Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2335: tension!

Because, let the Chen family women marry, it is obvious that the Chen family women married to those who belong to the Chen family should be easy to control.

Moreover, their requirement is that all the children born with the blood of the refiner must be owned by Chen, and the children must be surnamed Chen.

Therefore, Chen has always done this, and as a result, Chen has gradually grown stronger. Although all Chen’s surnames Chen are not related to each other, the sidelines are getting more and more, and the family is naturally big.

In Chen’s family, there are also many surnames Chen’s marriage with surname Chen. However, although these people are all surnamed Chen, they may have some blood more or less, but after passing down from generation to generation, this blood relationship has already It is very far away.

Originally, Chen Tianxing was also reluctant to let Chen’s woman marry, but now Chen’s situation is already inferior. He also hopes to be able to marry other families and make Chen’s family stronger again.

After all, if you can use the ancestors of other families to help them open the way to the underworld, then their Chen disciples will not have a chance to enter the underworld for a hundred years.

Moreover, they can bring out more ghosts, so that the Chen disciples who have no way to enter the yin world can get the ghost practice, which is a chance for Chen to take off again.

Therefore, he thought of such a method, and Chen’s willingness to pass the news of the woman who had the blood of the refiner’s soul was quietly passed out.

After all, he also wants to let more people know about it, so this news has only been passed out through some side-clicking methods.

It is precisely because of the realization of this news that several families have come to see so many people come to raise their relatives. The problem is that this is four, and every person who is mentioned is actually Chen Xinran, which makes him very helpless.

If the people they want are not the same person, it doesn't matter if they are four families. But now they have to be Chen Xinran, this is not easy to do.

Therefore, he actually regretted spreading the news. He did not think that Chen Xinran was so popular with these families, everyone wanted her to be her own daughter-in-law.

But now Chen Xinran has come out that he already has a lover. I don’t know what the four families will know after knowing this news. Will they still want Chen Xinran?

If not, will they change someone?

"Homeowner, Miss Seven wants to see!" Just when Chen Tianxing was still suffering from Chen Xinran's affairs, suddenly a descendant came in and spoke.

"Let her come in!" Chen Tianxing glanced, she was looking for her, did not expect her to come first.

"But Miss Seven still brought two men, they also want to visit the owner!" said the next man.

"Two men? Then let them go to the side hall to wait!" Chen Tianxing brows, do not understand what Chen Xinran means.

However, from what happened to Chen’s family today, he also associates with some things. Could it be that one of these two men is the happy lover in the rumor?

Since he is here, he will also see him and see what the man can do, and he will be able to get a happy heart.

After a while, Chen Xinran came to the hall with Cheng Yu and Xin Luo. This is a large hall, and the layout in the hall is very simple. There is a coffee table next to the first chair.

This partial hall is actually a parliamentary hall. The place where Chen Jia picks up the guests is also the place where he usually talks with several elders.

The words of the main hall, that is, the place to discuss some major issues, and many people will also participate in the parliament, will be in the main hall.

When the three people came to the various halls, there were no other people in the hall.

"What about the owner?" Chen Xinran saw no one, and asked the people who led the way.

"The homeowner will arrive soon, let you wait here for a while!" said the next man.

Chen Xinran nodded, not much to say, let Cheng Yu and Xin Luo sit down first, a few people smashed a cup of tea for three people, and the three did not speak, just quietly drinking tea.

However, the hearts of these three people are obviously not as calm on the surface. Chen Xinran and Xinluo are really nervous. After all, it is for them both today.

If you can't make it, look at the results of today's talks with your homeowner. If the negotiation is not successful, then she really has to be married to other families.

No matter which family, she is not willing. But she can't be her own, she is also a helpless and bitter water.

It is Cheng Yu, obviously it seems to be much calmer. Although the incident itself has nothing to do with him, but this is his brother's business, he naturally can not stand by.

Although this incident seems a bit tricky, Cheng Yu feels that they are not completely without opportunities.

On the contrary, on the way he came, he also learned something about Chen Jialian's marriage with Chen Xinran. What he did not think was that this Chen family was the first time to marry a woman.

Although this made him a little surprised, but also let him understand some of the doubts in his own heart. Because he always feels very strange, according to the truth, after Chen’s woman with the blood of the refining spirit is married, other families should have a refining spirit.

Why is it that only Chen Jiacai has a refining teacher until now?

The original problem is here, Chen’s woman has never been married. However, from this incident, Cheng Yu also saw some Chen's problems.

In fact, Chen is not willing to let the blood flow out, especially the woman who has the blood of the refiner. If they are willing, this world is afraid that they do not know how many forces or family has a relationship with Chen.

It is precisely because of Chen’s protection of the soul of the refining spirit that this situation will occur.

So ~www.ltnovel.com~ think of it here, Cheng Yu’s heart is more bottomed out. He felt that this should be a breakthrough for Chen. Since Chen did not want to do this, wouldn't his chance come?

In this way, an hour has passed, but I have never seen Chen’s owner Chen Tianxing. Instead, a few people came to add tea to the three times.

"How come home hasn't come yet?" Chen Xinran was anxious.

The longer she waits, the more anxious her heart is. However, in her capacity, it can't be done. If it is with others, she can also lose her temper.

But for the owner, she didn't dare to have a bit of temper. After all, in this Chen family, she is most afraid of the owner.

"Seven Miss waits, the owner still has something to do, it should be out soon!" The next man said with a smile.

He is not a homeowner, and naturally he does not know what his family is thinking. Since the owner does not come out himself, he naturally has his own ideas.

As a sinner, is he still afraid to urge the family to fail?

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