Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2341: Chen Tianxing's show off!

In the following time, Cheng Yu began to prepare some medicines for Xinluo to improve his cultivation. And Chen Tianxing, watching so many years of herbs, especially the nine million soul grass, his face is extremely excited.

In fact, at the beginning, he was not very satisfied with the appearance of Xinluo. At least he thinks that compared with Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu is the most suitable son-in-law of Chen.

However, seeing the attitude of Xinluo to Xinluo, and Cheng Yu’s love for Xinluo, he was a little worried. Proposing such a proposal would offend Cheng Yu.

Therefore, he has been holding on to this without saying. After all, for the value of Cheng Yu, he still has some understanding. Don't say anything else, just because he can help so many people improve and cultivate, it has a very big effect on Chen.

Although their Chen family is a refining sorcerer, now their shackles are not sinister to let them refine. However, Cheng Yu's method does not require a ghost. Anyone can use this method to break through the realm. This is an enviable means.

If everyone can improve their strength in this way, it means that he can train a large number of masters. This is a tempting thing compared to Chen’s refining spirit.

Therefore, he especially hopes that Cheng Yu can become the son-in-law of Chen's family. As long as Chen has such a son-in-law, who else will be the opponents of Chen's family?

This will not only save the current situation of the Chen family, but also make the Chen family more and more prosperous.

It’s just that Cheng Yu doesn’t seem to have any interest in being happy. He wants to make him a son-in-law of Chen’s family. Obviously, relying on pleasure is not very likely.

"Let the two masters and a few elders come together, I have something to discuss with them!" Chen Tianxing thought about it.

Even if Cheng Yu is not interested in happiness, he still has not given up on this idea. If you don't know Cheng Yu's ability, then Cheng Yu has already arrived at Chen's family. Then he has to find a way to keep him. It is best to let him become a Chen family.

And in addition to Chen's family, there are Ji family, also know that Cheng Yu is such a person. If they were allowed to take away Cheng Yu, it would be a chance for Ji’s rise.

Moreover, the strength of the Ji family is much more than that of Chen Jiaqiang. If they are allowed to get Cheng Yu, then they will be in trouble.

Not long after, the important figures of Chen’s family basically came. There were several of his brothers, the second to the old seven, and some elders, all here.

"Homeowners, don't know how to find us in such a hurry, what is the big deal?" Seeing that everyone came, the second child, Chen Tianyun, couldn't wait to ask.

"Of course it is a good thing, a good thing that can make us Chen family even above other families!" Chen Tianxing said with a smile.

"Oh? Is there such a good thing?" The people obviously don't quite believe it.

As for the current Chen family situation, as the most important group of Chen family, they naturally understand Chen’s situation. In the current situation of Chen’s family, it’s not bad if it doesn’t fall right away.

If it is not because of this, they will not choose to let Chen’s woman marry. The purpose of this is to use the power of other families to re-enable Chen’s glory.

"That is natural, do you see what this is?" Chen Tianxing had collected all the 10,000 years of medicine before other people had come. Now he just took out a stalk of grass.

"This is the soul grass?"

"This is the soul grass, but it seems that it is not the ordinary soul grass, hey? Is this the eternal life of more than 10,000 years?" The elders stared at the eternal grass of Chen Tianxing’s hand and looked carefully for a while. I believe it.

"The great elders have good eyesight, this is the eternal grass. And this tens of thousands of souls have been stored in the eternal grass. You said that this is not a good thing?" Chen Tianxing said with some pride.

This eternal soul grass is really the best baby for Chen's refining spirit. He believes that everyone will be shocked after understanding the value of the eternal grass in his hand.

"This is really a million soul grass!" Sure enough, I got a positive answer from Chen Tianxing, and everyone could not believe it.

"This is still a fake, you can feel the power of the soul contained in this!" Chen Tianxing is not afraid that these people dare to take away this eternal grass, and directly hand it to everyone to watch.

"This is really unbelievable. I thought that Wanshoucao didn't exist anymore. I didn't think I actually saw it now."

"Yeah, this soulful grass contains a powerful soul force. There are at least 30,000 souls in it, which is incredible."

"Homeowner, where did you get such a precious baby? However, this eternal grass is indeed extremely precious, but if the owner thinks that such a sacred grass can make us Chen Jia over the other eight families This is a bit exaggerated.

Even if this 10,000 soul grass has 30,000 souls, it is impossible to satisfy Chen's so many refining spirits. The elders woke up from the shock and said earnestly.

Since the owner of the house shows you this eternal grass, this should be what he just said, so that Chen Jia can override the secret weapons of the other eight great families.

However, although this eternal grass is precious, but the number is too small. If they have a large number of such sacred grasses, perhaps it is really possible for all the cultivators of Chen's family to go up one or even several steps in a short time.

But a million soul grass, used on so many people, really does not make much sense.

"No! You can say wrong with the elders. What I want to tell you today is not this eternal grass. This turf is really important, but it can only help Chen Jia and some people~ Www.ltnovel.com~ Chen Tianxing just wants to show off this eternal grass to show off.

"I don't know where the owner got the soul grass for more than 10,000 years!" Everyone is really envious of the eternal grass in Chen Tianxing's hands.

They are also very clear that if there is only one such strain, they can't enjoy it. It can only be left by the owner himself. But now they don't have enough ghosts to refine their souls. If they can get such a sacred grass, it will still be of great help.

"This mortal grass is sent by others. I only have one such strain. I want more. Basically, it is unlikely." Chen Tianxing said with regret.

Although there are nine million soul grasses in his hand, this thing is too precious. How can he separate it? Besides, the people here can add up to more than nine people, even if he does not need it, it is not enough.

Therefore, instead of doing so, it is better not to give them any hope, so that they do not remember this eternal grass.

"That's really a pity. Since the owner is looking for us, it is not for this eternal life. I don't know what the family is talking about." The elders also asked with regret.

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