Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2428: It is really going to suffer!

For the remaining four days, Cheng Yu and Xin Luo took the ghost haunting map and looked for the ghost again.

Although they already have nearly nine hundred ghosts on their hands, no one is sure if there will be an accident. In particular, they have always felt that Chen Qiuhan’s threat to them is the biggest.

However, what they don't know is that Chen Qiuhan really wants to die at this time.

Since he was robbed of the ghost by Jiang Yunmiao and Ji Yang, he was afraid to meet other people again, so he always tried to avoid meeting other people.

Moreover, because of the presence of the ghosts on the map, their harvest is indeed quite a lot. This also makes Chen Qiuhan's heart bulge again.

Even if he was robbed of the ghost twice, how many days later, he still did not have more than 600 ghosts. It was only once yesterday that he found a group of more than 400 ghosts. This is what makes Chen Qiuhan happy.

Although the ghosts escaped some in the end, there are still more than 400 ghosts in his pocket. All of a sudden, the number of his ghosts was enriched again.

With so many ghosts in your hand, it is natural to be content with your heart.

"Jiang Yun screen, Ji Yang, let's walk. I have been robbed by you, but it is only a small head, I will let you know that even if you grab more, it is impossible to surpass my ghost!" With so many ghosts, Chen Qiuhan has already felt that he has to win the test.

In his view, it is absolutely impossible to find a large number of ghosts in such a short period of time without the map of the ghosts.

Therefore, this advantage is that all other people who participated in the test have no way to compare with them. As long as he no longer meets other people and is taken away by other people, then the final winner is undoubtedly his Chen Qiuhan.

"Young master, only two days, this time we are winning!" Several people these days in order to find the ghost, but also sleepless.

Although it is said that they are in this realm, even if they do not rest for a few days, it does not matter. But energy can't always be as abundant as usual.

It’s only two days now, and there are more than 600 ghosts in their hands. They feel that they are already winning the game, and finally they can sit down and have a good rest.

"Hey! Two days later, I will let Jiang Yunmu and Ji Yang know who is the final winner!" Chen Qiu said with a cold face.

Although there are not many ghosts that Jiang Yunmen and Jiyang snatched away, it is always a shame for him in his heart. If there is an opportunity, he will definitely find a way to take revenge.

However, the most important thing is to try it. As long as two days later, when the test is over, he will be able to see the two people who are eating Jiang Yun and Ji Yang.

If you let them know, even if they robbed their own ghosts, but in the end there is no more than their own ghosts, that kind of mood will also make them feel like eating flies.

Thinking of this, Chen Qiuhan is hoping that the time in these two days will be faster. He will see Jiang Yun and Ji Yang both surprised and unwilling.

"Young master, only two days left, we still find a few more ghosts. Although we now have more than 600 ghosts, but no one knows if they can find so much.

In particular, these people are very strong. If someone can grab all the ghosts in their hands, then we have more than 600 ghosts! Chen Cai said.

"How is this possible? None of these people except the Promise Palace are simple people. But in turn, the stronger their strength, the harder they are to succeed, who can grab the ghosts of other people's hands. What?” Chen Liang shook his head.

He felt that the situation that Chen Cai said was basically impossible. The young masters of the four families were very strong. They wanted to steal the ghosts by one person, unless the person was stronger than the other three families. Powerful and talented, this is simply a very difficult thing.

"Well, Chen Liang said that it makes sense, and this hunting ground is so big. Even if there are such characters in them who can grab the ghosts of other people's hands, he is afraid that they may not have the chance to meet everyone. So they want It’s really unlikely that the ghosts of other people will be grabbed.” Chen Qiuhan also said.

These days, in order to find more ghosts, they have spent a lot of energy. Especially in the battle of yesterday, in order to put more than 400 ghosts in the bag, it was a big fight last night and finally basically hunted most of the ghosts.

Now they are very tired, and only two days, even if they encounter a lot of ghosts, they may not be able to catch them.

"Young Master, before the results are released, a lot of incredible things are possible. Just like the young master, others are afraid that they would not think that we would have three hunting soul bags, and we would not think that we still have There is a map of the haunted haunt.

On the contrary, what secrets are in the hands of others is something we can't think of. So we can't look down on anyone. If someone really can grab the ghost of everyone, then isn't the young master missing the victory?

The young master does not want to thank the young lady back to others? Only two days, why don't we stick to it? Chen Cai said seriously.

There is never a 100% thing in this world. Before the end of the test, he thinks that any unexpected situation can happen.

"There is some truth to what you said. If you don't fear 10,000, you will be afraid of it. Even if they don't have a map of ghosts, their luck is good enough. Like us yesterday, I met hundreds of ghosts at once, then I It can be a big loss.

No, we have to find a few more ghosts. When I heard Chen Cai’s words, Chen Qiuhan suddenly felt a spirit in his heart. It really made him say that he went to the heart of the camp~www.ltnovel.com~ As long as he insisted for two more days, he might be able to marry Chen Xinran as he wished, and then double-flying. He didn't want the flesh of the last hand to fly, but it was really a pity.

For him, there may be a lot of more than 600 ghosts, but sometimes you can meet hundreds of ghosts at a time. If you think about it, more than 600 ghosts don’t seem to be a lot. If you are lucky, you can meet them twice. Arrived.

Therefore, he really can't relax, and he must stick to it in the last two days.

"Young Master, among those who participated in the test, only those who have the Promise Palace are the weakest. If we can meet them, maybe we can make a fortune!" Chen Liang suddenly thought of a simpler method. .

"You are right, it’s just that the hunting ground is so big. The chances of meeting them are too small. And there are so many people in it. If we meet someone else, we are afraid that we will suffer again!" His mind was a little scared when he thought of the scene of being robbed of the ghost two times before.

"You are right, you really have to suffer!" At this time, suddenly a voice emerged from the back of Chen Qiuhan, and they scared Chen Qiuhan!

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