Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2346: Seek Cheng Yu!

In the next few days, Xinluo did not receive Chen Tianxing’s question about how to compare it. Therefore, in these days, Xinluo’s mood has not been very good, and I am worried about it every day.

However, fortunately, Cheng Yu is in a few days, Cheng Yu deliberately refines some of the medicinal herbs that can enhance his strength.

However, this time, the refining of the medicinal herbs was not as powerful as it was last time. However, these medicinal herbs are also added up enough to make Xinluo’s strength a big step forward.

It is a pity that after taking these medicinal herbs, Xinluo has indeed improved a lot, but it has not broken through to the early days of Mahayana.

"Teacher, since you have refining the drug, you can't be eccentric, and help us refine some of the cockroaches!" The strength of seeing Xinluo has obviously improved, and others are envious.

"Do not worry, since all the medicinal herbs have been refining, will you still have less of yours? Give! Every medicinal medicine is one person, and it is useless to eat too much!" Cheng Yu took out a few directly Dan bottle, sent a few bottles to everyone.

Since it is necessary to refine alchemy for the heart, it is impossible to refine one of the first medicinal herbs, so he has long thought of this problem.

And he has so many 10,000-year-old herbs on his hands, although he has chosen several of the most suitable medicinal herbs for everyone to refine a group of medicinal herbs that can improve their strength, but now these remedies can no longer help them improve. Strength.

Therefore, he must refine another medicinal product that enhances strength. However, these medicinal herbs are definitely not as good as before, and they can only be used as responsiveness.

Otherwise, Cheng Yu did not intend to refine these medicinal herbs. I thought that even if the effects of these medicinal herbs were worse, but their strength has not been far from the breakthrough, perhaps under the stimulation of these remedies, he can make breakthroughs.

It is a pity that Cheng Yu did not think so simple. Now if you want to let Xinluo break through to the Mahayana period, you can only use the fairy tower.

It’s just that Xinluo’s breakthrough in the fairy tower is difficult to estimate. If he stays in it for a month, he will not come out again. When Chen’s family begins to hold a test, it will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, for this method, Cheng Yu can only think about it in his heart, and dare not let Xinluo try it.

"Senior brother, it seems that I can only help you here. The effect of these medicinal herbs is general, but it also makes your strength improve, but it is a pity that you have not broken through to the Mahayana period!" Yu said with some regrets.

After all, he also knows that this test is crucial for Xinluo, but he also tried his best. These medicinal herbs have great limitations. Once they are used again, they have no effect. Otherwise, he can completely let him swallow such medicinal herbs. Even if it is a heap, he should pile him up to the Mahayana period. .

If you can let Xinluo break through to the beginning of Mahayana, then his chances of winning in the test are quite large. Although the strength of Xinluo may not be worse than several others, in general, the probability of accidents is too great.

Moreover, they will find ways to improve their strength, and others may not do so. If other people succeeded in breaking through to the early days of Mahayana, it would be even more detrimental to Xinluo.

Just according to the current situation, he can only help here.

"Yu Shidi, you should never say this. In order to help me improve my strength, you have specially refining so many medicinal herbs. I am very grateful in my heart. Although I did not break through to the early days of Mahayana, we all tried our best. .

Moreover, even with my current strength, they may not be my opponents. Therefore, my chances of winning are still great.

Besides, in order to be happy, even if the opponent is really stronger than me, I can't lose to them! "Xin Luo looked at everyone and said.

"That is, although they are all family members, but in the past few years we have followed the Yu Shidi, it can be said that cultivation is a leaps and bounds.

Even Chen Hongyuan, now may not have my strength. And I believe that no matter what the son of the great elder, or the other four family members, their identity may not be Chen Hongyuan.

We don’t even lose Chen Hongyuan, how can we lose to other people? "Xinhai took the medicinal herbs given by Cheng Yu, and my heart was full of joy, and I also cheered on my heart."

"Well, thank you all, I will work hard, I will never let everyone down!" Xinluo felt everyone's concern, and my heart was warm.

"You are not letting us down, not letting us down with disappointment. I will tell you first, if you lose, you will not be happy, but we will not let you go!" Xinhe laughed. .

"Happy, I swear, I will not let you down!" Xinluo looked at the side of the joy, said with a tender face.

"Well, I believe in you!" Chen Xinran nodded and looked at the feelings between their brothers and sisters, which made her very moved.

In Chen’s family, even if they are between the brothers and sisters of Chen’s family, they will not feel so good like these people.

However, Chen Hongyuan is really good to her, just like her brother, she will spoil her whenever she is.

"Seven Miss, Miss Two and Miss Wu are coming!" Just at this time, one said.

"Second sister and five sisters? What did they come to at Cuiyunfeng? They never came to my Cuiyunfeng?" Chen Xinran said with a puzzled look.

Although they are all Chen family sisters, Chen Xinran's relationship with Chen Xinying and Chen Xinya is not very good. Because Chen Xinran's talent is much better than both of them ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ So, these two women are always embarrassed to her, and even speak everywhere to satirize her.

Just because Chen Xinran has always disliked to care about them, so they let them go everywhere, she just did not hear.

Moreover, this time, the people who came to Chen’s family were all to Chen Xinran, which made the two women’s hearts more unhappy.

In fact, they don't want to marry outside, and they don't want to marry other families. Because they are very clear, when they come to other families, their good days are coming to an end.

In the Chen family, even if they marry a foreign surname, they still live in Chen. As long as they are in Chen, no one can make them difficult.

However, although they are not willing to marry, but see Chen Xinran so popular with others, and they did not come to mention a relative, it must be a woman will be unbalanced in the heart?

It is precisely because of this that these two women should not wait to see her more, now how come to her Cui Yunfeng? This is even more confusing.

"They said they want to see Cheng Yu!" said the donkey.

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