Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2323: No!

Before the demon Luo had been insisting on the attack of the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai for almost a year, and even so, they have not been completely disabled.

After all, the accumulation of Mo Luo is not comparable to Xiao Hai. After all, the light is the territory, and the Luo Luo is twice as large as Xiao Hai.

What's more, the enemies that Xiaohai encountered now are the three foreign princes of Dragon Eagle, Tianzang and Mo Luo. The strength of the original Dragon Eagle may not be so strong, but because the Dragon Eagle was killed by more than 40 masters of the robbery period, this is really the fire of the Dragon Eagle.

Moreover, this time they dispatched a hundred masters of the robbery period, which caused the loss of Xiaohai. Because Xiao Hai wants to block the Dragon Eagle, he must mobilize the master of the robbery period.

As for Tianzang and Luoluo, although there are more than one million troops, they did not release the masters of the robbery period. Although they lost so many people and the city, they did not make Xiaohai hurt.

Therefore, now Xiao Hai can really hate the dragon eagle. I did not expect that at such a critical moment, the worst damage to Xiao Hai was the former ally.

"This dragon eagle is really hateful. If they did not fight for us first, how can Tianzang and Luolu dare to send us troops easily. Now that the war has started, we are basically surrounded by their three dynasties.

Now, not only have we lost a lot of our own territory, but even we have lost a lot of land in the robbery. It is really hateful! Everyone in Xiaohai blamed the blame on the dragon eagle's head.

After all, this battle was started by the Dragon Eagle. There is no dragon eagle in front of the battle. How can Tianzang and Luolu be so refreshing?

"It’s not just the dragon eagle, but also the day it’s hidden. It’s hateful. It’s not related to them, but they sent a million troops to attack us. What’s even more frustrating is that there’s no dragon to this day. The eagle sent troops and even transferred the 500,000-strong army stationed on the Longying border. This shows that we are more bullied than the dragon eagle!" Others also counted the behavior of Tianzang.

"These guys are damn, outside the king, we can't let this situation continue. Otherwise, the sacrifices we made on the battlefield of the Devils are all in vain. And this way, we even have our own territory. I don't necessarily live," said Tan Tan.

"But what else is there? These people are coming to the forefront, and even if we send more people, we can't stop them!" Xiao Wang said with an angry face.

Originally a good game, but everything was destroyed by Dragon Eagle and Tianzang. If it weren’t for the first time that the sky was hiding and threatening them, how could they stop fighting in the north?

If you don't stop fighting, maybe Ronaldo is already being beaten by them. Moreover, if there is no truce before, he will not go to the Dragon Eagle.

Although there have been some gaps between them and the Dragon Eagle, they have always maintained the same purpose. Now it’s good. After the armistice, they put the target on the dragon eagle. This is really out of control.

The Dragon Eagle is really awkward, and even sent hundreds of masters of the robbery period, it is really unexpected.

"External King, now that we can no longer use ordinary means to solve this crisis, we can only take special measures!" Tan said.

"What special means?"

"Now we have been in the contest with the Dragon Eagles as a contest between the masters of the robbery period, and the war between Tianzang and Luo Luo is also an ordinary monk. But because of the previous battle with the Luo Luo, Our strength has already fallen short.

If we fight like this again, then we will have no soldiers to fight. That being the case, then we will simply go with them to fight the robbery master! "The elder Tan said.

"The master of the robbery period? This..." Hearing the advice of Tan, the Xiaowang Wang obviously hesitated.

"External king, this thing is absolutely impossible. The master of the robbery period is our last bargaining chip. Now the situation is critical, but it is obviously not yet in that position. If we start to mobilize the master of the robbery period, then The consequences are very serious. We are not far from the demise of Xiaohai!" Elder Li also stood up against it at this time.

The masters of the robbery period have a great influence, and now they are only appearing in the contest with the Dragon Eagle. After all, they started out because of the involvement of the masters of the robbers, so they had to develop into the present situation.

However, now they have been attacked by the three foreign dynasties. If they have also dispatched a master of the robbery period to Tianzang and Mo Luo, what is the consequence?

They may now be able to easily repel the army of Tianzang and Mo Luo, but what about next? They will face the attack of the two priests of the Tianzang and the Devils, and there is also a dragon eagle. Their masters of the robbery period need to face three external pilates at the same time.

Where do they have such a secret to fight? If they fight to the end, they will not have to use three foreign gangs to shoot, and people can easily destroy them.

Only when they have mastered a large number of masters of the robbery period, these three foreigners did not dare to really destroy them. After all, once the master of the robbery period is dispatched, it is really necessary to break the net.

And a Xiaohai is obviously not the opponent of the three foreign dynasties of Dragon Eagle, Tianzang and Mo Luo. If all the masters of the robbery period are finished, then they will be completely finished.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to do so now.

"Yeah~www.ltnovel.com~ Wai Wang, Tan’s suggestion can not only solve our current problems, but will bring Xiaohai into a land that can’t be recovered. In the current situation, it’s still far from being robbed. At the time of the period. Once this was done, the day and the demon Luo really did not end with us.

Moreover, we are facing the masters of the three foreign pilgrimages at the same time, which is in great disadvantage. In the end, the biggest loss will definitely be our whistling sea, but also ask the outside king to think twice! "Wang elders also stood up and said.

"Please ask the outside world to think twice, we can't go out of the robbery period!" Others also understand the consequences of doing so, and they have all stood up to persuade the king.

After all, it is not a trivial matter to fully mobilize the master of the robbery period. If it is really so easy, at the beginning, the devil was labeled as the master who did not move the robbery period.

It is because it has not yet reached that time, and once Ronaldo has used the master of the robbery period, it means that they have to face the dragon eagle and the whistling master of the sea.

Even Ronaldo doesn't dare to do this, and their accumulation of Xiaohai is obviously not deep, and they are still more critical than the previous situation of Ronaldo. They have to face three foreign dynasties at the same time. Dead faster?

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