Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2368: Women's battle!

Originally, Chen Xinya also wanted to shoot, but when she saw the second sister Chen Xinying doing everything, she was lazy to take another shot and directly followed Chen Xinying.

In her heart, the idea is the same. This is simply that Cheng Yu deliberately avoids seeing them.

You must know that Cheng Yu is the guest of Chen's family. It was originally for the sake of the family. In addition to this incident, they still have some inconveniences.

However, the temperament of the two of them is very similar, so in the eyes of many Chen people, only the seven Miss is the most affectionate.

Because Miss Chen Qi has never been so rude to do this kind of thing.

Although Chen Xinying pushed the door open, but it did not hurt people, just pushed her to the ground.

If you don’t look at it, you will go straight to Chen’s house. Like Chen Xinran, the peaks of these Chen women are not as many as the other men's peaks, so there will not be too many other buildings on their peaks.

Just like Chen Hongyuan's Yuzhufeng, because Chen Hongyuan is the second son of the Chen family, it is a very important force of Chen. Therefore, Chen Hongyuan himself will recruit a lot of talents.

With more talents, there will be more chores on the mountain, and there will be more buildings that are naturally needed.

Chen Xinran’s Cui Yunfeng is not a lot of people. It’s just that some prostitutes usually clean up. Although the house is large, most of them are decorated with landscapes and so on.

Chen Xinying and Chen Xinya just went to the house of Chen Xinran. They had not come and shouted, and six women came out of the house.

For these six women, Chen Xinying’s two sisters had come to Cui Yunfeng before they invited Cheng Yu to dinner. But at the time they were all focused on Cheng Yu, so they didn't care too much.

Now look at the six women carefully. These six women are shocked to be heavenly and beautiful. They are beautiful and beautiful, but they are not lost to them. It is a bit of an accident.

However, seeing that these six people did not treat themselves as guests at all, they stopped the two of them outside the house, which made them both unhappy.

"What are you doing? If I remember correctly, this Cuiyunfeng is still our Chen family? When did this Cuiyunfeng turn to you here?" Chen Xinying is not a good provoke.

In particular, Chen’s people know that Chen Xinying’s temper is very big, and that her own cultivation is also very good. In particular, her status is honorable, and Chen’s people dare not provoke her easily.

"This Cuiyunfeng is Chen's right, but it is also a happy place. It doesn't seem to be the site of Miss Chen Er and Miss Chen Wu. Even if we don't have a wilderness here, we can't have two young ladies. Say wild here!" Xin Yao looked at the two people faintly said.

Although she is Chen, she is not afraid at all. She believes that no matter what happens, Chen Xinran will find a way to take care of them.

Moreover, they came to Chen this time, but they all thought about her lifelong events. Now Cheng Yu, they are all in retreat, in order to let Xinluo win the championship in a test after a month.

Now Chen Xinying and Chen Xinya come to Cuiyun, which is tantamount to destroying Chen Xinran's future.

Therefore, now they have to stop these two women, even if it is a trouble, they have nothing to fear.

Besides, there is still good news. Chen Hongyuan, who has a good relationship with them, has already gone through the customs. And Chen Xinran is going to find Chen Hongyuan.

I believe that even if they are playing here, Chen Hongyuan may come to help them.

Because they also heard Chen Xinran said, Chen Hongyuan is in this Chen family, it is better with Chen Xinran, and the relationship with other Chen family is not very good.

"In our Chen family, dare to talk to us, you are the first one. Do you know what the consequences are?" Chen Xinying saw that Xin Yao dared to threaten her, which made her heart suddenly rise. .

"I don't know what kind of consequences, but I only know that the consequences are much more serious than you think!" Xin Yao said disdainfully.

For these two women, she did not have any good feelings, because the two women came to Cheng Yu for the last time. As a woman, no matter what the two women are in the heart, but what is related to their own men, then don't worry about it.

Now these two women are coming again, and she will have a good face. Besides, she was the beginning of the Mahayana, and the two women were just in the middle of the fit, and she really wanted to fight, but she didn’t suffer at all.

"Hey! I am not interested in wasting time with you here, calling Cheng Yu out. Today, no matter what, she must go to see my emerald peak!" Chen Xinying saw that Xinyao is not simple, natural. Not so stupid, care about this woman.

Besides, she came to Cui Yunfeng for the fight, but to get Cheng Yu. As long as Cheng Yu can go to Cui Lingfeng, she has a way to let Cheng Yu submit.

The task that the father gave her can be easily accomplished.

"I want Cheng Yu to go to your Cui Lingfeng? You have nothing to do in this life. Without us to approve, he would like to go, there is no courage." Han Xue looked sneer.

"What do you mean by this? Is it difficult for you to shut down Cheng Yu?" Han Xue’s words suddenly made Chen Xinying and Chen Xinya somewhat puzzled.

They don't know that these women are actually Cheng Yu's women, and they only think that just like several other people, they are just Cheng Yu's sisters in the Promise Palace.

Now, if you hear Han Xue’s words, can these women trap Cheng Yu?

"What do you mean? Cheng Yu is our husband~www.ltnovel.com~ We are Cheng Yu's wife, do you think he dares to go with you?" Han Xue smiled proudly.

"What? You are the wife of Cheng Yu?" Han Xue’s words shocked the two women again.

They did not think of this, and did not think that Cheng Yu turned out to be a man with so many beautiful wife. No wonder that when he saw the two of them a few days ago, it seemed that they were completely fascinated by their beauty.

At that time, I only thought that Cheng Yu didn't like women very much, so it is still difficult to confuse him. But they are wrong, this Cheng Yu is not not happy, but there are so many wives who are surrounded by the country, where will they care about their faces?

However, regardless of whether Cheng Yu has so many wives and their fathers gave them the task, they still have to find a way to complete them.

It’s just that their hearts are more doubtful. Is it really important for people like Cheng Yu? A man with so many women, what good man would it be?

I don't know if my father knows this. If he let him know, he would like to push his daughter to such a man.

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