Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2416: Resolve!

“Ji Jia and Chen Jia also invited you to join?” The East was shocked.

"That is natural, even you can see my identity, do you think Chen Jia and Ji Jia will not see it?" Cheng Yu said.

"Then you joined the Chen family or the Ji family?" asked the Oriental Flying White.

Chen’s strength is not as good as that of the Eastern family. If Cheng Yu joined Chen’s family, it would not be enough. However, the Ji family is different. The Ji family has always been at the forefront of the nine major families, but its strength is quite good.

If Cheng Yu joined the Ji family, it would be really a hassle. Moreover, the strength of the Ji family is already strong. If there is another senior alchemist who can release the visible flame, I am afraid that the strength will be stronger in the future. This is not good for the Eastern family.

"Do you still ask? I naturally joined the two families!" Cheng Yu said with disapproval.

"What? Two families have joined? How is this possible? You lied to me!" The first reaction of Oriental Feibai was that Cheng Yu was lying.

How can a person join two families at the same time, and even if Cheng Yu is willing, those families will certainly not be willing.

"Why should I lie to you? Chen Hong's Chen Hongyuan and Ji's Ji Yun are my brothers. I don't want to join any family. I can only join two!" Cheng Yu said helplessly.

The Oriental Flying White stared at Cheng Yu. His heart was still skeptical, but when he thought that Chen Hongyuan had appeared with them, he believed in his heart.

Just like this, what about Chen Jia and Ji Jia? What cooperation did they achieve between the two families? If this is the case, then Chen is afraid to rise.

Thinking of this, the mind of the East has become somewhat complicated.

"Since you have joined two families, then there is nothing wrong with joining our Eastern family. What do you say?" Oriental Flying White is also a smart person.

He can see the value of Cheng Yu, and he can also hear some meaning from Cheng Yu's words. Chen Jiahe and Ji Jia may change the relationship between Chen Jia and Ji Jia because of the appearance of Cheng Yu.

If their Eastern family can also absorb Cheng Yu, does that mean that their Eastern family can also maintain a closer relationship with Ji family?

"The matter of joining the Eastern family is still to be said later. The most important thing now is that my brother must win this test, so you still have to hand over the ghost." Cheng Yu said.

If you can get an opponent without standing up, it is naturally the most cost-effective. He has already enemies with the Stuart family, and he does not want to avenge more family.

It’s just this time to participate in the test and deal with the people of the four major families, more or less will offend several families. But if you can offend one less, it is also a good choice.

The oriental flying white face was heavy, and Cheng Yu’s words made him difficult.

Let him surrender the ghost, which obviously touched his bottom line. After all, he also came to represent the expectations of his family. If he loses in this test, he is afraid that the status and identity of the family will also plummet.

However, Cheng Yu is a senior alchemy teacher. If he can really convince Cheng Yu to join the Eastern family, then the situation may not be so bad.

You know, they have never seen a senior alchemist who can release a visible fire. According to records, the senior alchemists with tangible Danhuo may even refine the immortals, but these normal high-level alchemists have no way to do it.

Moreover, it is now the sixth day, but the number of ghosts in his hand is only a dozen. According to this situation, it is actually impossible for him to win this contest.

Instead of doing this, it is better to be a good person directly and sell it to Cheng Yu. At that time, it may be possible to get more benefits from Cheng Yu.

Therefore, the East is white and silent, he is hesitant, whether he wants to compromise with Cheng Yu. In addition, Cheng Yu's strength is also to make him invisible. His realm is really only the beginning of Mahayana, but why does he feel like he is impossible to overcome?

Is this also the advantage of a senior alchemist?

"Okay! I promise you, give the ghost to you!" Suddenly, the East Flying White seemed to figure everything out, and looked up and said.

"Young Master!" Oriental and Oriental Wu saw that the Oriental Flying White actually had to hand over the ghosts, and suddenly he was in a hurry.

"Don't say it, if you have the ability to knock him down, I will fall into this field again?" The East flew away and looked at the two.

The eyes of both of them were full of shame, and suddenly they bowed their heads and dared not say more.

It’s really shameful to say this. They haven’t even walked through Cheng Yu’s hand, and their hearts are really unwilling.

They even suspected that Cheng Yu had just shot, but they did feel a powerful force, and they were also hit by this powerful force.

Oriental Feibai honestly handed his own hunting soul bag to Cheng Yu.

"Only this is the point?" Cheng Yu took the hunting soul bag and looked inside. He couldn't believe it.

There are only a dozen ghosts inside, and the strongest one is the beginning of a great Mahayana. Is this too little?

He stared at the East and white, this kid should not be like them, there is more than one hunting soul bag.

"There is only such a point. We haven’t encountered the ghosts in so many days. I came across some of them when I came in. Unfortunately, they were robbed by the Fengjia Gaojiahua. These dozens are these days. The harvest!” The Oriental Flying White saw Cheng Yu’s suspicion, and he really wanted to go to the ground.

He felt that his face was a little red, and at the same time, he felt very embarrassed~www.ltnovel.com~ Just now he still said that he couldn’t look down on Cheng Yu, but the number of ghosts on his body was not as good as that of Cheng Yu.

"Okay! I will believe you for the time being, let's go!" Cheng Yu did not say anything more.

He looked at it, the kind of shame and shame in the eyes of the East, which is not like the eyes of a lying person.

"Then you joined us in the family of the East?" Oriental Flying White is now the most concerned about this matter.

It is impossible for him to win the test, but he can't completely lose it. If you can persuade Cheng Yu to join the Eastern family, then he will not return without any credit.

"I will talk about it later, and I think you should have no power to let me join your Eastern family!" Cheng Yu said.

"Really, but I can go back and discuss with me. As long as I tell you about your situation, he will invite you to join our Eastern family!" said the Oriental Flying White.

"I think you should not say this for the time being. I think we are not at least an enemy now. This is already a good thing. What do you say?" Cheng Yu frowned.

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