Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2394: Disappointed!

"That is, Chen Jiazhu, you can't let us empty-handedly hunt for the ghosts?" The other family members also think that Feng Gaohua said it makes sense, and they all agree.

Elder Chen Jiada was still very happy after learning about the content of this test. He even thought that this owner was helping them.

After all, for the soul-hunting field, their Chen family is better than anyone else. Of course, although the hunting grounds are not all Chen family wants to enter.

However, Chen Qiuhan is not the first time to go in. He once went into a hunting ground, and at least he has to have more advantages than others.

Moreover, they can also choose two followers, then he naturally wants to choose two powerful masters of the Mahayana for his son.

Everything was ready, but now the people of the four great families have stood up and opposed, which is a disadvantage to them.

"Great elders, what do you think of their demands?" Chen Tianxing listened to the refutation of the four family members, but said to the great elders on the side.

"This..." The elders did not expect Chen Tianxing to ask him directly, and suddenly he was not prepared.

What does this make him say? As Chen Qiuhan's father, he certainly does not want these people to have more chances. Therefore, the demands of these people naturally do not want to agree.

However, now the owner directly asks him if he disagrees, what do others think of themselves?

Moreover, now in the face of these four families, if he does not agree, then the four families will think that it is not Chen Tianxing who disagrees with their request, but that his Chen Jiada elder disagrees, isn’t it? Let him provoke four families?

"Homeowners, since it is a test, it is natural to pay attention to fairness. I think they are not unreasonable. Besides, our Chen family has always acted as fair and just. Now, since it is for the election of Miss Young, it is naturally It must be fair and equitable.

So, I think we should agree with their request! "The elders know that he must be in a state today.

If he favors his son today, he will only bring more trouble to himself and his son. Moreover, when he entered the hunting ground, his son was afraid that he would be attacked by the other four families.

This is not what he hopes to see, so after he has had a lot of inner feelings, he still feels that he should say what everyone is willing to hear.

"Good! Since the elders also think that a few small embarrassing words make sense, then everyone can get a hunting soul bag for everyone who takes the test. This hunting soul bag, as long as it is the ghost below the Mahayana period, can Hunting. What do you think?" Chen Tianxing seems to be very satisfied with the attitude of the elders, so he smiled and said to the people below.

"This hunting soul bag can only hunt the ghost below the Mahayana period. If we encounter a ghost above the Mahayana period, then what do we do?" asked Oriental White.

"This depends on your own skills. Even Chen Qiuhan, he has only such a hunting soul bag. Do you think it is fair now?" Chen Tianxing said.

"If this is the case, then we can barely accept it." The four family members each looked at each other and felt that this method was acceptable.

After all, they are unhappy with Chen Qiuhan, because he is Chen’s family, and now they are going to hunt souls, which is Chen’s strength.

But now everyone can only bring a master of the Mahayana, and only have the same hunting soul bag, then everyone is more balanced.

As a result, Chen Tianxing sent four hunting soul bags to each of the four people, Ji Yang, Feng Gaohua, Oriental Feibai and Jiang Yun.

Although this hunting soul bag can only hunt the ghosts below the Mahayana period, but after the hunting soul bag is in hand, the speed at which they hunt the ghost is still much faster.

At least in their opinion, they really want to hunt for the ghost, not slower than Chen Qiuhan, this is enough.

At this time, they are seeing it, and now the level of strength is not so important. The important thing is whether you have the ability to hunt for the ghost. If you have such a means, even if you are not as good as others, you may not be able to win.

But now Chen Tianxing agrees with their request, but in their hearts, they still feel that Chen is really insidious.

He did this, clearly that he did not want Chen Xinran to marry them. This is helping Chen Qiuhan, but since he does not want Chen Xinran to marry, why did he send such news at the beginning?

However, now they can't manage that much, since Chen does not want them to win these families. Then they just want to win this test, let them carry the stone and lick their own feet.

"Chen Jiazhu, isn't we all supposed to have a hunting soul bag?" Feng Gaohua saw that they had only one hunting soul bag in a family, and they asked.

After all, there are three people in each family. If there is only one hunting soul bag, then it is only too slow for him to hunt the ghost.

"I just said that it is the talents who participated in the test. Although this hunting soul bag is not a heavy treasure, it is also precious. After the end of the test, you are going to return the ghost and the soul bag together. This is also an important item that you use to record your grades.

So I hope that a few small donkeys don't lose the hunting soul bag, otherwise your score is zero! Chen Tianxing looked at the four people.

"If that's the case, then let's start it!" The Eastern White has been too much to wait.

"Several little donkeys don't worry, now there is half an hour from noon, let's wait!" Chen Tianxing said faintly.

Although his face was calm, his heart was very anxious. Because Xinluo has not appeared yet, now there is only half an hour left in the distance test~www.ltnovel.com~If Xinluo does not appear again, then there is really no chance.

Although the people of the four major families still want to say something more, but seeing Chen Tianxing's appearance of closing his eyes, he clearly does not want to talk any more, and they are not looking for any more happiness.

Anyway, their purpose has been reached, and the advantage of Chen Qiuhan has been broken by them. Now everyone is the same, who is afraid of who?

Only the great elders and Chen Qiuhan and other important talents of the Chen family know that Chen Tianxing is doing so clearly waiting for them.

However, even if it is Chen, in fact, not everyone wants Xinluo to appear at this time. Because this also involves their respective interests.

Of course, the most urgent thing here is Chen Xinran. Because the protagonist of this contest is for her, so this contest has to appear here.

On the other side of Cuiyunfeng, Chen Hongyuan is waiting there.

"Why don't you come yet?" Chen Xinran's heart seems to be worried about breaking, but looking at the time, little by little, Xinluo has never appeared!

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