Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2373: Chen Hongyuan's anger!

"Stop!" Although Cheng Yu's several women seem to have nothing to do, but Chen Hongyuan still shouted in the first time.

Regardless of whether Cheng Yu’s woman was injured or not, now they are attacked by Chen’s disciples in the Chen family. For Chen, it is a very rude thing.

At the same time, for the woman of Cheng Yu, it was also treated with extremely unfair treatment. No matter who happens to this matter, I believe that it will not be a happy thing.

Think about it, when he and Xin Ran are in Secular Cheng, their treatment can be as good as Cheng Yu’s master. But now, they came to the Chen family, not only did not receive high-standard treatment, but was besieged by Chen disciples.

This is not a simple fight, but the face of his Chen family, hit his face Chen Hongyuan.

"Two young masters! Miss Seven! You just came, these demon people dare to privately Chen, and they also sneaked into Cui Yunfeng, it must be the purpose of seeing others. And they also killed many of us, the second young master must We must take them down and make this evil for us!" A Chen deacon saw Chen Hongyuan and Chen Xinran coming, and suddenly he was overjoyed, and quickly went forward to complain.

Originally thought that it was not difficult or even easy for them to take so many women.

However, they never imagined that these women were really not awkward, and each person took out a fairy sword. What is even more horrifying is that each of these swords is terrifying, and simplicity is the magic weapon of killing people.

This is because they killed the Chen family and they did not become a soldier. Even the deacons who came to help them suffered a lot. The only good thing is Qin deacon, but even if he is a deacon of Qin, he has left a lot of injuries.


However, everyone thought that if the two young masters came, they would be able to save their face. However, everyone is stunned at this moment.

Because, just now the second young master was slap in the face of the deacon.

"Globe! They are the guests that Chen Hongyuan specially invited. You dare to shoot them. Do you have a few heads for me to cut?" Chen Hongyuan looked angry and shouted.


When I heard the words of the second master, all the people present here were really completely embarrassed. These women turned out to be the guests specially invited by the two young masters?

This is over! Originally, they still wanted to face up in front of the two ladies in Chen's family, but they did not expect that they would offend the second master now, and this is really finished.

"Who is the courage to give you?" Chen Hongyuan obviously has no anger, and he can't just count it.

Cheng Yu has helped him so much, and he is more caring for him. Now they have come to the Chen family, and Cheng Yu has closed their doors, but his woman has been treated unfairly in Chen.

As the host of the Chen family, can he just forget it? Otherwise, where is his face left? What face does he face Cheng Yu and his women?

However, the appearance of Chen Hongyuan’s anger is really frightening everyone present. Even the few deacons were scared and pale.

It’s nice to say that they are the governors of Chen’s family, but such deacons are too many in Chen’s family. As long as you have reached the Mahayana period, you can apply to become a deacon if you are willing.

After becoming a deacon, they basically can't go out and practice. They can only help Chen to handle all kinds of things. However, Chen will issue corresponding resources to these deacons for their cultivation every month.

For those who are not willing to take risks or who are not very talented, they may think that they have been very difficult to go forward. It is also very dangerous to go abroad for this resource. Things.

Because you have reached the Mahayana period and want to get resources through experience, you can only go to those very dangerous places. But this is really dangerous. Even if it is a Mahayana period, it is basically difficult to survive.

Therefore, they feel that it is a very good thing to stay in Chen's home every month to deal with some things and get some resources.

Of course, such people say that there are more and more, to say less and less. After all, many people still hope that they can get the heavens. If they only get a small amount of resources from Chen's home every month, it is not enough to achieve their dreams.

Therefore, the person who really wants to be a deacon is actually not very high.

What's more, who is Chen Hongyuan? That is the second master of the Chen family. Although it is said that the young Master Chen Jia is the person most likely to inherit Chen's family, Chen Hongyuan's chances are still there.

One of these people has dared to offend the second master, and heard the reprimands of the two young masters, all of whom honestly bowed their heads.

However, the two young Chen Jia, who have been soft on the side, Chen Xinying and Chen Xinya are also scared.

Because the incident itself was caused by them, and now that the second brother is angry, they are still very scared. Although everyone is Chen family direct, but the status of Miss Chen Jia compared with the status of the young master, it is very far away.

"What's wrong? It's dumb? Say, who is the trouble?" Chen Hongyuan saw that all of them were bowing their heads and not talking. The anger in his heart was more prosperous. This clearly does not take his own words seriously.

"I don't want to say it? Well, now you are not getting my second master in the eye. Even the guests I invited will dare to fight, come and give me all of them." Legs!" Chen Hongyuan said more and more gas, cold face and shouted loudly.

"Two young masters! Forgiveness, we are also unintentional. We don't know that they are the guests of the Second Master. Or else, give us one hundred thousand courageous people who dare not offend the two young masters?" Those people listened To Chen Hongyuan actually want to abolish one of their legs ~www.ltnovel.com~ Many people directly scared on the ground and begged for mercy.

"So, if they are not the guests of Chen Hongyuan, you can just offend yourself? What do you think of us as a robber? Is it a robber? What are you doing? Give me all of them!" Chen Hongyuan’s opponent Drinking.

"Don't! Don't! This is really not our business. We just saw Miss Two and Miss Wu being bullied and want to help solve the problem!"

"Yeah! Please ask the two young masters to see, we just want to help the two ladies to solve the problem, really do not want to offend the two young masters!"

"Two young masters, please let us go through this time, we are really unintentional!" Seeing the second young master come true, many people are really scared, constantly pleading for mercy, even Chen Xinying and Chen Xinya Come out.

No way, they didn't want to offend the two Miss Chen. But now that it is related to their own safety, they do not want to be abolished.

In order to achieve the current achievements, how much hardship they have paid, how can they be so willing to end?

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