Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2403: Jiang Yun screen!

"Young master, what should I do? This aperture is getting smaller and smaller!" As the aperture continues to get smaller, Chen Qiuhan's two followers become very nervous.

Although they came to hunt for the ghosts, and the more than one hundred ghosts they had wanted to hunt were trapped in this aperture, they did not want to hunt for the ghosts.

What they are most worried about right now is what is going on in this formation? If they can't get out, they don't know what the consequences will be, and there are still ideas to hunt for the ghost.

"We must quickly find the eye of this array of law, otherwise we are afraid that we will be stuck here with these ghosts!" Chen Qiuhan's heart is also very nervous.

However, he is very clear that the situation is even more dangerous, and he has to find a way to rush out.

However, he looked at the Quartet, but he never found out where the array of the formation was.

"Young master, look!" Suddenly, Chen Liang pointed to the side of the ghost, but Chen Qiuhan could not help but shrink.

I saw that this large aperture was constantly shrinking and suddenly shot countless small apertures, all of which shot toward the ghost. As a result, a large number of ghosts were actually circled by these small apertures. Suddenly, those ghosts made screams of sorrow.

"What is this in the end? Is it so powerful?" Chen Qiuhan said with a shock.

"Young master, this seems to be a very powerful lock soul!" Chen Cai said.

"Lock the soul array? Then it will threaten us?" Chen Qiuhan felt a little worried.

He does not want to be surrounded by this inexplicable aperture, even if this formation is specifically for the ghost.

"Young Master, I don't know this. Although it is a lock-up array, we don't know who the layout is. What is the strength of this law? Whether it is aimed at humans, we don't know, so it is difficult. Determine whether this array is a threat to us!" Chen Cai shook his head and said helplessly.

"Then you have a way to rush out of this array?" Chen Qiuhan asked some expectations.

"This... unless you find the array of this method, and then break it, otherwise we are afraid that it will not go out!" Chen Cai said with a bitter face.

"Waste, this does not know, I don't know, what do I want you to use?" Chen Qiuhan saw that the two followers couldn't help at all, and the anger in his heart came up.

However, the two followers angered Chen Qiuhan, and they could only be wronged. They don't want to be trapped here, but there are so many things they don't know at the end of the day, they can't know everything.

They can see from the situation they are now that this is a lock soul array. It is already very good. If you want to escape from this array, what is so simple?

"Young master, according to me, the opportunity is rare, we are better to give these ghosts first?" Chen Liang said.

"It's all this time, what kind of ghosts are still collected? We can't think of a way, we all have to die here!" Chen Qiuhan was originally irritated, and now there is still a mood to manage those ghosts?

"Young master, Chen Liang said yes, we may be suitable to hunt for the ghost at this time. First, these ghosts are obviously trapped by this array, and those small apertures bind them, and they want to hunt them. It's easy.

Furthermore, we don't know how this array will suddenly appear here, but I think this arrangement is definitely here to hunt the ghost.

If we hold these ghosts in our hands, the arrangers of this array will definitely show up. In this case, we have taken the initiative. At least they want to get these ghosts, we must ensure our safety, but also let us out! Chen Cai said.

"Is this really okay?" Chen Qiuhan suddenly ignited some hope.

"In our current situation, we can only try this way." Chen Cai is not completely sure, but it is better than nothing trapped in it.

"Okay! Then we will hunt all these ghosts first!" Chen Qiuhan also felt that when he was not sitting still, he had to make some action.

If the people who arranged this array were in the vicinity and saw that they had hunt all the ghosts they had trapped, they would be anxious. In this case, they don't even want to let them go out!

However, just as they were preparing to shoot out those ghosts, suddenly a hunting soul bag appeared outside the array, and they immediately took away the ghosts that were bound by the small aperture, leaving some more powerful. The ghost is trapped in it.

"Hunting the soul bag? Who is it?" When I saw the hunting soul bag, Chen Qiuhan suddenly understood who the arranger of this array was, and must be one of the people who participated in the test.

"Chen Qiuhan, long time gone!" Suddenly, a voice rang in the ears of Chen Qiuhan.

"Who? Who?" Chen Qiuhan looked around, but did not see the figure.

"Young master, there!" Chen Liang shouted at the northeast.

"Jiang Yun screen!?" Chen Qiuhan looked at the place pointed by Chen Liang, and sure enough, there are three figures, it is Jiang Jiang's Jiang Yun curtain and his two followers.

"It is Jiang!" Jiang Yun said with a smile.

"Jiang Yun curtain, let us go out!" Chen Qiuhan angered.

"Haha, I can't do it!"

"Why?" Chen Qiuhan was anxious and angry.

There is no way for him to rush out, or else he will see the appearance of Jiang Yun’s curtain so well, he has already started to work for him.

"Now is not the time, wait for me to collect all the ghosts in this battle, and then let you out!" Jiang Yun curtain smiled.

"Git, you catch your ghost, why should you trap me inside?" Chen Qiuhan roared.

"Chen Qiuhan, this is what I want to ask you. I have arranged the array here~www.ltnovel.com~ It was originally for hunting these ghosts. It is your own intrusion into my formation. I did not say If you destroy my plan, it is already polite to you. You don't want to know what to do. Otherwise, I will keep you stuck in the formation until the end of the test!" Jiang Yun said faintly.

"You..." Chen Qiuhan was angry and angry, but he was afraid that Jiang Yunsha would have been trapping them until the end of the test, which would be a big loss.

"Young master, this guy is so arrogant, it is simply not to put the young master in your eyes, we are not as good as never stop, directly to those ghouls to receive, see how he does!" Chen Liang is also very upset, so Said softly to Chen Qiuhan.

"Good! This guy is too arrogant, we will accept those ghouls! See how he can treat me!" Chen Qiuhan was not familiar with the arrogance of Jiang Yun's curtain, if he was so in front of him Then, how can he go out to meet people later?

So, Chen Qiuhan three people moved again, rushing toward the remaining ghosts inside!

"Oh! It really is toasting, not eating and drinking, since you are so ignorant, then don't blame me for being unkind!" Jiang Yunmen saw these people rushing toward the ghost, knowing that these people are screaming The abacus, and can not care so much, once again led the formation!

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