Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2385: The change is sudden!

Time is so day after day, Chen’s everything seems so calm, and there is no difference between Chen’s and Chen’s.

In the cave house of Cuiyunfeng Houshan, there is a golden pagoda floating in the cave, which is constantly shining with golden light. This is the fairy tower of Cheng Yu.

Because Cheng Yu is also in the tower, the magic weapon can only be exposed outside.

At this time, in the eighth layer of the fairy tower, Cheng Yu and several of their brothers and sisters are all in the process of inheriting and practicing. Everyone has their eyes closed, as if they were sleeping.

However, from time to time you can see their faces or brows move. More than twenty days, but no one has woken up.

Everyone has a different kind of light that is flowing. If someone sees such a scene here, I believe no one will be surprised.

Because, as long as they are monks, they can feel that the power in each of them seems to grow extremely rapidly.

Fortunately, they are all in the battle, and the breath on them is not released. Otherwise, those who are weaker than they are here are afraid of being overwhelmed by the strong breath of this stock. It is.

However, at this time, suddenly one person became different from everyone else, because others had a faint blue light.

However, this person suddenly turned from a pale blue light to a greenish glow, while the body exudes a strong sense of life. If ordinary people can smell this life, they will have to live for a few more years.

This person is not someone else, it is Cheng Yu.

However, at this time, Cheng Yu’s heart did not appear to be so calm. Originally he wanted to use the fairy tower to enhance his realm.

Moreover, during the time of entering the fairy tower, everything was fine, Cheng Yu also felt that his strength was particularly fast.

Just now, he thought he was about to break through to the Mahayana period. However, I did not expect that the aura of absorption in his body was not helping him to improve his strength, but he moved to another place.

Yes, it was somewhere else, and it was transferred to his right hand finger.

Suddenly, a green seedling emerged from his right finger. Suddenly, the entire eighth floor of the fairy tower was illuminated by this green light.

Moreover, even more incredible is that this seedling is constantly getting bigger.

It turned out that the aura absorbed by Cheng Yu went all over the seedling and promoted the growth of the seedlings. However, it is even more difficult for Cheng Yu to control. Suddenly, two things have flown from his body. It is the other two dead woods collected by Cheng Yu.

The two dead woods floated in the air like this, and they circled around the seedlings.

Only Cheng Yu’s eyes were still closed at this time, and the whole person was still not awake during the finalization. He also had no way of seeing what was happening in front of him.

However, he can feel a special change in his body, but he has no way to control it at this time.

It seems that everything is changing on its own, Cheng Yu can only bear it quietly in the set. Cheng Yu didn't like this feeling of being uncontrollable, but he couldn't do anything now.

In the next moment, there was something that eclipsed him. The aura he absorbed was transferred, but now he actually finds that his cultivation is constantly declining. This is true. Scared him.

Moreover, this situation is also uncontrollable. He even wants to stop his own practice. This may make the repair stop falling, but he fails, and he has no control over himself.

And when he was nervous, the outer seedlings and the dead wood changed again. The two dead woods suddenly flew directly into the seedlings.

This seedling swallowed the two dead woods!

At this time, the seedlings, which were originally only one foot high, suddenly became three-foot-high saplings.

Cheng Yu’s repairs also stopped falling at this moment, which made Cheng Yu feel relieved. However, in this way, the cultivation results of his more than 20 days have suddenly disappeared.

He had already broken through to the Mahayana period, but now he is back to the beginning. The aura that is equal to these more than twenty days of cultivation and absorption is all swallowed up by this small sapling.

However, before he was disappointed with Cheng Yu, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a powerful force from his right finger.

His cultivation is improving!

However, what Cheng Yu did not think is that this moment, not only Cheng Yu found that his cultivation was rapidly improving, even the repairs of the few brothers and sisters around him were also rising rapidly.

Although several people were settled, they were able to see from the changes in their faces, and they were all very excited at this time. Because they also feel the strange changes in their bodies.


Suddenly a roar of sound in everyone’s mind broke through. In addition to Cheng Yu, five people broke through at the same time.

Because Cheng Yu had been repaired too much before, which led to his not breaking so fast. However, his five brothers and sisters broke through in advance, and their cultivation continued to rise.

They don't know what is going on in the end. For more than 20 days, their repairs have increased, but they are very stable. But now, suddenly, their repairs are so fast that they are rising. This is something they don’t understand at all. www.ltnovel.com~ However, in this case, they are only really in the sky. The pie is down. Because they just thought that only this strange situation appeared, I don't know that other people are the same as themselves, and they all have the same problem.

Each of them is thinking, now they have broken through to the Mahayana period. If they follow this speed, will they continue to break through and reach the middle of the Mahayana?

This is what they expect, because they have heard of Cheng Yu, as long as there is such a skill, they can not wake up in the finalization, they can continue to improve upwards, and even can directly reach the robbery period, even if it is flying up the fairy world. Yes.

They didn't think so far, and it was definitely impossible to always improve. They felt that they could only upgrade one realm.

Just like Xinluo at this time, he will take part in the test in a few days, and this time the test is too important for him. If your own realm can be upgraded to another level, then there will be more advantages in the trial.

Therefore, he has been biting his teeth. Since he has encountered such a rare opportunity in cultivation, he should try hard to grasp it and not let it run away easily.

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