Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2366: Again!

"Big Brother, how did you suddenly become awkward? Didn't you say that before? Is it ten days, after ten days, will you start the test? But now you have delayed the test time to thirty days, this is not Have you made sure that all of them have broken through to the Mahayana period?" After all the people in the hall left, the old seven Chen Tianming did not leave immediately, but asked Chen Tianxing in a hurry.

"Old Seven, you don't have to worry about this matter. Don't worry, even if the time is postponed to thirty days, they want to win the test is definitely not a simple matter!" Chen Tianxing did not explain too much with Chen Tianming.

In the deal with Cheng Yu, he did not want to say anything other than him and Cheng Yu and Chen Xinran.

"Big brother, is it that you are happy to talk to you about it? How can you listen to her little girl? What can she know? For thirty days, that is enough for everyone to participate in the test. In the Mahayana period, it is because of the person she likes, not to mention the Mahayana period. Even if those people are in the late stage, he may not be an opponent.

After thirty days, he didn't have any hope of winning at all. Big Brother, if you do this, isn't it going to push it into the fire pit? Chen Tianming said with some excitement.

Although he does not have much initiative in his daughter's marriage, he is always Chen Xinran's father, and his father does not love his children. Even if he can't intervene too much, he wants his daughter to be happy.

Even if he is not very optimistic about his heart, but his daughter likes it, it is better than marrying his daughter to any family in the four great families.

He himself is tired of this kind of intrigue, he does not want his daughter to marry any of the family, but also to experience such cruel things.

Although the status of the Promise Palace is not too high, in the outside world, the Promise Palace does not insult the identity of his daughter.

"Tianming, I said, you should not care about this matter. I know what I am doing, you only need to know this, then it is enough." Chen Tianxing said.

"But big brother..."

"Enough, until now, I am still the owner of the Chen family. Do you not even listen to the words of the family?" Chen Tianming still wants to say something, but Chen Tianxing was interrupted at the opening.

Moreover, his tone was very impatient, and even a little angry, which made Chen Tianming suddenly dare not say anything.

"Well, what do you say about your family?" Chen Tianming was also angry in his heart. Originally, his daughter had no right to speak and he was very upset.

It is impossible to even ask for a good home for her daughter. He is also mad, and when he finishes, he turns directly and walks outside the hall.

"I know what you are thinking, you don't have to worry. After all, it is also my niece, I naturally won't push her into the fire pit, she will get the happiness she wants!" Just before Chen Tianming is about to step out of the banquet hall At the time, Chen Tianxing suddenly said a word, so that Chen Tianchao suddenly stopped.

Chen Tianming apparently had a glimpse of his body. He had some accidents. He really did not think that he had always said one thing. The serious and serious brother would say such a thing.

After all, in a big family like them, many things are involuntarily. Prostitutes, these two words may still be very close in the ordinary people's home.

However, for a big family like them, let alone a prostitute, even if it is their own daughter, if Chen’s family has such a need, I am afraid that it will not care so much.

He did not understand what Chen Tian’s behavior would say, but after Chen Tianming heard this sentence, his heart was warm.

He can hear it, Chen Tianxing is not fooling him. At this moment, his heart is really put down. He believes that Chen Tianxing will not be happy.

"Yeah!" Chen Tianming did not turn around, and did not say a word, but a simple "Hm" word, and then stepped on the footsteps, leaving the eccentric hall.

Chen Tianxing sat in the eccentric hall and looked at the back of Chen Tianming's departure. His mood was very complicated.

Although they are brothers, but in his current opinion, the brotherhood between them seems to have no deep affection between Cheng Yu and their brothers and sisters.

But he is also very helpless, this is the sorrow of the big family.

In fact, even when he said that sentence, even he himself felt a little surprised. Prostitute, this is not the usual word, but in his consciousness, it seems that there has never been such a feeling.

However, after thinking about it, he understood that the reason why he would say such a thing is entirely because of Cheng Yu’s words.

When Cheng Chengyu’s words made him deeply touched, perhaps Chen’s family should also have a bit of affection. Perhaps this is why the reason why Chen’s family is steadily declining in such a year.

Only when a family understands the value of family, can it make the family more cohesive, rather than the general scattered sand, everyone is only considering their own interests.

At this moment, his heart seemed to be a lot more comfortable.

Perhaps, he was also overwhelmed by the situation of the family. After coming out of this step, his heart was comfortable.

Happy but my own prostitute, what reason does she have to make her unhappy? However, he also knows that although Cheng Yu has been so confident in front of him, he even thinks that his brothers will be able to win the championship, but he is not at ease.

In order to be happy and happy, for the future of Chen, he will never let the four great families and the elders become happy.

Therefore, he must help him.


The entire Chen family was nervously arranged for the contest of Miss Seven after 30 days. ~www.ltnovel.com~ This is a great event for Chen.

However, Miss Seven is the dream lover of Chen’s children. Now Miss Seven is about to choose, and I don’t know how many Chen’s children’s dreams are broken.

However, they themselves are very clear, Miss Seven can only be a eternal dream in their hearts. Their distance from Miss Seven is too far, and they can only think about it in addition to thinking about it.

A few days later, Chen Xinran received a good news, his second brother Chen Hongyuan went out.

After hearing this news, Chen Xinran immediately went to the peak of Chen Hongyuan, and Yuzhufeng went.

However, Xinyao still stay in Cuiyunfeng, after all, Cheng Yu is still retreating in the back mountain. Although it is said that Chen is here, there should be no one to make trouble, but this is related to the safety of all of Cheng Yu, they are not afraid to mess, or honestly guarding Cui Yunfeng is more appropriate.

However, contrary to expectations, some things can never be expected.

This is not, Chen Xinran has just left Cui Yunfeng not long, Chen Xinying and Chen Xinya actually came to Cui Yunfeng!

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