also an important reason for their repeated failures.

And now there are three city pools to be reclaimed at once. If they want to win three city pools at the same time, they are afraid that they will have more than 100 people during the robbery period. If something goes wrong, it will really make Xiaohai hurt. It is.

Therefore, Mr. Li’s proposal is still in line with the current situation of Xiao Hai. It is not necessary to send so many masters, but to bring these masters together directly, first to win a city, and then to win the other two cities.

Only by bringing all the power together ~www.ltnovel.com~ can get the biggest gain with the least amount of power.

"This is exactly the case. After all, the enemy is always in the dark, we still have to be cautious." Li Chang nodded.

"External King, I think that now we should wait for the opportunity to be the most important, not to take back the city!" When the foreign king decided to take the advice of Elder Li, Tan suddenly stood up and said.

The words of Tan’s elders were obviously not very suitable for the outside king. When he heard this, his brows wrinkled lightly.

On the side of the elder Li looked at the elder Tan, but did not speak. He knows that Tan’s elders have always been dissatisfied with him, and any opinions they have raised, but they will all be refuted by Tan’s elders.

However, he has become accustomed to such a thing, and the foreign king has already agreed with his own methods. Now he has opposed it. Is this not the face of the foreign king? He would like to see what is good about Tan Elder.

"Tan Elder, I don't know what you have to say? Why is it not suitable for the recapture of the city now? Do you have to wait until they have encroached on our city?" The foreign king’s words clearly have dissatisfaction with Tan’s elders. So when you talk, there is some rush in your tone.

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