Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2307: Xiao Hai sent troops!

If Tianzang sent troops is really to attack the Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai, Cheng Yu is naturally very excited, because in this case, the whole east is really chaotic, and it is even possible to roll all the foreign dynasties in the east. Enter the flames of war.

This is also the thing he most wants to see. However, according to the news he got, although Tianzang sent 500,000 troops to Longying and Xiaohai, he did not fight.

Judging from this situation, it is only the threat of the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai. This means that it is very obvious, let them stop attacking the devil.

Such a plan of heavenly possession was successful, not only saved the devil, but also got a love for the devil, and saved himself.

Because the sky is very clever, they know that as long as the devil is defeated, then the most dangerous thing in the whole east is that they are hiding. As the only remaining dynasty that is bordered by the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai Alliance, can Tianzang be able to stand alone?

In this case, it would be better to send a demon to a gentleman, so that although they did not form an alliance with the devil, but already have the basis of alliance.

If there is difficulty in the future, perhaps you can still rely on the magic Luo.

Of course, all of this is Cheng Yu's own thoughts. However, he thinks that the idea of ​​Tianzang is different from him, but the access is not big.

However, if the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai and the Luo Luo are in such a truce because of Tianzang, it would be a pity for Cheng Yu. After all, in order to make them fight, he has spent a lot of effort.

Although his most hope is to let Long Ying and Xiao Hai first fight, and this wish has not been successful, but under his constant arrangement, he feels that the possibility of Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai is getting higher and higher.

It would be a shame if all of his plans failed if this time was broken by the sky.

It’s just that now, with his personal strength, it’s basically hard to save the situation. And he can only watch the quietly watching how the situation in the entire eastern part of the world changes.

Only when he saw the change of the situation, he would be able to re-layout!

"Tianzang, heaven and earth, you are really a messenger, but a good game of chess is completely disturbed by you." Cheng Yu's action on Tianzang is both unexpected and reasonable.

After all, the behavior of Tianzang is well understood, but they did so, but Cheng Yu was caught off guard.

However, what Cheng Yu did not think was that after a few days, he heard an incredible news.

When Xiao Hai sent troops to attack Antong City, the situation in Antong City was in jeopardy, and it was possible to be attacked by Xiaohai at any time. However, what surprised Cheng Yu was that, when I heard that the Longying masters in Taihua City and Wanzhou City were anxious to hear Antong City, they both supported Taihua City at the same time.

The locations of Taihua City, Antong City and Wanzhou City are from north to south, respectively. Therefore, the location of Antong City is in the middle of Taihua City and Wanzhou City.

It is precisely because Antong City is close to Taihua City and close to Wanzhou City, so the Dragon Eagle Master in Antong City is the most. However, it is precisely because of this position that this will enable the Dragon Eagle Masters of Taihua City and Wanzhou City to support Antong City at the same time.

However, everyone did not think that the masters of Taihua City and Wanzhou City supporting Antong City were killed by the people of Xiaohai in the middle of the road.

Although Antong City has not broken yet, it has become a dangerous city. Whether it is north, east or south, it is now a sea of ​​people. Only the west side connects Yucheng, which is the only retreat of the dragon eagle master in Antong City.

"Is this news true?" When the elders of Gongsun heard that the masters of Taihuacheng and Wanzhou City were all destroyed, they were completely shocked.

They didn't even think of it. After receiving the news of the Tianzang troops, Xiao Hai would actually take advantage of this truce and fight directly against them.

Moreover, from the situation of the surrounding of Antong City, the masters and strengths of Xiaohai this time are obviously many. It is precisely because of this that they will be anxious.

Although Antong City was originally the city of Xiaohai, but after all, this Antong City is now in the control of their Dragon Eagle, and they are naturally unwilling to let this Antong City be robbed back.

Moreover, they thought that if Antong City was attacked by so many forces in Xiaohai, then Taihua City and Wanzhou City would certainly not have such a situation.

After all, it’s not a trivial matter to dispatch so many masters of the robbery. It’s not that easy. Because the elders who are in the robbery period may not agree.

However, the result is so simple, they not only dispatched so many masters of the robbery period, but also eliminated the reinforcements of Taihuacheng and Wanzhou City.

At the time of the arrangement, there were ten masters of the robbery period in Taihua City and Wanzhou City, and Antong City was between the two cities, so there were seventeen masters of the robbery period.

Because of this, not only the strength of Antong City, but also the Taihua City or Wanzhou City were attacked, and the masters in Antong City were able to support them very quickly.

On the contrary, if Antong City is attacked, the cities on both sides can also support them quickly.

But now, the masters who came to support Taihuacheng and Wanzhou City were destroyed. There were only one or two of the masters of the Taihua City and Wanzhou City. The other people stationed in the city were all in the robbery period. The following monks.

These monks are similar to the enemies below the same period of robbery, but in the face of the masters of the robbery period, it is really vulnerable.

The situation in Antong City is now critical, but the situation in Taihua City and Wanzhou City is even more dangerous than Antong City.

"Grandson elders ~www.ltnovel.com~ did not think that this time, this is actually so simple, even sent so many experts in the robbery period. From the current situation, we are afraid that we can only abandon the city and retreat.

Moreover, we have to hurry to let the people of Taihua City and Wanzhou City evacuate the city and return to Yucheng. Only when we return to the city, can we stop the attack of Xiaohai! "Elder Huang said with a worried look.

"Yeah, anyway, these three cities are also smashed from the hands of Mo Luo, even if they are given to them, we have nothing to lose!" White elders also quickly persuaded.

"How can there be no loss? This time, Taihuacheng and Wanzhou City went to support us. The masters of the robbery period all sacrificed. We lost more than ten masters of the robbery period this time. Is this not a loss?" The elders were really angry this time.

He did not think that Xiao Hai was so hot, he would have dispatched so many masters and directly destroyed their reinforcements. Perhaps at the beginning, I was in the middle of the test.

Because Xiaohai only attacked Antong City, but did not attack Taihua City and Wanzhou City. Therefore, they deliberately besieged Antong City, screaming at Antong City, and wanted to lead the masters of the Taihu City and Wanzhou City, so that they would have a good job!

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